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Daitya : descendants of Prajāpati Kashyapa & Dīti [s/a Adīti & Dānu].

33 result/s found for Daitya

... n to Bala (due). N.B. Bala is the Titanic force from the Mahat which must eventually conquer & replace Rudra, though conquered by him in the Buddha, because descending into the Buddha he becomes a Daitya disturbing evolution by a premature effort towards perfection. The same is true of all the greater Daityas who are not Rakshasic in temper (Asurim Rakshasincaiva prakritim apaunah). Sahitya siddhi ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... with a determinative clause. Thus Zarathustra is said to have worshipped "in the Airi- 7. Ibid., pp . 28-9. 8. Ibid., p. 121. Page 82 yānam vaējo of the good (river) Daitya" (Yashts 5.104; 9.25; 17.45) and his patron King Vishtaspa is also shown as having worshipped "in sight" of the same river (Yashts 5.112; 9.29; 17.61). But the much earlier Yima (= Jamshed) is a ruler ...


... descends Page 45 from the Mind into the Vital or Life – Force. He is the personification of ambition and authority and arrogance, he is the intolerant and absolute self-seeker – he is Daitya, the son of division. The Asura belongs to what we call the Higher Vital; but lower down in the Mid Vital, made wholly of unmixed life impulses, appear beings that are still less luminous, less controlled ...

... and do ( dau ). We start as in the dra roots with diṇḍi , a kind of musical instrument, & then come to dita , cut, torn, divided; diti , cutting, dividing, liberality; ditya , a demon (also daitya , cf dānu , dānava ); dinv , to gladden, please ( dṛp ); dimp , dimbh , to accumulate ( dambh ), also to order, direct; div , to shine, play, sport (cf drava ); squander (from the sense of waste ...


... harmony. There is throughout this zigzag, this rhythm of rise and fall and rise again brought about by the struggle of upward, downward and stationary forces. There are the alternate triumphs of deva and daitya, helping god and opposing or too violently forward-striving Titan;—the dharmasya glani and abhyutthanam adharmasya, when harmony is denied and discord or wrong harmony established, and then the Avatara ...


... through its thousand undertones. And as our fingers fall on string after string of this mighty and many-stringed harp of God, they return always one cry, the cry of joyous battle, of war between Deva and Daitya, between mortality and immortality, between man's temporary imperfection and his eternal perfectibility. In this holy war the Gods are our chief helpers. There are seven planes of cosmic consciousness ...


... Cleator, P.E., 49fn., 92 Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian Languages, 30 Copper hoards, 4 Copper pins, 7 Dabar Kot, 60 Daha, Dahai, Dahya, 115, 116 Daitya, 83 Daivavata (Abhyavartin), 126 Dakshina, 39 Dales, G.R., 4, 57, 96 Danavas, 111 Danu, 111 Dani, A(hmad) H(assan), 7, 13, 98 ...


... ever warfare. Yet their hostility did not preclude occasional unions. Sachi herself, the Queen of Heaven, was a Titaness, daughter of the Asura, Puloman; Yayati, ally of the Gods, took to himself a Daitya maiden Surmishtha, child of imperial Vrishopurvan (for the Asuras or Daityas, on the [terrestrial] 3 plane, signified the adversaries of Page 135 Aryan civilisation), and Bhrigou's wife ...


... by the streams of Rāvana's arrows as well as by the twang of Śrī Rāma's bow. (16) Again coming within the range of the two princes (Laksmana and Śrī Rāma), the notorious Rāvana resembled Rāhu (the Daitya presiding over the planet of that name). (17) Desiring to engage him with his own sharpened arrows in the first instance and stretching his bow, Laksmana loosed his shafts resembling tongues of fire ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... supraphysical worlds differ widely in different religious traditions. Some of these names are: Page 52 deva, gana, upadeva, parsad, siddha, gandharva, vidyadhara, yaksha, raksha, daitya, asura, - all in the Indian tradition; fresta, jin, pari, iblish, saitan, in the Islamic tradition; and in the Christian tradition nine types of angels are grouped in three different ...

... descends Page 44 from the Mind into the Vital or Life-Force. He is the personification of ambition and authority and arrogance, he is the intolerant and absolute self-seeker—he is Daitya, the son of division. The Asura belongs to what we call the Higher Vital; but lower down in the Mid Vital, made wholly of unmixed life impulses, appear beings that are still less luminous, less controlled ...

... stands where consciousness descends from the Mind into the Vital or Life-Force. He is the personification of ambition and authority and arrogance, he is the intolerant and absolute self-seeker—he is Daitya, the son of division. The Asura belongs to what we call the Higher Vital; but lower down in the Mid Vital, made wholly of unmixed life impulses, appear beings that are still less luminous, less controlled ...

... Cha1dea, 199 Christ, 64, 73, 82, 93, 116, 118, 127, 130, 187, 189, 191,209, 243, 283, 317 Christianity, 192 Chronos, 226 Colbert, 209, 411 Congo, 323-4 Curie, 428 Cyclops, 99 DAITYA, 46 Danege1d, 117 Dante, l8ln., 203, 209 – Divina Commedia, 181n. – Irifemo, 181n. Danton, 94 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 210 Debussy, 427 Devas, 253 Dhammapada , the, 9n ...

... the Devas and Daityas, the gods being the warriors who fought the Daityas for man and were made strong and victorious by the क्रिया or effective practices of Yoga, the Daityas being the Dasyus or enemies of Yajna and Yoga. This will become clearer and clearer aswe proceed. This view of life as well as Yoga, which is only the sublimation of life, as a struggle between the Devas & Daityas is one of the... best developed by an examination of the Veda itself. The gods strive to function perfectly for the Lord or Yajna, the Isha, Master of the adhara or sevenfold medium of manifestation; the Titans or Daityas, equally divine, try to upset this perfect functioning. Their office is to disturb that which is established in order to push man below or give him an opportunity of rising higher by breaking that... of perfection and drive him continually to the Infinite, either by the uttama gati to Vasudeva or, if he will not have that, by the adhama gati to Prakriti. The Vedic Aryans sought to overcome the Daityas or Dasyus by the aid of the gods; afterwards the gods had themselves to be overcome in order that man might reach his goal. Agni in the sphere of material energies is the master of tejas, the third ...

... lead no where. Or there is the opposite danger that he may become the instrument of some apparently brilliant but ignorant formation, for the intermediate planes are full of little Gods or strong Daityas or smaller beings who want to create, to materialize something or to enforce a mental or vital formation in the earth life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of ...

... lead nowhere. Or there is the opposite danger that he may become the instrument of some apparently brilliant but ignorant formation; for these intermediate planes are full of little gods or strong daityas or smaller beings who want to create, to materialize something or to enforce a mental and vital formation in the earth life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of ...

... lead nowhere. Or there is the opposite danger that he may become the instrument of some apparently brilliant but ignorant formation; for these intermediate planes are full of little Gods or strong Daityas or smaller beings who want to create, to materialise something or to enforce a mental and vital formation in the earth life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of ...

... Diti of the next half-verse, ditim ca rāsva aditim uruṣya , and the Knowledge is Aditi. Diti, called also Danu, means division and the obstructing powers or Vritras are her children, Danus, Danavas, Daityas, while Aditi is existence in its infinity and the mother of the gods. The Rishi desires a bliss fruitful in offspring, that is in divine works and their results and this is to be effected through the ...

... lead nowhere. Or there is the opposite danger that he may become the instrument of some apparently brilliant but ignorant formation; for these intermediate planes are full of little Gods or strong Daityas or smaller beings who want to create, to materialise something or to enforce a mental and vital formation in the earth life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of ...

... materially impossible. You have undertaken a work which will raise the mightiest enemies whom the earth can bring forward. As in the ancient time, when the Avatars came, there were also born the mightiest Daityas and Asuras to face the Avatars, so it always is. You may be sure that if you embrace this religion of Nationalism, you will have to meet such tremendous forces as no mere material power can resist ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... here below because of the difficulty otherwise of expressing & perfecting them in a world which did not properly belong to them but to quite other movements. This was the basis of the idea of Devas, Daityas, Asuras, Rakshasas, Pisachas, Gandharvas etc, with which the Veda, Upanishad & Itihasa have familiarised our minds. There is no reason to suppose that all worlds of this material system are the home ...

... have been such but for the intervention of the Powers of Darkness—all traditions including that of the Veda and Upanishads point under different figures to the same thing. In the Upanishads it is the Daityas that smite with evil all that the gods create, in the Zoroastrian tradition it is Ahriman coming across the work of Ahura Mazda, the Chaldean tradition uses a different figure. But the significance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... lead nowhere. Or there is the opposite danger that he may become the instrument of some apparently brilliant but ignorant formation; for these inter- mediate planes are full of little Gods or strong Daityas or smaller beings who want to create, to materialise something or to enforce a mental and vital formation in the earth-life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of ...

... birth as a man, birth as a beast, birth as a God. Then there is a third and equally violent departure from the common & understood use of words; असुर्या or आसुरा would mean ordinarily Asuric of the Daityas in opposition to Daivic of the Devas; Shankara takes आसुरा as Rajasic and applicable to birth in the form of men, beasts and even of gods in opposition to दैव which is pure Sattwic and applicable only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the Veda Dānu, which etymologically means division and whose powers are described in the Vedas as obstructing powers or vritras. These obstructing powers are referred to as Dānus, Dānavas and Daityas. It is also significant that Knowledge is associated with the concept of bliss, and with the off springs of bliss, which obviously are manifestations of the Divine consciousness and which are effective ...

... first published in 1933.—Ed. × "for these intermediate planes are full of little Gods or strong Daityas..." . The Riddle of This World ( 1973 ), p. 38. × The correspondent asked whether he should write ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... battle and a journey. It was the centre of a battle between the Gods aided by Aryan men on one side and the Titans or destroyers on the opposite faction, Dasyus, Vritras, Panis, Rakshasas, later called Daityas and Asuras, between the powers of the Truth or Light and the powers of falsehood, division, darkness. It was a journey, because the sacrifice travelled from earth to the gods in their heaven, but also ...

... our dhanáni, the yoga, s áti & vriddhi, are the gods; the powers which oppose & labour to rob us of this wealth are our enemies & plunderers, dasyus, and appear under various names, Vritras, Panis, Daityas, Rakshasas, Yatudhanas. The wealth itself may be the substance of mental light and knowledge or of vital health, delight & longevity or of material strength & beauty or it may be external possessions ...

... the highest, so that it may be the highest that will come down into you. When these trials come, it is a sign that you are advancing, for otherwise the Powers of these worlds, whether lesser gods or Daityas, would not take the trouble to test you. The only truth in that [ the saying that "sexual pleasure and Brahmananda are brothers" ] is that all intense pleasure goes back at its root to Ananda—the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... protects, the city, the adhara, this nine-gated city of ours in which we guard our gettings and enjoy our felicity; धिः is holding, supporting. Always attacked by spiritual enemies, Dasyus, Rakshasas, Daityas, Vritras, Panis, it has to be maintained and upheld by the strength of the gods, Indra first, Indra always, Indra foremost. यस्य संस्थे न वृण्वते हरी समस्तु शत्रवः । तस्मा इन्द्राय गायत ।।४।। ...

... Ashram, 1973 ), p. 5. × "... for these intermediate planes are full of little Gods or strong Daityas...." The Riddle of This World (1973), p. 38. × Alfred Weber, History of Philosophy ( London: ...

... accomplished karma. 3) The Hansa in a pale illumination (state of B. [Bijoy])             All in antardarshi Lipi 1) daily intensity of the delight 2) telepathy. 3) twilight of the daityas Script. The prevalence of the lower intensities of the darshana is visibly working towards a more comprehensive organisation of the entire Krishnadarshana. The momentary prevalence of the Jnana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... manifested for the protection of the devotees as the four Vyūhas — Vāsudeva, Sahkarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha! 22. Salutation to Thee as the Buddha, the pure one, who would bring confusion among the Daityas and Dānavas! Salutations to Thee as Kalki who would bring the destruction of kings and other ruling authorities that have degenerated into the state of barbarism! 23. O worshipful Lord! The world of ...