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Constable : John (1776-1837), English painter; famous for his landscapes.

31 result/s found for Constable

... murder and sudden death and naturally found that nothing of the kind had happened. It is clear that we need a special liturgy for India. "From Denzil Ibbetson and deportation, from the stick of the Constable and the gun of the Gurkha, from sunstroke and the Civil and Military Gazette , from Pax Britannica and the Nawab of Dacca, from Sir Henry Cotton and Mr. Rees, from Fuller, Morley and Shillong Hare ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... trial of men stretched on their sick-bed in the court room. Our latest telegram from Rawalpindi says that on the 16th Lala Hansraj was shaking with fever and ague on a string cot borrowed from a constable. The internal pain was so intense that tears ran down his cheeks though he tried to be firm and cheerful and pretended that something had fallen into his eyes. Page 645 We need not multiply ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Those two young De Lavals were come, now, and were joined to the Grand Staff. Which was well; war being their proper trade, for they were grandsons of that illustrious fighter Bertrand du Guesclin, Constable of France in earlier days. Louis de Bourbon, the Marshal de Rais, and the Vidame de Chartres were added also. We had a right to feel a little uneasy, for we knew that a force of five thousand men ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Joan of Arc

... alms into the hands of couriers who were in the guise of beggars seated outside the Tiruvottriyur temple…. This stealth became necessary because his house was under police surveillance — a constable in mufti was always sitting on the thinnai. " ["A Mission to Tiruvottriyur", Cdr. R. Ganapati (Retd), Madras Musings , March 16-31, 2009.] [15] Record of ...

... Finally, once it continued up to midnight. The stones fell, making a big noise, on the kitchen roof, the courtyard and elsewhere. We had to inform the police. The police came. Suddenly, while a constable was looking carefully around the place a stone shot out from between his legs. Frightened out of his wits, the poor man ran for his life. So then we began to examine the problem ourselves. We searched ...

... Sri Aurobindo was put under arrest, after he had read the search warrant and signed it. Under instructions from Craegan, Sri Aurobindo was handcuffed and a rope was tied round his midriff, and a constable stood behind holding the rope; but about half an hour later, these wanton indignities were removed. Abinash Bhattacharya and Sailen Bose were also put under arrest, and (as Sri Aurobindo recorded ...

... dismissed cook by name Vattal sought the help of a magician-fakir who used a boy servant in Sri Aurobindo's house as medium and caused stones to fall promiscuously, and even inside closed rooms. A police constable who came to investigate was himself hit by one of the mysterious stones, and fled in panic. Presently the missiles began to hit the boy servant and make him bleed. The Mother with her occult knowledge ...

... sons were fallen, abject, cringing to a foreign hand. To quote Sri Aurobindo, "A people emasculated, kept ignorant, out of the world's life, poor, intimidated, abjectly under the thumb of the police constable or the provincial prefect.... The nation which has passed through a century of such a misgovernment must necessarily have degenerated. The bureaucracy has taken care to destroy every centre of strength ...

... know Page 826 You are my guide to heaven. BRIGIDA O you have come? I take this kindly of you, Señor. Tell me, Were you not hiding when I came up to you? What was it, Sir? A constable or perhaps A creditor? For to be dashed by a weak girl I know you are too bold. What did you say? I did not hear you. We are there, my lord. Now quietly, if you love her, your sweet lady. ( ...


... the contrast with sorrow rather than with anger. But if we were publicly to mention these matters, might not our feelings and even our motives be misunderstood? Might it not even happen that Police-Constable Andrew would run us in, under his new-old powers for sedition? And how could a loyal Press expose itself to such misunderstanding? The Empire will surely agree with us, on reflection, that silence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... meeting being held, still less to their being inconvenienced or stopped in their avocations by any action or threatened action on the part of the defendants. But on the ipse dixit of the complaining constable the defendants were found guilty and bound over to keep the peace. The defendants themselves denied the meeting and alleged that they took no part in politics and were guiltless of any religious objection ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... police, an army of spies, a mercenary military force officered by Englishmen, a people emasculated, kept ignorant, out of the world's life, poor, intimidated, abjectly under the thumb of the police constable or the provincial prefect. Such a principle of rule cannot endure. It contradicts the law of God and offends the reason of man; it is as unprofitable as it is selfish and heartless. The nation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the Chinese and Japanese painters are not the same as those of European artists; but who can ignore the beauty and the wonder of their work? I dare say Mr. Archer would set Page 296 a Constable or a Turner above the whole mass of Far Eastern work, as I myself, if I had to make a choice, would take a Chinese or Japanese landscape or other magic transmutation of Nature in preference to all ...


... picked up any Bengali, Gujarati or Hindi? Something strange!) Usually it was an “Enna Thambi”, a sort of “Hello, Brother” in Tamil, for his work was to do much with the working class, the police constable or a young officer or clerk — all were Thambis. Kameshwar was a passepartout, it was a natural spillover of his general comportment. He could walk into any office or even many homes of those who ...


... but also contributed £80,000 towards the cost of the building. We were delighted to see masterpieces—especially the paintings of Joshua Reynolds, William Blake, William Turner, Auguste Renoir, Constable, Wilson, Sargent and Sickert. I was impressed by the painting Heads of Angels by Reynolds. As a matter of fact, he had painted his daughter in different poses. I told Ramesh, pointing to that painting: ...


... therein expresses himself. The self that he thus expresses is a bundle of inherited tendencies that came the man himself can never entirely know whence."—Havelock Ellis , The Dance of Life (London: Constable, 1923), p. 175 . × The Bengali writer Buddhadev Bose remarked that great literature could not be ...


