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Deshpande, Baji Prabhu : (c. 1618-1660), a lieutenant of Shivaji, famous for his heroic self-sacrifice while holding the narrow pass of Rangāna for two hours with ‘fifty swords’ against 12,000 Moghuls, to cover Shivaji’s retreat when Fazal Khan of Bijāpur tried to encircle the Marāthas in Panhalgarh fort.
... Page 378 In SABCL only the prologue and the chapters translated by Sri Aurobindo are given in Volume 8. SABCL: Translations, Vol. 8 5. BAJI PRABHU Arya Office, Pondicherry, 1922 First appeared in the Karmayogin between February 19 and March 5, 1910 (See 13). SABCL: Collected Poems, Vol. 5 ... 1895-1908: Poems: Ahana and Other Poems, excluding "Ahana" (See 3), Perseus the Deliverer (See 65). Volume II, Contents: 1895-1908: Translation: Vikramorvasie (See 97). 1902-1915: Baji Prabhou (See 5); Nine Poems: "The Mother of Dreams", composed in Alipore Jail in Page 381 1908 or 1909 and first published in the Modem Review,July 1909; "An Image",... Indu Prakash English-Marathi Weekly Bombay Sri Aurobindo contributed two series of articles to this newspaper, which was edited by his Cambridge friend K. G. Deshpande. New Lamps for Old appeared in nine instalments from August 7, 1893 to March 5, 1894. This series was preceded by another political article, "India and the British Parliament" (June 26, 1893). ...
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