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Cyrene : Greek colony on the coast of Libya, founded c. 632 BC
... Antioch (Antiochus II Theos), that of Ptolemy, King of Egypt (Ptolemy II Philadelphus), that of Magas, King of Cyrene, brother of Ptolemy, that of Antigonus (Gonatas) of Macedonia, lastly, that of Alexander (either Alexander of Epirus or Alexander of Corinth). To reach Antioch, Alexandria, Cyrene, Macedonia, Epirus or Corinth from India, it would be necessary to pass by Palmyra, and the mention of this... who reigned in the period after Alexander's immediate successors. They were Anti-ochus II Theos of Syria and Western Asia, Ptolemy II Phi-ladelphus of Egypt, Antigonus Gonatas of Macedonia, Magas of Cyrene and Alexander of Epirus or else his namesake of Corinth. The reign-period of these kings were 261-246 B.C., 285-247 B.C., 278-239 B.C., 300-258 (or 250) B.C. and 275-255 B.C. or, if Alexander... even here. And in a still earlier age we can put our finger on nothing appreciable, however subtly, when the grand phrases of the Edicts would lead us to expect a great deal, at least in Syria, Egypt, Cyrene, Macedonia and Epirus. Could it not then be that Aśoka was totally unconnected with Ptolemy or any Greek king of the 3rd century B.C. but dealt only with non-Greek rājas and their countries ...
... were four rājas who are not labelled as "Yona": Turamāya, Arhtekini, Magā (or Makā), Alikasudara. These too have been equated with the post-Alexandrine Ptolemy of Egypt, Antigonus of Macedon, Magas of Cyrene and Alexander of Epirus or Alexander of Corinth. But it is forgotten that the 5 Greek kings concerned were not the only ones in the post-Alexandrine age. There were some others of equal if not greater ...
... preach in Jerusalem contained 'Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappado-cia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians' [Acts 2:9-11]." The long and short of my contention is that there is nothing in the Matthew sentence to alter the ...
... away to crucify him. The crucifixion of Jesus and the various people who witnessed it The death of Jesus on the Cross [Luke 23:26] And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Jesus. CHRIST CARRYING THE CROSS (detail), by Hieronymus Bosch Page 86 [Luke 23:32] Two others ...
... Hellespont for you. I vanquished the Great Ring's satraps at Granicus. I subjugated the rich satrapies of Asia Minor and let you enjoy the fruits of victory. I distributed to you the riches of Egypt and Cyrene; I gave you Syria, Babylon and Bactria; I gave you Persia's treasures, the precious objects of India! My satraps, my governors, my generals, I chose them from among you. What advantages did I get from ...
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