... absence of a body warrant, I was arrested. But I did not raise any useless objections. Afterwards, under instructions from Cregan my arms were handcuffed, and a rope tied round my waist. An upcountry constable stood behind me holding the rope end. Just then the police brought in Shrijut Abinash Bhattacharjee and Shrijut Sailen Bose, handcuffed and roped round the midriff. Nearly half an hour later, I do ...


... that the appearance of the police army was in connection with the Muzaffarpore murder.... Immediately, at Craegan's order I was handcuffed and a cord of rope was tied round my waist, and a Hindu constable stood behind me holding the rope.... Craegan asked me: 'You are a graduate, aren't you? Isn't it shameful for an educated man like you to sleep on the floor of such a bare room in such a poky house ...

... look at the stand taken by Lord Morley "when he was plain Mr. Morley." "In an address to Englishmen," said the editorial, "Morley cited the case of an Irishman convicted on the evidence of a police constable, a short-hand writer who did not know short hand! At the end he asked his Page 203 English audience, 'Would you endure to be under exceptional repressive legislation of this kind ...

... 463 Creagan seemed to think that he had entered the lair of some ferocious animal. "I was, by the Superintendent's orders, handcuffed, and a rope was tied round my waist. A Hindustani constable stood behind me holding the rope end." The search which had begun at 5:30 in the morning went on till 11:30. When they finally came out of the house Sri Aurobindo found his Na-Meso, K. K. Mitra ...

... became known to the Classical writers, it is clear that in their society four main classes had developed ... : the intelligentsia, the warriors, ' The Druids, by Peter Beresford Ellis (Constable, London, 1995). 2 P. 42. Page 363 the producers of goods and the menial workers. These classes paralleled the Hindu ones of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudra." 1 ...

... Five inspectors and around twenty constables, all belonging to the C.I., surround Mr. Aiyar's house and follow him wherever he goes; I am told there are in Pondicherry town up to two hundred constables. Mr Ayar, in alarm, met the Governor of Pondicherry, who assured him that no decision would be made without thorough investigation. "However, the constables, scattered all over the town, spread... Tinneveli affair is hidden in Pondicherry at Mr. Aiyar's. I understand that all these allegations are false "Those are, Sir, extremely serious facts: the presence of a large number of British constables in Pondicherry would be dangerous not only for the Swadeshis who sought asylum from the French Republic, but for the security of the town, where they may instigate unrest." Page 239 ...

... ferocious energy of the bureaucracy. Compare again the action in Bengal itself. A rumour is spread that the Hindus would attack the Mahomedan piece-goods shops in Comilla; at once Mr. Lees posts constables and himself stands on guard over the bazaar. A rumour is spread that the Jamalpur accused are coming up with an army of volunteers and the Gurkhas are out to receive them on the station. Compare... Compare this with the action against Mahomedan riot. "Armed police have been sent only after the occurrence. The authorities are taking no preventive measures. The Magistrate is sending Gurkhas and constables after everything has been finished." This phenomenon has been more than once repeated. "All shops at Bakshiganj, Mymensingh, have been looted and papers destroyed. The Image of Kali has been broken to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... and peaceful Indians." Worldwide the courteous ways of the police are legendary. The Calcutta police were no exceptions to the average policemen. "An English policeman accompanied by several constables came and showed my father a search warrant," says Sukumar. "I asked the English officer, 'Why do you want to search the house?' He replied, 'We want the Karmayogin magazines.' I then said, ' If ...

... Hindus; they merely "strike" a man or two in playful sort. Under the circumstances it is surely the leaders of the Hindu community who should have been enlisted "to keep the peace"—say, as special constables. However, in the end, the reinforcements arrived and the Commissioner busied himself in the fatherly British way, "inquiring personally into all allegations and endeavouring to bring the leaders ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... thrown too in other places, e.g. the outer verandah. At first we took it for a human-made affair and sent for the police, but the investigation lasted only for a very short time; when one of the constables in the verandah got a stone whizzing unaccountably between his legs, the police abandoned the case in a panic. We made our own investigations, but the places whence the stones seemed to be or might ...

... space by the roadside. Many had left, but about a hundred – I was among that number – squatted down. The police sub-inspector Raicharan arrived on the scene with a mighty mien, accompanied by a few constables. As he kept on touching each of us on the head by turns, he muttered in his inimitable English, "You arrest, you arrest." We were taken to the Magistrate's bungalow, and as the day drew to a close ...

... detective from Calcutta came here this morning with instructions from the authorities and assisted by District Superintendent of Police, Inspector Bhowani Charan Nandi and a posse of Sub-Inspectors and Constables surrounded the house of Prasanna Kumar Sarkar, Hospital Assistant, at 7 a.m., in connection with the Muzaffarpur Bomb Outrage Case. Every nook and corner of his house was ransacked but nothing was ...

... too in other places, for example the outer verandah. At first we took it for a human-made affair and sent for the police, but the investigation lasted only for a very short time, when one of the constables in the verandah got a stone whizzing unaccountably between his legs, the police abandoned the case in a panic. We made our own investigations, but the places whence the stones seemed to be or ...

... other places as well: for example, the outer verandah. At first we took it for a human-made affair and sent for the police, but the investigation lasted only for a short time and when one of the constables in the verandah got a stone whizzing unaccountably between his two legs, the police abandoned the case in a panic. We made our own investigations, but the places whence the stones seemed to be ...

... other places as well: for example, the outer verandah. At first we took it for a human-made affair and sent for the police, but the investi­gation lasted only for a short time and when one of the constables in the verandah got a stone whizzing unaccountably between his two legs, the police abandoned the case in a panic. We made our own investigations, but the places whence the stones seemed to be or ...