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Cortes : Hernan or Hernando Cortez (1485-1547), Spanish conquistador; he captured Mexico for Spain, obliterating an ancient & far more cultured civilisation.
... "genuine self" was elsewhere than in devotion to the historical Christ-figure. It was only afterwards that his religious l. Quoted from Vie Heart of Matter [Le Coeur de la Matiere) in Nicolas Corte's Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: His life and Spirit, translated from the French by Martin Jarrett-Kerr (Barrie & Rockliff, London, 1960), pp. 4-5. Page 14 being became Christocentric... conversation (12 July 1950) - he already had a 'general cosmic sense (the consistency of the whole}'. And later the cosmic came to be concentrated in the human, in the Christly." 14. Quoted by Corte, op. cit., p .3. Page 21 ...
... various degrees of concentration) the totality of the phenomenon." 25 Yes, it is Teilhard's doctrine that life is ubiquitous and all matter is alive. But there is a further issue to be decided. Corte 26 indicates the Teilhardian doctrine by the well-known philosophical label "panpsychism" and, though himself disapproving of it, takes panpsychism to be the very basis of Teilhard's vision of the... what Wildiers discusses, is implied in the Teilhardian phenomenology. 37 And we can also deduce from Wildiers's account that, in the form of the doctrine of a "within" to every "without", it is, as Corte holds, basic to Teilhard's world-vision. Quoting Teilhard's conclusion 38 - "Spiritual perfection (or conscious 'centreity') and material synthesis (or complexity) are but the two aspects or connected ...
... Frederick Spiegelberg (Eds.). The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: A Commemorative Symposium ( 1960) Page 822 Chintamani, C. Y. Indian Politics since the Mutiny (1937) Corte, Nicolas: Teilhard de Chardin: His Life and Spirit (1 960); translated by Martin Jarrett-Kerr. Das, M. N. India under Morley and Minto: Politics behind Revolution, Repression and Reforms (1964) ...
... man's Page 464 potentialities that the luminous future will be fashioned." It is no less interesting to read in the recently published Nicolas Corte's Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: His Life and Spirit, translated by Martin Jarrett-Kerr, that during his years of theology at Hastings, in Sussex, de Chardin grew little by little, "more and more conscious ...
... p. 222 76. Ibid., p. 102 77. Ibid., p. 437 78. Ibid., p. 334 79. F. Spiegelberg, The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, p. 53 80. Nicolas Corte's Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, His Life and Spirit, translated by Martin Jarett-Kerr (1960) 81. Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, translated by Bernard Wall ...
... Matter". The role of Christianity is really minor, if not marginal. Omega has its source beyond the Christian religion 21.Quoted in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; His Life and Spirit by Nicholas Corte (Barrie & Rockliff, London 1960), p. 3. 22.Ibid., p. 4. 23.Ibid., pp. 4-5. 24.I, ch. 5, 25.Christianity and Evolution, p. 99. 26.Ibid., p. 103. ...
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