Cid : Le Cid tragicomedy by Corneille, considered by many as the beginning of modern French drama. The probable date of its first performance is 1637.
... the CID man had been actually present on duty, I do not think he would have achieved much. The only thing he would have learnt would be that on that particular evening, Sri Aurobindo on coming out of the house had instead of returning home to College Square left for an unknown destination through the mazes Page 137 of a particular locality. It may be that if the Calcutta CID had... procession of four, apparently disjoined but linked together by subtle bonds, went along a northerly route. As long as Sri Aurobindo remained in that house it used to be watched by the men of the CID. Just a few days ago, simply in order to escape the attentions of the police officials, our séances of automatic writing had had to be removed from a room overlooking the lane to an inner apartment... of course had to yawn half a dozen times and rub their eyes and then roll down the stage. Whether in like manner the gods had on this occasion sent the goddess of drink to seize the throat of the CID man, or whether the man had gone somewhere for some fresh air or anything more solid I do not know. Or perhaps the man had been used to temper his sense of duty by his cleverness and skill all these ...
... reply except that the woman was insistent and I could not help it. She said: "Such a thing has never happened here all these years. This is the first time it occurred." Afterwards she phoned to the CID—Criminal Investigation Department. I was perilously close to tears, but managed to hold them back. The nauseating sensation of deep unease returned acutely as I went back to my room. Each second that... intense than ever. I knew that when everything in my life failed me I should bear in my mind that the Mother loved me and that love would save me from all evils. At about 11.30 a.m. a man from the CID came over and asked me several questions. I endeavoured to maintain my calm as I answered him, but my nerves were frazzled. Besides, I showed him my photograph with Aunt Margaret in which I had worn... Street. He must have visited the library at the British Museum—the greatest, oldest and finest library in the British Commonwealth. The lady in charge at the YWCA informed me that the man from the CID could not locate either the locket or the woman. She gave me the refund and wished me good luck. ...
... accomplished the wide enjoyments (or, longings) of mortals and worked as aspirers for the increase of the higher being"; ā yūtheva kṣumati paśvo akhyad, devānāṁ yaj janimā anti ugra; martānāṁ cid urvaśīr akṛpran, vṛdhe cid arya uparasya āyoḥ . Evidently, this is a repetition in other language of the double idea of possessing the riches of Diti, yet safeguarding Aditi. "We have done the work for thee, we have ...
... so that he may grow in the light. But not only the fires of the Will are at work to transform the lower consciousness. The Sun of Truth yokes also his lustrous coursers and is in movement; sūraś cid aśvān yuyujāna īyate . The Ashwins too take knowledge for the human consciousness of all the paths of its progress so that it may effect a complete, harmonious and many-sided movement. This movement ...
... poets had. Shelley's Cenci is a remarkable feat of dramatic construction and poetic imagination, but it has no organic life like the work of the Elizabethans or the Greeks or like such dramas as the Cid or Racine's tragedies. 7 February 1935 With regard to Keats, is it not rather difficult to deny a great poet a possibility when his whole ambition is set towards acquiring it? If we didn't have ...
... pinvamānā, mahī dasmasya mātarā samīcī. 8) Babhrāṇaḥ sūno sahaso vyadyaud, dadhānaḥ śukrā rabhasā vapūṁṣi; Ścotanti dhārā madhuno ghṛtasya, vṛṣā yatra vāvṛdhe kāvyena. 9) Pituś cid ūdhar januṣā viveda, vyasya dhārā asṛjad vi dhenāḥ; Guhā carantaṁ sakhibhiḥ śivebhir, divo yahvībhir na guhā babhūva. 10) Pituś ca garbhaṁ janituś ca babhre, pūrvīr eko adhayat pīpyānāḥ; ...
... read out from works of Molière, Racine, Corneille, Anatole France. She enjoyed reading Révolte des Anges by Anatole France and Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand. She also read Andromaque , Le Cid , Les Femmes Savantes and other such works. We would just sit and listen entranced. I remember an incident now. The Mother asked me to go to the board to write something. I started writing. When ...
... drinking of the honeyed well and their outpouring of the divine waters amounts to the revelation to man of new worlds or new states of existence is clearly told us in the next verse, II.24.5, sanā tā kā cid bhuvanā bhavītvā, mādbhiḥ śaradbhir duro varanta vaḥ; ayatantā carato anyad anyad id, yā cakāra vayunā brahmaṇaspatiḥ , "Certain eternal worlds (states of existence) are these which have to come into ...
... Comedy in several dimensions and many voices", 50 an evolving epic of a cosmos still in a process of becoming. "It is as though", writes Roy Harvey Pearce, "Odysseus, or Aeneas, or Beowulf, or Mio Cid, or even Dante, under the persona of Adam (in whose fall/we sinned all) had been compelled, out of some dark necessity, to write his own history, and in writing it, to make it." 51 The Cantos ...
... and these were presumed to be the ideals of all reasonable men of all ages. Pierre Corneille (1606-84) was the father of French classical tragedy. In 1636 he had written Le Page 210 Cid, the first of his powerful dramas that glorified will power and the striving for perfection. Corneille was still writing when Louis XIV began his personal reign, but he was soon eclipsed by. his brilliant ...
... daily walk round and round the courtyard from about five in the afternoon till the other inmates returned from their playground at about eight or eight-thirty in the evening." The police and the CID who kept a watchful eye on the Swadeshis commented on the games played by the Bengalis. "His Bengalis spend their time in a reading room and are apparently shining lights at the local games clubs, football ...
... respects. Sri Aurobindo did not refuse, he was given the permission. The gentleman arrived with a huge bouquet by way of a present and had the darsan." But it was WS Iyer who drew the British CID's anger to himself, as he had proved to be too clever to land in their net. His activities in Pondicherry made the spies gnash their teeth in impotent rage. For, it was alleged that WS had trained Vanchi ...
... mouvements de ma vie, chaque cellule de mon corps, chaque goutte de mon sang. Je suis tienne, absolument, int é gralement tienne, tienne sans r é serve. Ce que tu voudras de moi, je Ie serai. Que tu d é cides ma vie ou ma mort, mon bonheur ou ma peine, mon plaisir ou ma souffrance, tout ce qui me viendra de toi sera Ie bienvenu. Chacun de tes dons sera toujours pour moi un don divin apportant avec lui ...