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Damayanti : princess of Vidarbha, in Nala & Damayanti in of Mahābhārata.
... hope to enter the apartments of Damayanti? Is not the palace of Bhima well guarded?" Page 29 But Indra replied, "Leave that to us! If thou wilt go, thou shalt have the power to enter!" And saying "Then, O Gods, I obey your will!" Nala found himself, on the moment, in the presence of Damayanti, within the private apartment of the palace of Bhima. Damayanti sat amongst her ladies. The next... evident, mysterious beings for his foes, Nala turned himself to Damayanti, and said over and over again, "Yonder, my gentle one, Page 37 is the road to thy father's kingdom. I have lost all, Damayanti. I am doomed and deprived of my senses. But I am thy lord. Listen to me. Yonder is the road to thy father's kingdom." But Damayanti answered him with sobs. "O King, how could I go," she asked... Nala and Damayanti Nala and Damayanti O nce upon a time there was a king named Nala, who ruled over a people known as the Nishadas. Now this Nala was the. first of kings. In person he was strong and handsome, full of kingly honour, and gracious in his bearing. He loved archery and hunting, and all the sports of monarchs. And one special gift was his ...
... is this restrained art more visible than when he handles the miraculous, particularly in the story of Nala and Damayanti. As Sri Aurobindo says: In such surroundings wonders might seem natural and deities as in Arcadia might peep from under every tree. Nala's messengers to Damayanti are a troop of golden winged swans that speak with a human voice; he is intercepted on his way by gods who make... become birds who fly away with his remaining garment; when he wishes to cut in half the robe of Damayanti, a sword came ready to his hand in the desolate cabin; he meets the Serpent-King in the ring of fire and is turned by him into the deformed charioteer, Bahuka; the tiger in the forest turns away from Damayanti without injuring her and the lustful hunter falls consumed by the power of offended chastity... Nala and Damayanti Notes Vyasa "Of the Munis I am Vyasa" (Bhagavad Gita 10.37) First among the Munis: such was the place given to the Rishi Vyasa by ancient India. The name of Vyasa is common to many old authors and compiers, but it is especially applied to Veda-Vyasa or Krishna Dvaipayana.He was the son of Rishi Parashara and Satyavati ...
... to try and find a trace of Damayanti and Nala. Finally a brahmin named Sudeva arrived in the city of the Chedi king and recognized Damayanti by the tiny mole between her eyebrows. A little later, Damayanti escorted by a strong band of horsemen returned with Sudeva to Vidarbha. Let us now go back to the story as told by Sister Nivedita: ... Once more Damayanti was dwelling — but now with... Nala and Damayanti The Adventures of Damayanti We insert here a few original extracts from the adventures of Damayanti, starting from the moment when she finds herself alone in the jungle till the time when she goes back to her parents' home. The reader will find side by side the original Sanskrit and a translation.::" chap 63 Brihadashva said... Surrounded by them she approached the royal palace. The queen mother of the Chedis was touched by the great beauty and nobility of Damayanti. She advised her daughter, Sunanda, to take this lady as her companion. Sunanda looked at Damayanti and loved her instantly. Damayanti made it very clear that the queens must protect her as she was the faithful wife of a man who, for no fault of his own, had left ...
... Nala and Damayanti Nala and Damayanti "Whoever listens to that ancient and excellent story will get everything that his heart desires, there is no doubt about it." (Mahahharata, Vanaparva, 79-16)* A Lesson on Life The story of Nala and Damayanti, as told in the Mahabharata, seems to begin and end like a fairy tale. Yet what happens... more important than that of Nala. But this would be unfair to the man Damayanti chose of her own will amongst gods. In fact, Nala and Damayanti were attacked by the same enemy, waged the same battle, although through different means, and they both won. Nala Nala's purity and truthfulness are equal to those of Damayanti. Lest we be inclined to think of Nala as a husband who betrays his wife... the Rishi Brihadashva the science of dice and also the science of horses, thereby taking the initiative in the battle of life and getting rid of his fear. Page 16 Damayanti Damayanti, "the one who subdues, or conquers", is the name of Nala's wife. And she does conquer; by the purity and sincerity of her love, the tremendous strength of her will-power, her deep insight ...
