Dattatreya : an ansha of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva, born as son of Rishi Atri & Anasūya, he lives in the freedom of the Infinite even while acting on all the planes of existence, he authored the Avadhūta Gita. It is believed that he lives in the seclusion of hills & forests, where he appears to disciples – Lele met him in the form of a boy in Gīrnār. Avadhūtas, Siddhas of Dattātreya-Mārga, remain Tyāgis even while partaking of Bhōgas.
... not seem to have derived any benefit from this, nor do I see light while doing pranayama. I have been a devotee of Sri Dattatreya and have been given a mantra by a sannyasi whom I regard as my guru. Recently I have read your book The Mother and feel that the Mother and Dattatreya are not Page 556 different but one. Still, I do not see the light that, it is said, comes to those who practise ...
... neither the doer nor the enjoyer. Actions have I none, past or present or future. I possess no body nor does bodylessness characterise my state. How can I say what is mine and what is not? (Dattatreya, Avadhuta-Gita, 1.66) We have seen in the previous chapter why the Yogic trance even if it be of the supreme sort, the Nirvikalpa Samadhi, fails to meet the demands of the Yoga of T... as the space inside an earthen pot vanishes in the great cosmic Space, when the pot is broken and gone" ("ghaṭe bhinne ghaṭākāśa ākāśe līyate yathā, dehābhāve tathā yogī svarūpe para-mātmani": Dattatreya, Avadhūta-Gītā; 1.69). "Once one attains to Videhamukti, there is no more return to this phenomenal world" ("punārdvṛttirahitaṁ kaivalyaṁ prati-padyate": Shankaracharya, Vākyavṛtti)... III .118.19, III.9.7, III.16.22, III.88.13, VII.1.8. 3 "sacakṣuracakṣuriva sakarṇo' karṇa iva savāgavāgiva saprāṇo'prāṇa iva" (cited in Jivanmukti-Viveka by Vidyaranya Muni). 4 Dattatreya, Jivanmukti Gītā, 8. 6 Ibid., III .88. 11-13. Page 100 ...
... one system of Rajayoga; there are a hundred others of which a few have their written rules, practices or aphorisms, but the rest, among them some of the most ancient and august, like the school of Dattatreya, have been handed down from an early era by the long linked generations of its Guru-parampara. This profuse ramification of Yogic systems, like the inexhaustible fertility of religious sects and ...
... Jñānasamakālamuktaḥ kaivalyaṁ yāti. (Sheshacharya, Paramārthasāra, sl. 81) 3 Vivekajñānavahninā dahyante (Varāhopaniṣad, III. 24). 4 Na yogī paśyate garbhaṁ pare brahmaṇi liyate (Dattatreya, Avadhūta Gitā. II, 29). Bhūyojanmavinirmuktam (Yoga-Vāsiṣṭham, Upashama-Prakaranam, 90.18). Tathātmani samādadhyād yathā bhūyo na jāyate (Ibid., Mumukshu-Vyavahara-Prakaranam, 7.1) ...
... but in evenings there was meditation at 4, and after 4.30 or 5, there was relaxation, some more joined, and in the talks that ensued the whole world "from China to Peru", from village uplift to Dattatreya Yoga, and from Einstein's Relativity Theory to the painstaking intelligence of the spider, was surveyed with easy freedom and assurance. . At this period of his life (1920-26), Sri Aurobindo's ...