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36 result/s found for Debou

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 24 October 1949 For Debou, a prayer My sweet Mother, Grant that I do not waste in a vain human relationship the splendour of the divine love that Your Grace is pouring out on me so generously. 24 October 1949 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother August 1950 To Debou, a prayer for the 15th of August 1950 “Lord, grant that in all sincerity I may say to our Mother: “I am Yours for eternity.” August 1950 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 21 February 1950 For Debou Give me the courage to realise my true self despite all obstacles. 21 February 1950 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 14 December 1967 Debou, my dear child, Your letter certainly did not displease me, but it saddened me because my love has never left you and I have always wanted you to be happy, peaceful and satisfied in the spiritual light and integral progress. It is not because of a lack of interest ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 3 August 1963 Debou, my dear little child, I was pleased to read your long letter, except that your body should not resist the action of the Force and give you trouble. It must become more plastic and receptive. As for food, you can certainly take fish if it suits your system. No ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 7 February 1964 Debou, my dear little child, We will try and find you someone suitable. But to tell the truth, you cannot expect good work from a servant that you don’t supervise. That is why I always prefer to do the work myself rather than leave it to a maid or a man-servant ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 8 May 1959 Debou, my dear child, Your mantra is very beautiful. After Panditji’s departure, when I have a little more time, I will call you one morning and ask you to recite it to me. No one else will be here and you will not risk being heard. Be firm and regular in your meditation ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 15 May 1951 Prayer for 1951 “My sweet Mother, Grant that your love may give me the patience, the endurance and the perseverance necessary to go through to the end of my effort and realise the unity of my consciousness with yours, forever.” To Debou, with all my tenderness 15 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 22 March 1960 Debou, my dear child, It is true that you are “my true son” and you will remain so always, even if sometimes, for some reason or other, your consciousness is veiled. So do not torment yourself, but take care never to forget the one true goal of life: union with the Divine ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 4 January 1952 O divine Mother, sweet Mother, Make of me the hero warrior I aspire to become, so that I may fight successfully the great battle of the future that is to be born against the past that seeks to endure, so that the new things may manifest and we be ready to receive them... them. A prayer for Debou 26 4 January 1952 × This prayer is a variation of the Students’ Prayer given by the Mother for the inauguration of the Sri Aurobindo International University Centre on 6 January 1952. (The University Centre was later renamed Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.) ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 5 December 1949 ( Advice to Debou on what to tell his students on the first day of class ) My dear friends, With the new school year, you have several new teachers and I am happy to be one of them. You can be sure that I will do everything in my power to make my lessons always ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 2 January 1962 Debou, my dear little child, Not for a moment have I ceased to be with you, and I am surprised by the feeling you have about me. Are you quite sure about not letting anything or anyone come between you and me? And could this not be the reason for this illness which seems ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 18 May 1949 “Sweet Mother, Your heart is my abode, Your heart is the reality of my being. In Your heart I am nestled and I have become Your heart.” To Debou With all my tenderness and my blessings 18 May 1949 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 9 April 1963 Debou, my dear child, I had been waiting for a letter from you for several days. Your thought has been coming to me with a sort of anxiety, as if you wanted to take a decision and you were not sure which way to go. My answer was always the same: “Do not forget the true ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 13 July 1962 Debou, my dear child, Why this depression? Whatever happens should only be an opportunity for some new progress, some new ascent, some new opening towards the glorious eternal goal that we envisage. I said nothing about what you call “the recent event” because I was hoping ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 1 October 1963 Debou, my dear child, I hope that your health is better now. There was no contradiction, neither in my thought nor in my word. I know that your life is consecrated to the realisation of the Divine, but in the progressive universal movement this consecration must be ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 13 December 1963 Debou, my dear little child, I was happy to receive your letter and to see that you were conscious of the beautiful experience that was given to you. You must learn to be conscious of my presence in a very tangible way, so that you know I am always with you. However ...

... Debou's Correspondence with The Mother Notes on the Texts Series Six—Debou . Debkumar Bhattacharya, known as Debou, joined the Ashram in 1943. After completing his studies in the Ashram school in 1951, he became a teacher there. Later, in the mid 1960s, he became a homeopath and practised for many years. Debou’s correspondence has been prepared from ...