... closes on a beautiful, scene of Nala and Damayanti looking at the moon frpm the veranda of their palace. The reason we have chosen to refer to this poem in particular is because it has inspired a series of miniatures said to be amongst the most refined and delicate of all Indian paintings. Of course the illustration of the Nala and Damayanti story did not start with the poem of Sriharsa... words, quoth he to Vahuka Full pleasantly: "Much mind I have to go Where Damayanti holds Swayarnvara, If to Vidarbha, in a single day, Thou deemest we might drive, my charioteer!" Of Nala, by his Raja thus addressed, Torn was the heart with anguish; for he thought: •"Can Damayanti purpose this? Could grief So change her? Is it not some fine device For... Culture, Centenary Edition, Vol. XIV. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972. — Goswamy, B.N. Pahari Paintings of the Nala Damayanti theme. New Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Gol, 1995. —Eastman, A.C. The Nala Damayanti drawings. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1959. —Goswamy, B.N & Fischer, Eberhard. Pahari Masters. Zurich: Artibus Asiae ...
... Mahabharata story: it is the swayamvara of princess Damayanti. Damayanti is to choose (that is to say, find out) her hero Nala from among the assembled gods who all aspired for the hand of the beautiful Damayanti. In order to confuse and baffle Damayanti all the gods put on the appearance of Nala. How to find out? How to distinguish? Damayanti was given clue by the winking eye: human eyes wink, a... a god's never wink. The still unwinking eye is a god's: the human eye blinks or twinkles. That is how Damayanti recognised her human partner. And it is precisely winking, we may say, that brings out the tear-drop – this is the hallmark of human nature. Winking or blinking means time-bound, time-made, i.e., mortality, therefore inevitably, tearfulness; on the other hand unwinking means the unbroken ...
... birds which fly away with his remaining garment; when he wishes to cut in half the robe of Damayanti, a sword comes ready to his hand in the desolate cabin; he meets the Serpent-King in the ring of fire and is turned by him into the deformed charioteer, Vahuka; the tiger in the forest turns away from Damayanti without injuring her and the lustful hunter falls consumed by the power of offended chastity... to bask or listened to the voices of Kinnaries on the mountaintops. In such surroundings wonders might seem natural and deities as in Arcadia might peep from under every tree. Nala's messengers to Damayanti are a troop of golden-winged swans that speak with a human voice; he is intercepted on his way by gods who make him their envoy to a mortal maiden; he receives from them gifts more than human; fire... He is far more in his element in the expression of the feelings, of the joy and sorrow that makes this life of men; his description of emotion far excels his description of things. When he says of Damayanti विललाप सुदुःस्विता । भर्त्रुशोकपरीताङ्गी शिलातलमथाश्रिता ॥ In grief she wailed, Erect upon a cliff, her body aching With sorrow for her husband, the clear ...
... inevitably challenges comparison with the much longer Nala story, which also finds a place in the Vana Parva of the Mahabharata. Nala is more of a tragic hero, and Damayanti more of a long-suffering heroine, than Satyavan or Savitri. Damayanti is a heroine wholly without blemish, and Nala himself is more sinned against than sinning; it is the dark God who engineers most of the mischief. Humanity could ...
... Nala and Damayanti Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Preface The task of preparing teaching-learning material for value oriented education is enormous. There is, first, the idea that value-oriented education should be exploratory rather than prescriptive, and that the teaching learning material should provide to the learners a growing experience of e... When illumination and heroism join and engender relations of mutuality and unity, each is perfected by the other and creativity is endless. This particular monograph is entitled Nala and Damayanti. This ancient story by the poet-Rishi Vyasa recounts how heroism guided by wisdom enabled two human beings, crushed by adverse circumstances, to emerge victorious from a terrible ordeal. Because ...
... oriental mind at least Rama and Ravana are as vivid and great and real characters as the personalities of Homer and Shakespeare, Sita and Draupadi certainly not less living than Helen or Cleopatra, Damayanti and Shakuntala and other feminine types not less Page 251 sweet, gracious and alive than Alcestis or Desdemona. I am not here affirming any superiority, but the bottomless inequality and ...
