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Croce, Benedetto : (1866-1952), Italian historian, humanist, critic, & philosopher.

3 result/s found for Croce, Benedetto

... (Eds.) The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (George Allen 8c Unwin, London, 1960).       Cox, Sir George W. The Mythology of the Aryan Nations (Kegan Paul, London, 1903).      Croce, Benedetto. Aesthetic: As Science of Expression and General Linguistic. Translated by Douglas Ainslie (Macmillan, London, 1929).       Cruickshank, John. Albert Camus, and the Literature of Revolt ...


... then doing is executing in great movements what we have already executed briefly and rapidly within." [Esthetic, p. 50.] —Will Durant, presenting the aesthetics of Benedetto Croce in The Story of Philosophy I have not read Croce but it seems to me that Durant must have taken something of their depth out of them in his presentation. At any rate, I cannot accept the proposition that there are only... It does not classify objects, it does not pronounce them real or imaginary, does not qualify them, does not define them; it feels and presents them—nothing more." [In Carr, The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce, London, 1917, p. 35.] Because imagination precedes thought, and is necessary to it, the artistic, or image-forming, activity of the mind is prior to the logical, concept-forming, activity. Man... August 1932 Croce's Aesthetics "Knowledge has two forms: it is either intuitive knowledge or logical knowledge; knowledge obtained through the imagination or knowledge obtained through the intellect; knowledge of the individual or knowledge of the universal; of individual things or of the relations between them; it is the production either of images or of concepts." [B. Croce, Esthetic, 1902 ...

... thing as an intuitional knowledge devoid of all expression: intuition is, indeed, impossible without expression. This thesis of the identity of intuition and expression was first developed by Benedetto Croce in his well-known work Aesthetic or General Linguistic, primarily in connection with aesthetics, but he extended it to cover the entire range of knowledge. Prof. Urban, amongst others ...