... Ashram for the Mother to see and a rudimentary (1st) band — if one can call it so — was in the lead. There were just three pieces — one bass drum and two kettledrums! Biren-da at the bass, Hriday-da and Debou at the kettledrums. The marchers must have been quite deafened and bored to death with just those three beating up the same ‘rote’ of a music through an hour or so of their march. Anyway that was our ...


... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1949 The lesson of the silk worm The student expresses his surprise that the silk worm weaves his own prison. But the worm replies that he is crafting with joy the cocoon in which he will enclose himself, because it is inside the cocoon that the transformation to make him a butterfly ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 4 January 1950 “Sweet Mother,” I said one day just as I was going out, “You will never leave me.” Right, Sweet Mother? You were holding my hand in yours and you said, “Never” with radiant eyes. “But,” you continued, “try not to misbehave.” A thought wanted to come out, piercing my ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1949 (1) Make me ever worthy of the Mother’s love. (2) Grant that I may love the Mother with a true love, unselfish and unreserved. (3) Give me the full realisation of my entire being. (4) Grant that I may be a perfect servant of Your Work. c. 1949 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 24 November 1949 I belong to You for eternity. Grant that nothing in me has the power to contradict this absolute consecration. 24 November 1949 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 31 December 1968 My dear child, I have not forgotten anything. I was just surprised that you could be so unhappy when my love has never abandoned you — your heart should feel it and know it . . . But let us not speak further about this obstinate unhappiness because I want it to go away ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 2 June 1967 Sweet Mother, I would like to ask You a few questions regarding the mantra You have given me. 1. Should one set a precise time for the Japa? You can do it if you find that it helps you to be regular. 2. Should one do it without eating? This has no importance ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 5 September 1954 To win the victory, one must know how to wait with tireless endurance. Patience is the key to the doors of success. 5 September 1954 ...

... It went well with the occasion. It was great fun watching him and his orchestra (elder brother Anil and Harit on sarod. Harit also filled in as tabalchi. Ashok and Runu on clarionette and flute and Debou and Manoj on sitar). Kanak played on the electric guitar and played an important role in Sunil-da’s orchestra. This guitar was to us, at that time (in the early 50s) a new unheard of instrument of music ...


... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 25 March 1952 Increase the inner repose; it must be there ever present, even in the midst of the greatest activity and so firm that nothing can have the power to shake it: then you will become a perfect instrument for the Manifestation. 25 March 1952 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 21 October 1949 Mahakali, my sweet Mother, Grant that always I may be faithful to you; grant that my love for you may ever increase and my receptivity be so perfect that you can accomplish in me the total transformation. 21 October 1949 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 4 January 1958 Open yourself to the new world and with it you will grow towards the future. 4 January 1958 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 21 February 1949 Give me true consciousness and perfect consecration. 21 February 1949 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 23 July 1965 My dear Mama, There is a rumour in the Ashram that You said: All the signs of Pralaya are apparent. Is it true? I never said that. The Greek and Egyptian Gods exist, but their sadhanas seem to be forgotten. Are these Gods realisable, then? What exactly do ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1965 ( The opening of this letter is missing. It ends: ) For a long time, I have been under the impression that the Greek gods are superior to the Indian Gods. Is it only in their aesthetic expression? Greek thought and art are far more materialistic, less spiritual than Hindu art ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 1964 Never be depressed, it is ingratitude, and when I scold you, take it as a sign of my love for you and a grace. Your mama 1964 ...

... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 23 May 1948 My dear mother, If there were something like a mirror that could make me see whomever I called, I would be able to speak to you all the time. It is very hard, isn’t it, Mother, to gain a friend as dear as the Divine? I have no one. That is why I recognise you as my ...

... already outlined the statesman, I am taking care of the artist and of course the Unknown Man, since I shall be speaking through him. Afterwards we shall still have to decide who the actors will be; Debou will play the Unknown Man, Hriday the sportsman, I am trying to persuade Pavitra to embody the scientist, Manoj will play either the artist or the writer. Naturally, the ideal would be for you to come ...

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