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Daedalus : Greek architect & sculptor who built the labyrinth for King Minos of Crete. Falling out of favour with Minos, he made wings for himself & his son Icarus in order to escape to Sicily. All went well with Daedalus; Icarus, however, flew too near the sun. The wax joints of the wings melted, he fell into the sea & drowned.

3 result/s found for Daedalus

... before our eyes—men and creatures, beings and things, scenes and happenings—and the other one equally extended in our feelings and perceptions, in our consciousness, they make a mysterious web, a Daedalus' complex. They cast their spell upon me and I heard their voice calling me to know, understand and seize, a voice sweeter and more compelling than any Aegean siren could command. The ring of that ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... aegis lightning-tasselled? Page 381 What of his winged sandals, King? PHINEUS The aegis? Some mechanism of refracted light. The wings? Some new aerial contrivance A luckier Daedalus may have invented. The Greeks are scientists unequalled, bold Experimenters, happy in invention. Nothing's incredible that they devise, And this man, Polydaon, is a Greek. POLYDAON Have ...


... instruments; it is using a mental instead of a physical machinery to establish a precarious, temporary & apparent mastery over Nature which only veils a more subtle & tyrannous form of subjection. The Daedalus who multiplies machines, is dependent on his creations, bound by his engines, often destroyed by them and in any case limited & shackled & his gains of one kind balanced by pauperisation in other ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad