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Daksha : in the Vedas, master of the works of unerring discernment; in the Puranas, one of the Prajāpatis, father of Dānu, Dīti, & Sati.

28 result/s found for Daksha

... Daksha's sacrifice to pieces and shattered the hall of sacrifice and slew Daksha in his hall. There was a Daksha too in India which was called the Indian National Congress. Like Daksha it was a great figure, a Prajapati with numerous offspring, full of dignity, sobriety, wisdom, and much esteemed by the gods. This Daksha too had a daughter whom he loved, the young Indian Nation. When the time... into the hall and shattered the sacrifice and slew Daksha in his hall. Page 1075 The story goes that Mahadeva, entreated on behalf of Daksha, restored him to life, but when the head of Daksha was sought for it could not be found, and so a goat's head was incontinently clapped on the unfortunate Prajapati's shoulders. When the modern Daksha died, there was a similar desire to revive him... By the Way - The Parable of Sati 29-April-1908 Daksha, the great Prajapati, had a daughter, named Sati, whom he loved beyond all his children, and the Rishis wedded her to Page 1073 Mahadeva, the great lord of the Universe. The choice of the Rishis was not pleasing to Daksha, because he was unable to see in Mahadeva anything but a houseless ascetic wandering ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... details of the Vedic sacrificial symbolism we again come across Daksha in close connection with Mitra, Varuna & the Truth. Yuvam daksham dhritavrata Mitrávaruna dúdabham    Rituná yajnam ásháthe. “O Mitra who upholdest rule of action&Varuna, enjoy Daksha in his unconquerable force, enjoy by the ideal law the sacrifice.” Daksha we have supposed to be the viveka, the intuitive discriminating... error; it is again his activity which here also constitutes the essence or the essential condition of the successful sacrifice; for it is evidently meant that by enjoying or stimulating the activity of Daksha, Daksham dúdabham, daksham apasam, Mitra & Varuna are enabled to enjoy the effective activities of men under the law of truth, ritena kratum brihantam, rituná yajnam ásháthe, activities of right knowledge... in the 18th hymn, a hymn of Medhatithi to Brahmanaspati, I have passed over designedly a verse in which we have a direct reference to that goddess Dakshina whom I suppose to be the female energy of Daksha, the divine master of the viveka— Twam tam Brahmanaspate Soma Indrascha martyam    Dakshiná pátu anhasah “Do thou, O Brahmanaspati, & may Soma & Indra and Dakshina protect that mortal from ...


... discernment, with daksha & transmutes itself into right knowledge. Vijnana, true ideation, called ritam, truth or vedas, knowledge in the Vedas, acts in human mind by four separate functions; revelation, termed drishti, sight; inspiration termed sruti, hearing; and the two faculties of discernment, smriti, memory, which are intuition, termed ketu, and discrimination, termed daksha, division, or viveka... the fourth ideal faculty & in its wider scope, it is daksha, that which divides & rightly distributes truth in its multiform aspects. The ensemble of the four faculties is Vedas Page 717 or divine knowledge. When man is rising out of the limited & error-besieged mental principle, the faculty most useful to him, most indispensable is daksha or viveka. Drishti of Vijnana transmuted into terms... wonderful. This is the marvellous or supreme nature of Agni that by will in action he becomes in us the fullness & force of discernment in knowledge. We have here two capital terms of the Veda, kratu and daksha. Kratu has several shades of significance, action or activity, more especially, the yajna or action of sacrifice; power that expresses itself in action, the Greek kratos; & power as a mental force ...


... brightness. He is like Agni, a kavih, one of those who has access to and commands ideal knowledge and with Mitra he supports and upholds Daksha when he is at his works; for so I take Daksham apasam. Mitra has already been described as having a pure daksha. The adjective daksha means in Sanscrit clever, intelligent, capable, like dakshina, like the Greek δεξɩóς. We may also compare the Greek δóξα, meaning... understanding. By Law of Truth, Mitra and Varuna, who by the Truth increase and to the Truth attain, enjoy a mighty strength. Mitra and Varuna, the seers, born in Force, dwellers in the Vast, uphold Daksha (the discerning intelligence) at his work.” There are here a number of words whose exact meaning is exceedingly important for any fruitful enquiry into the religious significance of the Vedas. The... meaning judgment, opinion etc & δοᵪέω, I think or seem, and Latin doceo, I teach, doctrina etc. As these identities indicate, Daksha is originally he who divides, analyses, discerns; he is the intellectual faculty or in his person the master of the intellectual faculty which discerns and distinguishes. Therefore was Mitra able to help in making the understanding bright & pure,—by virtue of his purified d ...


