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Cybele : a Greek-Roman Mother of the Gods, who usually appears with mural crown & veil, seated on a throne or in a chariot, & accompanied by two lions.

4 result/s found for Cybele

... in the East where the imperial decrees against the old religions first took effect: he mentions Arabia and Thrace and the details he provides show that it replaced the popular cult of Ceres and Cybele. In Armenia it supplanted the cult of Anahita. In places like Rome where paganism continued a long time and the general mentality was more developed and critical, Marianism and Mariolatry were the... known to scholars to be spurious. Not till paganism was suppressed everywhere did it start flourishing, and the pagans found satisfaction in filling with Mary the gap left by the lost glories of Cybele, Ceres, Isis, Ishtar, Maia and Flora. All this is rather by the way. To go back to our theme proper, I may sum up by saying: "The original apostolic evidence no less than the evidence of ...

... there was also a mystic element and an esoteric belief & practice practised by the initiated. The mysteries of Eleusis, the Thracian rites connected with the name of Orpheus, the Phrygian worship of Cybele, even the Bacchic rites rested on a mystic symbolism which gave a deep internal meaning to the exterior circumstances of creed & cult. Nor was this a modern excrescence; for its origins were lost to ...


... Mother of the Gods; and as the incarnated Mother in the Yoga. The Great Mother is known in all great spiritual and occult traditions, even though variously named and described. We find her in Isis, Cybele, Sophia, and the Virgin Mary. She is the One who became Two – the active Brahman from eternity divided into Ishwara and Shakti, Purusha and Prakriti. On the Origin of the World , a gnostic text from ...

... a palate inured to homme à la Phénicienne , Diomede. It is his own fault, he should provide wreckage more freely. But black Polydaon's forehead grows blacker every day: he will soon be as mad as Cybele's bull on the headland. I am every moment in terror of finding myself tumbled on the altar for a shipwrecked Phoenician and old Blackbrows hacking about in search of my heart with his holy carving-tools ...