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Daily News : London daily committed to glorify British rule in India. H.W. Nevinson visited India in 1907-8 as its special correspondent.
... to do the same, you are dishonest. This is stretching the meaning of honesty to suit the moral sense of our alien and benevolent despots. Today we hear from another Anglo-Indian Sir Oracle, the Daily News of Calcutta, that there is such a thing as legitimate patriotism. We have looked up the dictionaries to profit by the enlightenment so kindly vouchsafed to us, but we have failed in our efforts... Rajamundry wore "Bande Mataram" badges, shouted "Bande Mataram" in the streets, gave a grand reception to a Nationalist speaker, formed Page 545 themselves into a Balabharat Samiti and the Daily News thinks all these to be the outcome of a patriotism hardly legitimate. What is then legitimate patriotism, pray? Our contemporary has given us no light on the point. We suppose it means a blind loyalty... loyalty to the alien government, a helpless acquiescence in its most despotic measures, bowing our knee to every Anglo-Indian, especially to the dicta of the Editor of the Indian Daily News and the Englishman . If we do not accept the ethics of the British and Anglo-Indian press which calls the present patriotic movement immoral and ascribes it to the want of moral training in our schools and colleges ...
... nothing for himself or the country by entering the Councils on these shameful terms; he gains everything by holding aloof and standing out for better conditions. An Ominous Presage The Indian Daily News nowadays plays the Statesman's abandoned role of the Friend of India. This journal has been recently harping on the necessity of the reform of the Municipalities and throwing out suggestions of... principle of the representation of separate interests which has made the new Reforms a blow straight at the heart of progress instead of an important step in progressive development. It is true that the Daily News deprecates separate electorates and advocates official control veiled and occasional instead of official control insistent, naked and unashamed. But we know perfectly well that official control... l classes" carefully restricted, we do not care whether it is done by separate electorates or by some other equally careful manipulation of the electoral lists. The result will be the same. The Daily News seems to be inspired in its anxiety for reform by two lofty motives, the predominance of the European vote, wealthy but small in numbers, and the distinction of the predominance of the professional ...
... mellay between the Anglo-Indian Press and the Bengal Government over the dead body of Ganga Uriya shows no sign of diminishing in intensity. The indignation meeting which was foreshadowed by the Daily News is, we are told, to come off in the Town Hall. We can have no possible objection so long as our only share in this civil strife is to look on as interested spectators and shout "Charge, Fraser,... rights or removing those disabilities. If this were true, we should freely admit the desirability of supporting our fellow citizens against bureaucratic injustice. We do not indeed consider that the Daily News has been unjustly mulcted, if justice and law be identical and convertible terms. The judgment of Justice Page 601 Chitty seems to us to be a fair and judicial application of the law... binding the chains tighter on ourselves. Are we going to be such idiots as to help her in her game? Page 602 The spirit in which Anglo-India is fighting has hardly been concealed. The Daily News has frankly said that despotism is necessary as against the people of India, but that it is limited as against men of English birth by the ultimate supremacy of the English people of whom, it is ...
... by being preferred to the Daily News , was gracious enough, in a paragraph full of the most outrageous and insufferable impertinence, to acknowledge that Bipin Babu should not be held responsible for the "sins of the Bande Mataram ". Yesterday, however, it published lengthy letters in which its correspondents still insisted on this vicarious punishment. The Daily News also seems to have been piqued ...
... British rule in India seems to have a fair chance of being established as sedition. Mr. Stead's Review of Reviews is now known to be a seditious publication. We are not sure, either, that the Indian Daily News is not even worse, for it is continually trying to bring the police, who are Page 405 an indispensable part of the Government established by law, into contempt and hatred, and the i... sufficient proof of motive, if not of conspiracy. Now one of the charges against a Punjab accused is that he wrote impugning the character of the subordinate police service—just like the Indian Daily News or Sir Andrew Fraser. We would suggest that Sir Andrew Fraser should be arrested in England and brought here to answer to the outraged police for the remarks passed by the Police Commission. The ...
... and the deplorable demoralisation of the Native Princes of India more clearly demonstrated than at the present moment when our political ideas and ideals are undergoing such a change. Writes the Daily News :—"It is gratifying to learn that some of the Native States are following in the wake of the Government of India for the suppression of sedition, if not political agitation altogether. News comes... pitfalls of the so-called nationalist agitation. We do not doubt that his brother rulers in the Punjab will emulate so good an example." Some of us were at a loss to understand the cause of the Daily News 's jubilation. Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code runs as follows:—"Whoever by words either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise brings or attempts to bring ...
... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram The Daily News and Its Needs 30-May-1907 The Indian Daily News is extremely anxious to make capital out of the report of the Sobhabazar meeting and it lays down with great solemnity the points on which it does or does not want information from us. Since the success ...
