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Cowsambie : Kauśāmbi, an ancient city near Prayāga.

2 result/s found for Cowsambie

... house of Parikshit, young Vuthsa Udayan rules at Cowsambie, flanked by Magadha in the east and by Avunthie (ruled by the ambitious Chunda Mahasegn) in the west. Cowsambie, ably sustained by Vuthsa's minister Yougundharayan, is the main hurdle against Mahasegn's dreams of empire; and he is determined, whether by hook or by crook, to reduce Cowsambie to vassalage. This is the political background of... took a hint or two from Bhasa's dramatic version of the legend in his Pratijna Yugandharayana* The play begins with Chunda Mahasegn confessing to his son. Gopalaca, that young Vuthsa of Cowsambie has frustrated the dreams of empire: yet cunning may succeed where prowess has failed! Mahasegn therefore outlines his stratagem to Gopalaca: *For a full discussion of the play, the reader is... Prema Nandakumar, and so indeed it is; Mahasegn's plan, then, is to kidnap Vuthsa, make him lose his heart to Princess Vasavadutta, and by this means to make him a mere vassal of Avunthie. At Cowsambie, too, there are plans. Yougundharayan suggests to Vuthsa: One day perhaps thou shall join war with wedlock And pluck out from her guarded nest by force The wonder of Avunthie ...

... of Syria. Eric is very intense and compact as a play and there is almost no humour in it. In the play Vasavadutta, Vasunthah, the friend and companion of Vutsa Udayan, the King of Cowsambie, is depicted as a poet, thinker and satirist; his words often have a twist of wit and humour, but they are not solely 'funny', they go further in depth and intent. The Viziers of Bassora is ...