... Brihatshatra 91. Budha 69. Bhuvamanyu 92. Manu Beyond Vaivasvata, the collated picture in outline is in Pusalker's remark in The Vedic Age-} "Fifth in descent from Prithu was Daksha, whose daughter's grandson, Manu Vaivasvata, saved humanity from the deluge..." The details of the picture may be filled in from the Purānas, 2 with Daksha's daughter Aditi substituted by her husband... as the start: Vivasvata or, as Pargiter' designates him, "Vivasvant, 'the sun' ": 93. Vivasvata or Vivasvant 97. Prāchīnabarhisha 94. Kasyapa 98. Havirdhāna 95. Daksha 99. Antardhana or Antardhi 96. Prachetas 100. Prithu For the next collation we may draw upon both Pusalker and Mankad. Pusalker 2 mentions Prithu as the son of Vena who in turn he... Chandragupta I we reach Manu Vaivasvata with the number (100+ 46=) 146. To get Megasthenes's 153 anterior to Sandrocottus and posterior to Dionysus we have to bring in Vivasvata (or Vivasvant), Kasyapa, Daksha, Prachetas, Prachina-barhisha, Havirdhana and Antardhana (or Antardhi) - a group of 7 with its predecessor Prithu, son of Vena, generally known as Prithu Vainya, standing beyond the totalled (146+7=) ...


... ; she is the Light that is Mother of all things. As the infinite she gives birth to Daksha, the discriminating and distributing Thought of the divine Mind, and is herself born to Daksha as the cosmic infinite, the mystic Cow whose udders feed all the worlds. Page 473 It is this divine daughter of Daksha who is the mother of the gods. In the cosmos Aditi is the undivided infinite unity of ...


... probably one of the last articles written for the Bande Mataram, 'The Parable of Sati', Sri Aurobindo reinterpreted the story of Daksha-Sati-Shiva in terms of the contemporaneous political struggle in India. The Congress was Daksha, at Surat he came to grief (as Daksha did during the great Sacrifice), and when he revived it was with a goat's head (the Convention) turned backwards to the past. Sati ...

... "will and discernment". Continually we find the word occurring in passages where the whole context relates to mental activities. Finally, we have the goddess Dakshina who may well be a female form of Daksha, himself a god and afterwards in the Purana one of the Prajapatis, the original progenitors,—we have Dakshina associated with the manifestation of knowledge and sometimes almost identified with Usha... Ritam or Truthconsciousness,—Ila representing truth-vision or revelation, Saraswati truth-audition, inspiration, the divine word, Sarama intuition, Dakshina the separative intuitional discrimination. Daksha then will mean this discrimination whether as mental judgment on the mind-plane or as intuitional discernment on the plane of the Ritam. The three riks with which we are dealing occur as the closing ...


... to the four great Vasus, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga & Aryamá the greatnesses, felicities, enjoyments & strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama & Mahi the activities of the Truth & Right, to the Rudras, Maruts & Adityas, the play of Page 704 physical, vital, mental & ideative activities. Agni has stood... intellect, dakshiná, growing in the substance of its content and havings, vájayantí, is yoked or applied to its work under these new conditions. Dakshina the discriminative intellect is the energy of Daksha, master of the viveka or unerring right discernment, but unerring in the ideality, in mahas or vijnána, his and her own home, not unerring in the intellect, but only straining towards the hidden truth ...


... ैशात्तमसः सकाशादुत्थिताभूत् । दक्षिणायाः दक्षिणा in this verse may be an epithet of Usha, the Dawn. There is also a goddess Dakshina in the Veda, who is a female energy depending on the god Daksha. Daksha being the god who conducts the faculty of discriminative judgment, Dakshina is the faculty he conducts, intelligence, discrimination or reason. Intelligence has yoked her car, instituted, that ...


... Astara The 13ṭḥ indicated that the period of results was now approaching, the total effectivity of the divine Power. This is becoming Page 560 clear to the discrimination, Daksha, & through Daksha to the intellect. But its fullness is dependent on that full sevenfold activity of Agni in the Purusha & Prakriti indicated on the 12ᵗʰ. That is begun, not completed. The obstacle is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... this kalpa has climbed up to be the instrument of Creation, the first in time of the Gods, the Pitamaha or original & general Prajapati, the Pitamaha, because all the fathers or special Prajapatis, Daksha and others, are his mind born children. The confusion between the Grandsire and the Creator, who is also called Brahma, is common; but the distinction is clear. Thus in the Mundaka Upanishad ब्रह्मा ...


... There is now a double movement; the first, to replace the undefended intuitional ideality by an intuitional ideality defended by viveka; for it is found that when viveka is combined with the intuition (Daksha with Sarama), then there is less chance of the intellect misinterpreting or interfering with the truth. The second movement is to develop behind the higher or intuitional ideality an assistant revelatory ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... flashes from higher cosmic operations. To use the Vedic imagery, there are workings and descents of the powers of revelation, inspiration, intuition, discrimination, the powers of Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. And by constant repetition, we come to know the Universal and Transcendental. As a consequence, the mind will know the Brahman, it will think nothing but the Brahman, the Life will move to embrace ...

... psychology or ancient psychology or anywhere. But these experiences were rising in his consciousness; as he says himself, he had particularly the experiences of what the Veda calls Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. These are four female energies described in the Veda and, without knowing this; Sri Aurobindo had already had the experience of these energies. What were these powers, which were rising in his own ...

