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Conquest of Happiness : book by Bertrand Russell.

4 result/s found for Conquest of Happiness

... fair, but I suppose you will be able to piece my alterations together. I have not forgotten Russell 1 but I have neglected him, __________________________ 1. B. Russell, The Conquest of Happiness (Alien & Unwin, London, 1930), p. 160: "We are all prone to the malady of the introvert, who, with the manifold spectacle of the world spread out before him, turns away and gazes upon the emptiness ...

... for the Russellian type of rationalism, as, for example, when he wrote to me soon after I came to the Ashram:* _________________ * I invited his comment on Russell's remark in his 'Conquest of Happiness': Page 23 "Dilip, I have not forgotten Russell, but I have neglected him first, for want of time; second, because for the moment I have mislaid your letter; third, because of ...


... Les dieux ont soif (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1965), p. 146.—Ed. × Bertrand Russell , The Conquest of Happiness (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1943), p. 160. × In Yoga it is the valuing of external ...


... level, search for pleasure, egoistic or altruistic, gives way to a search for higher ideals like knowledge and character. Hedonism itself tends to be modified, and as in Bertrand Russell's "Conquest of Happiness", 45 adequate and significant space is given to the development of impersonal pursuits, and of cultivation of faculties. Hedonistic utilitarianism begins to be over- passed by what has come ...