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5 result/s found for Dadhichi

... in energy? The Gods have set in him god-might and will and puissances. Singing the word of illumination in the law of thy self-empire. (16) The thought to which Atharvan and our father Manu and Dadhichi gave shape,—in him the Words and the Utterances meet together as of old in Indra. Singing the word of illumination in the law of thy self-empire. SUKTA 81 (1) Indra, the Slayer of the Enemy ...


... beyond the capacity of any earthly power to hold at bay this invincible Force. Like Mahadeva of old, he swallowed up into himself this poison that was to engulf the world. It was like the gift by Dadhichi of the bones of his own body to fashion the thunder-bolt of Indra. This was the inner meaning of the attack that fell on Sri Aurobindo's body in 1938, a few months before the actual hostilities broke ...

... refinement while the quality of the individual model's consciousness remains as inexplicable as the phenomenon of consciousness itself. Why were such models unlike any other self-centred man? Why must a Dadhichi, instead of enjoying life, sacrifice it so that the weapon to be made of his bone could destroy the elements hostile to civilisation? That of course is beyond the scope of the present treatment of ...


... obeisance, serve his might. They adhere to his many deeds for acquiring fore­knowledge: full of riches they move as to their own domain. (13) Indra, the inviolable, with the help of the bones of Dadhichi (strong formations of settled intelligence) slew the ninety-nine Vritras, the Coverers. (14) He sought the head of the Horse that lay sheltered in the hills and found it in the lake growing ...

... force of the illumined-mind power, in possession of his brilliant horses." 1 Indra, the God-mind, smites the Coverer with his flashing lightnings. Indra's thunderbolt, made from the bones of Rishi Dadhichi, slays Vritra. At the same time a passage is cloven out on the mountain and all the seven rivers are released together and sent flowing down upon the earth. 1. Ashwa: Force, especially ...