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Darbhanga : refers to both the “ruling prince” & his “state” (as the British Octopus contemptibly called its toothless feudatories & their “kingdoms”). Rameshwar Singh (born 1860), younger brother of Lakshmeshwar Singh (1856-1898) ruled the state when Sri Aurobindo was in the political field (1903-10). Chief of the high-caste Maithili Brahmins & many associations of loyal zamindars the brothers were highly honoured in Bihar & Bengal. Utterly loyal to the British both were appropriately awarded with titles & positions. E.g. in 1900, Rameshwar was awarded the Kaiser-i-Hind (Caesar-Czar-Kaiser of H) Gold Medal & in 1902 made Knight Commander of the Indian Empire & member of the Police Commission.

4 result/s found for Darbhanga

... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Association and Dissociation 09-July-1907 The Maharaja of Darbhanga has dissociated himself from the "extremists" and Hare Street is wild with delight. But really, what else did the Englishman expect? A great landholder of the Maharaja's position is hardly more of... the joy of Anglo-India over the sheep that was lost and again is found. But he has on the contrary been always avowedly loyal, moderate and platonically patriotic. In fact we believe the speech of Darbhanga marks rather a setback to Anglo-Indian hopes than an incident over which there need be any exultation. Recently there was a secret conclave of high dignitaries in the Maharaja's house, at which there ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... channel for the advance of that sentiment, it will seek other means of self-accomplishment. Sir Louis Dane on Terrorism The amazing lecture given by the Satrap of the Punjab to the Maharaja of Darbhanga and the other gentlemen who were ill-advised enough to approach him with their expressions of loyalty and of abhorrence at the Nasik murder, is a sample of the kind of thing Moderate politicians may... But Sir Louis Dane's diatribe seems difficult to account for except on the supposition that he is a disciple of Hare Street and believes that the whole population of India, from the Maharaja of Darbhanga to the grocer and the shoemaker, know the personality, intentions, plans and secret operations of the Terrorists and conceal them from the Government out of innate cussedness or invincible sympathy ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Recently a Prince was caught along with a jeweller. SRI AUROBINDO: With such customs rules smuggling seems almost a virtue! It looks like robbing a robber. You must have heard that the Maharaja of Darbhanga had to pay Rs. 50,000 as duty on the necklace of Marie Antoinette which he had bought for one lakh. Purani then brought in the question of the Congress ministry, saying that Nariman had been elected ...


... Legislative and Provincial Councils, admission of one or two Indians to the India Council. An advisory Council of Notables—we can see it in our mind's eye. The Nawab of Dacca, the Maharaja of Darbhanga, the Maharajas of Coochbehar and Kashmir, the Raja of Nabha, Sir Harnam Singh, a few other Rajas and Maharajas ( not including the Maharaja of Baroda), Dr. Rash Behari Ghose, Mr. Justice Mukherji ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram