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Danu : in Veda, the divided consciousness, mother of Vritra & Dānavas.
... point: the origin of the Dāsa-Dasyus in rivalry with that of the 'human peoples' from Manu, with whom Indra identifies himself. This origin is "Danava". The term means "descended from Danu". As we saw from 1,32,9, Danu is the mother of Vritra - Vritra who, according to Parpola, is "the demon" constituting "Indra's archenemy". This demon is á-mānuṣa. Thus the latter term cannot simply signify not... 9 naming his mother: "then humbled was the strength of Vrtra's mother: Indra hath cast his deadly bolt against her. The mother was above, above, the son was under, and like a cow beside her calf lay Danu." 316 Śambara being dubbed "the son of Kulitara", as Parpola 317 has noted from 4,30,14, should make no odds if his demonhood can be demonstrated from an undiscriminating allusion to him and to the ...
... with a 'mother goddess' concept. In the case of the Celts, the mother goddess was Danu ('water from heaven') and it is significant that the great river Danube takes its name from her; significant, that is, because it was at the headwaters of the Danube that Celtic civilization is acknowledged to have evolved." 2 Danu? That rang a bell. In Indian tradition the great mother goddess is Aditi ('the ...
... therefore the limited, divided mortal existence. Moreover it is evident that the Ignorance is the Diti of the next half-verse, ditim ca rāsva aditim uruṣya , and the Knowledge is Aditi. Diti, called also Danu, means division and the obstructing powers or Vritras are her children, Danus, Danavas, Daityas, while Aditi is existence in its infinity and the mother of the gods. The Rishi desires a bliss fruitful... Vritras and Panis and through the holding of them in the infinite divine being. The latter is to be in us protected from the ordinary tendency of our human existence, from subjection to the sons of Danu or Diti. The idea is evidently identical with that of the Isha Upanishad which declares the possession of the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the unity and the multiplicity in the one Brahman as the condition ...
... Dabar Kot, 60 Daha, Dahai, Dahya, 115, 116 Daitya, 83 Daivavata (Abhyavartin), 126 Dakshina, 39 Dales, G.R., 4, 57, 96 Danavas, 111 Danu, 111 Dani, A(hmad) H(assan), 7, 13, 98, 100 Danish, 91 Dasa-Dasyus, iv, vi, 25, 109-117, 118, 125, 127, 133 Dasa varna, 113 "Decline of the Harappāns", ...
... The Dasyus who hack and cut up the growth and unity of the soul and seek to assail and destroy its divine strength, joy and knowledge. They are powers of Darkness, the sons of Danu or Diti the divided being. ...
... among men, that had come to the place of the ritual performance, were speechless with wonder and astonishment. (23) In the firmament, on earth all movable and stationary (beings), the mighty sons of Danu (devils) and overlords of serpents acclaimed her. (24) Some rejoiced others fixed their gaze on (Sītā), while others looked at Śrī Rāma, some were gratified and some were absorbed in contemplation. ...
... has its roots in an original cosmic antinomy between the illumined Infinite and the darkened finite consciousness. Aditi the infinite, the undivided, is the mother of the Gods, Diti or Danu, the division, the separative consciousness the mother of the Titans; therefore the gods in man move towards light, infinity and unity, the Titans dwell in their cave of the darkness ...
... the Cow and as the general Mother; she is the Supreme Light and all radiances proceed from her. Psychologically, Aditi is the supreme or infinite Consciousness, mother of the gods, in opposition to Danu or Diti, 1 the divided consciousness, mother of Vritra and the other Danavas—enemies of the gods and of man in his progress. In a more general aspect she is the source of all the cosmic forms of ...
... the Falsehood has its roots in an original cosmic antinomy between the illumined Infinite and the darkened finite consciousness. Aditi the infinite, the undivided is the mother of the Gods, Diti or Danu, the division, the separative conscious ness the mother of the Titans; therefore the gods in man move towards light, infinity and unity, the Titans dwell in their cave of the darkness and issue from ...
... 207 Daimabad, 215, 216, 219 daksinagni, 230 Dales, George F., 185, 186, 192, 198, 224, 248 Damb Sadat, 231 dams, 187, 189-91 Danava, 187, 334 Danu, 331, 334 Dàoi, 206 Darius, 209, 294, 314, 318, 319, 322 dark/black peoples, 175-6, 310, 334, 337-40, 346 darkness/Powers of Darkness, 175-6, 194, 195, 337-8, 346, 348-9, 351 ...
... termed the sons of Aditī, the "undivided" Mother, the Goddess of Infinity? This question brings up a most momentous point. As Sri Aurobindo remarks, the Dasyus (or Dānavas) are born from Ditī (or Danu) in contrast to the gods who are born from Aditī. 16 Ditī is the Mother, the Goddess, of division and finitude. Thus the Dasyus belong, on the opposite side, to the same universe of discourse as the ...
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