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Cymbeline : leading character in Shakespeare’s comedy Cymbeline based on Cunobelinus the British king c. 1st century who resisted the Romans.

3 result/s found for Cymbeline

... governs. He is then Isha, the Lord or Ruler. To use a human parallel, Shakespeare pouring himself out in a hundred names and forms, Desdemona, Othello, Iago, Viola, Rosalind, Macbeth, Hamlet, Lear, Cymbeline is using his power of Avidya to become the lord and ruler of a wonderful imaginary world. Shakespeare putting aside his works and returning to his own single & sufficient existence is using his power ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... regular basis with a frequent intervention of irregular movements to give the necessary variety and surprise to the ear. (4) A free irregular blank verse as in some of Shakespeare's later dramas ( Cymbeline if I remember right). The last two principles, I believe, are coming more and more to be used as the possibilities of the older forms have come to be exhausted—or seem to be—for it is not sure ...


... × Twelfth-Night , II. iii. 46-7. × Cymbeline , IV. ii. 262-3. × Measure for Measure , IV. i. 1. ...