... fighting nor peacemaking in the story of Shacuntala? This is the first time, moreover, that a startled Indian public has been pointed to Shacuntala as the ideal Hindu woman. Sita, Draupadi, Savitri, Damayanti,—these are familiar to us as ideals, but Shacuntala is Mr. Risley's own addition. To us she is a beautiful poetic creation, not an exemplar of feminine conduct. We observe that the Bengalee is full ...
... will indicate to us what we have to look for. There are some obvious echoes of Sanskrit verses in Savitri . I shall only give two examples. Let us take Vyasa's line from the story of Nala and Damayanti: vanaṃ pratibhayaṃ śunyam jhillikā-gaṇa-nināditam 30 which Sri Aurobindo translates as: A void tremendous forest thundering With crickets. 31 In Savitri we find: ...
... dharma in spite of these thousand evils which we have to encounter every day? Is the alleviation of grief and suffering the main intention behind the narration? Are the examples of Sita, Savitri, and Damayanti, proclaimed and upheld by Vivekananda even today, any more relevant, appropriate enough in the modern unavoidable circumstances? Are they secular in character? But if Markandeya is a Rishi ...
... and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati 's Tapasya Sri Krishna in ...
... Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Parvati's Tapasya Nachiketas Taittiriya Upanishad Sri Rama Sri Krishna in Brindavan Nala and Damayanti Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa Svapna Vasavadattam The Siege of Troy Gods & the World Homer and the Iliad -Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Socrates ...
... Life The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates ...
... publications for Value-oriented Education by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville ____________________________ Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men —Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The ...
... Encyclopedia of Mythology. London: Hamlin Publishing group Ltd Page 128 Other titles in the Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Series Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men —Jean Monnet Joan of Arc The Crucifixion ...
... Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Taittiriya Upanishad ...
... probationer who had chosen Bengal as his province began to learn Bengali." He took Hindustani as optional. Sanskrit was the classical Indian language he chose: "I learnt Sanskrit by reading the Nala-Damayanti episode in the Mahabharata . . . with minute care several times." Actually, so well did he master the Sanskrit language that one day he was to unveil the secrets of the Veda for us. "I don't ...
... this book is replete. Great saints came to see Yudhishthir in his exile, and narrated to him legends of ancient times and of former kings. One of these beautiful episodes, the tale of Nala and Damayanti, has been translated into graceful English verse by Dean Milman, and is known to many English Page 492 readers. The legend of Agastya who drained the ocean dry; of Parasu-Rama ...
... for Value-oriented Education by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville __________________________________________ Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander theGreat Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men -Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The ...
... the programme of publications for Value-oriented Education by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Gods and the World joan of Arc The Crucifixion Other titles ...
... crimes. unleavened bread: See leaven and Notes. * * * Page 129 Other titles in the Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Series Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men —Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc ...
... the programme of publications for Value-oriented Education by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc ...
... of the programme of publications for Value-oriented Education by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The ...
... The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates ...
... The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates ...
... of the programme of publications for Value-oriented Education by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER), Auroville Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The Siege of Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc ...
... and the Good pupil •Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body •Parvati's Tapasya •Nachiketas •Taittiriya Upanishad •Sri Rama •Sri Krishna in Vrindavan •Nala and Damayanti •Episodes from Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri Aurobindo and Ilion •Gods and the World •Socrates •Crucifixion •Alexander the ...
... the Good pupil •Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body •Parvati's Tapasya •Nachiketas •Taittiriya Upanishad •Sri Rama •Sri Krishna in Vrindavan •Nala and Damayanti •Episodes from Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri Aurobindo and Ilion •Gods and the World •Socrates •Crucifixion •Alexander ...
... y of its outlook. A new spirit of oneness will take hold of the human race Page 133. Other titles in the Illumination and Harmony series Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The siege Of Troy Alexander the great Homer and the Iliad- Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Joan of Arc The crucifixion Gods and the World ...
... Life The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates ...
... Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan ...
... Life The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates ...
... Life The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Gods and the World Crucifixion Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the lliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates ...
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