... think independently about politics and people who do not think independently about politics cannot be fit for self-government. We will ask the Englishman one question. If the Englishman , the Daily News and the Statesman were all laid flat on their backs and subjected to the torture called peine forte et dure , if, for instance, the Nawab of Dacca were dumped down on the Englishman 's chest... editor of the Statesman and Mr. Narendranath Sen on Mr. N. N. Page 539 Ghose and Pandit Kaliprasanna Kabyabisharad were piled upon Mr. Sen like Pelion upon Ossa, and the editor of the Daily News were similarly treated; then if under this pressure these three jarring powers were to become suddenly unanimous and struck out an appeal to have this loving burden or some of it taken off their ...
... Mr. Morley's Pronouncement Newmania Cool Courage and Not Blood-and-Thunder Speeches The Sobhabazar Shaktipuja The Daily News and Its Needs Regulated Independence Wanted, a Policy The Strength of the Idea The Main Feeder of Patriotism ... "Editor", and Shyam Sunder Chakravarti (here spelled Chuckerbutty). [5] A note on the use of Calcutta newspapers. The Englishman, Bengalee, Amrita Bazar Patrika, Empire, Statesman and Daily News were newspapers of Calcutta. Lacking its own reporters and the wherewithal to subscribe to the wire services, the Bande Mataram lifted most of its news from its rivals. [6] A schedule ...
... England governs India for the benefit of the Indians. The paper which so often contains articles from the pen of Sir Henry Cotton joins in this infamous chorus of denunciation no less than the Daily News which always so overflows with the pure milk of undiluted Liberalism, that is to say British Liberalism. Let us hope this at least will serve to open wide the eyes of those of our countrymen ...
... Indian communities, the humiliation of the Hindus, the extrusion of the educated classes from their old leading position, the denial of the only true basis of self-government,—to let, as the Indian Daily News persuasively Page 379 puts it, bygones be bygones. Anglo-India pats Moderatism on the back and says in effect: "What if we have kicked you downstairs? Can't you be a good fellow and ...
... all is hushed except the noise of the endless duel between the omnipotent policeman and the secret assassin, the Englishman will be satisfied,—but the country will not be at peace. The Indian Daily News more sensibly suggests police activity in detecting secret organisations,—although its remarks would have sounded better without an implied prejudgment of the Nasik case. If the police were to employ ...
... VII & VIII, No. 39 (December |1889),p 52. ². Sri Aurobindo to the Earl of Kimberley, 21 November 1892, India Office Library, London. Page 9 "As for the piece in the Daily News about me, it was stuck in simply because it is a Radical paper. We have no family relation to Lalmohan Ghose whatever, but his brother who bears the same name as myself is a great friend of my father's ...
... Chuckerbutty Notes and Memos - V Englishman Bengalee Amritabazar Empire (Mallik's) 1) Two copies of the above three papers absolutely necessary. Page 1137 Statesman & Daily News one copy for the present, whenever necessary another may be bought. 2) Bengalee & Amritabazar to be specially compared with our paper so as (1) to make sure that we are not fallen unnecessarily ...
... earth. First the seals began to die in our waters, and now the beautiful dolphins are dying. It is Page 240 all too close to our Christian Book of Revelation, apocalypse is in our daily news-bulletins and no one stops the destructive course. But there are, as I've said, little groups here and there, grass-roots seekers for a different reality. I've now at last finished a fourth volume ...
... ghastly details of lynching in the Southern States), and the unbridled atrocities of the European armies in China. Be that as it may, we come across a remarkable account, extracted in the Indian Daily News , of the stuff of which the Moorish people are made. The narrator is Belton, the Englishman who commanded the Sultan's army and has resigned his post as a protest against the Sultan's primitive method ...
... passions of the moment to obscure their vision of the future. The Growth of Turkey The article on young Turkey and its military strength, extracted in our columns this week from the Indian Daily News , is one of great interest. Behind the deprecation of Turkish Chauvinism and Militarism we hear the first note of European alarm at the rise of a second Asiatic Power able to strike as well as to ...
... The news of Babu Aravindo Ghose's arrest spread all over India like wildfire. And the nation grieved. On 22 August the Bande Mataram reprinted extracts from many newspapers, such as Indian Daily News, Empire, Maharatta, Madras Standard, Indian Patriot, etc. Thus the young man who was not so well known publicly outside Bengal, became an all-India household name overnight. So far people had been ...
... Several instances of this kind happen daily. Page 171 Morning's news. No breach of the negotiations in spite of the extravagant Turkish demands. Foreseen. The Viceroy's health is following exactly the movement of the Will which was that the pain should be relieved within Dec 31ˢᵗ and the healing of the wounds fulfilled in January. This morning's news is that there is no longer any discomfort... in the mind the positive idea that Turkey had asked to be included in the Balkan Confederacy; today the same is given (in yesterday's evening paper reaching here this morning), as a strange piece of news from Constantinople and Sofia. This is striking as there was neither data nor probability & the knowledge, of the fact or rumour, came suddenly without previous thinking in that direction. Vyapti &... events which create a mixed ananda or recall the old reactions of depression & recoil. The vani is being justified in all its immediate predictions, & the script vani has disappeared. The morning's news all go farther in the direction of fulfilment. Shaktiprayoga in detail is still strongly resisted, though it sometimes prevails partially or completely, but not when there is a question of exact time ...
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