... from the higher functionings; to use the Vedic imagery, there are workings and descents of the powers of revelation, inspirations, intuitions, discriminations, the powers of Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. And by constant repetition, we come to know the Universal and the Transcendental, the Third and the Fourth of the Mandukya Upanishad. As a consequence, the mind will know nothing but the Brahman, ...


... chatusthaya is chiefly advanced in vangmaya thought, in general jnana where jnana does not pass into telepathy (prakamya-vyapti). The main difficulty lies in the defects of the interpretative power, daksha & ketu, which, although transferred in type to the ideality whether of vijnanabuddhi or vijnana, alternates practically between vijnana, vijnanabuddhi and those parts of manasabuddhi which are either ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... spontaneously. Obstruction returned by smarana. It is a mark of the Asiddhi that telepathy & suggestion are Page 707 extremely active, but there is no Light & no discernment (Jyotir Daksha), no power to distinguish the rightly interpreted & applied telepathy from the wrong or to give its right place & value to the suggestion .. When, however, a strong will or force, Tapas, is applied ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... (5) O Indra, drink thou the Soma of the soul’s bliss according to the truths of things, for it is thy friendship that never sinks. (6) Do you, O Mitra and Varuna whose function it is to uphold Daksha [    ], enjoy the yajna by the truth. (7) For the rich in substance the lord of substance laden-handed in the sacrifice propitiateth the god in the yajnas. (8) May the lord of substance give ...


... words by the force oblational of Agni I offer to the sons of Aditi who are for ever the Kings, words dripping with the richness; may Mitra hear us and Aryaman and Bhaga, Varuna born in strength and Daksha and Ansha. (2) May Mitra and Aryaman and Varuna with power today cleave to this my song of confirmation, the sons of Aditi pure, purified in the streams, who know not crookedness, who are freed ...


... 245, 271 Cyprus, 258 Cyrus, 55, 56, 225, 251, 252, 331, 464, 465, 467, 468, 482-3, 594, 595 Daimachus/Deimachus, 116, 226, 237, 431, 437, 593 'Daivaputra', 424, 427-39 Daksha, 70, 78, 96 Dakshamitrā, 469 Dakshināpatha, , 473 Dales, G. F., iii Damascus (Tiramaski, Dar-Māshaq), 334 Dāmodara-gupta, 487 Dānaśālā, 180 Dandin: Dasakumāracharila, 561 ...


... of whom were Sunanda and Nanda; by Sanaka and other sages; by Divinities like Brahmā and Rudra; and by the nine Brāhmana sages (Marīci, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrigu, Va-sishtha and Daksha); and by great Bhāgavatottamas like Prah-lada, Nārada, Vasu and others. 55. He was being adored by deities like Śrī , Pusti, Saraswatī, Sānti, Kīrti, Tusti, Bhu, Ūrjā, and by His Mayāśakti consisting ...


... discrimination that begin to operate when Reason is surpassed and faculties of true knowledge and comprehensive knowledge begin to operate. Crossing through the symbolism of Sarasvati, Ila, Sarama and Daksha, Sri Aurobindo has shown how Vedic Rishis had mastered the operations of supra-rational faculties so that when we read of them now at a time when we are obliged to transcend the limitations of the ...


... discrimination that begin to operate when Reason is surpassed and faculties of true knowledge and comprehensive knowledge begin to operate. Crossing through the symbolism of Sarasvati, Ila, Sarama and Daksha, Sri Aurobindo has shown how Vedic Rishis had mastered the operations of suprarational faculties so that when we read of them now at a time when we are obliged to transcend the limitations of the ...

... towards us. May we share the friendship of the Gods. May they carry forward our span of life. (3) With the ancient mantra we invoke them all – Bhaga and Mitra and Aditi and the unstumbling Daksha, Aryaman too, and Varuna and the twin Aswins. May Saraswati, Mother of bliss, create happiness for us. (4) That healing draught, creative of Delight, may the Wind blow over to us; may Earth ...

... ------------------- One whose consciousness is expanded, active Kavi------------------------ The Seer Kratu----------------------- Will Rishi ---------------------- One with a vision Daksha-------------------- One with will or power Hridaya--------------------The heart Mayas------------------ Bliss Bhadram---------------- Happy beauty Rayi -------------------- Delight ...

... bearing psychological significance shows that the Vedic age was far from primitive. For example, words such as Dhi, Manas, Buddha. Chetana, Ritam, Satyam, Kavi, Manishi, Medhavi, Vipra, Vipaschit, Daksha, Chitti, Mati, Achitti etc., cannot be used by people who were not advanced in culture. Rig Veda speaks of several planes of consciousness in terms of symbols, but its language is a sealed book ...

... is the Yajamanin, the Grihapatni, the Spouse of Agni, Agnayi, seated to his left and offering with him the oblations, the Havis? Indeed, she seems to be Aditi herself under the name of Swaha bom as Daksha's daughter in the manifestation, a bright and youthful bride in rich golden-red attire, she who is participating in the Yajna and fulfilling the Act in this creation. They inseparably together, one ...