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Convention & Revolt in Poetry : by Livingstone Lowes
... poetic intelligence. 1 November 1936 Early Twentieth-Century English Poetry About modern English poetry of the early part of this century Livingston Lowes, writing in 1918, remarks in his Convention and Revolt in Poetry: "That which does allure it in the East is an amazing tininess and finesse—the delicacy, that is to say, and the deftness, and the crystalline quality of the verse of China... On His Own and Others' Poetry On His Own and Others' Poetry On Poets and Poetry Letters on Poetry and Art Twentieth-Century Poetry Georgian Poetry The stanzas are not quite successful. [ Certain lines ] have too much a stamp of what I think was called Georgian poetry—though I suppose it would more properly be called late-Victorian-Edwardian-early-Georgian... miraculously perfect. A. E. The substance of A. E.'s poetry is always very good—he is one of the two or three whose poetry comes nearest to spiritual knowledge and experience. He has too a very fine and subtle perception of things—a little more vital élan (of which he seems to have had abundance in his life but not so much in his poetry) and he would have been not only a fine but a very great ...
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