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Deussen : Paul (1845-1919), born at Oberdreis near Coblenz: studied at Bonn, Tübingen & Berlin: Sanskrit under Lassen & Gildemeister, classical philology, theology: Phil. Dr. At Marburg 1869: teacher at the Gymnasiums at Minden & Marburg 1869-72 & tutor in Russian families at Geneva, Aix-la-Chapelle & Terni in Russia 1872-80: taught philosophy & Sanskrit as Privat-docent at the University of Geneva & philosophy at the Polytechnic School at Aix-la-Chapelle 1875-9: taught Indian philosophy at Berlin University 1881-89: Professor of Philosophy at University of Kiel 1889: travelled all over the world & greater parts of India 1892-3: among his chief works are Das System des Vedanta (1883), Die Sutras des Vedanta (1887), On the Philosophy of the Vedanta in its relations to Occidental Metaphysics Bombay 1893: Sechzig Upanishads des Veda 1897: Geschichte der Philosophie on Vedic Hymns in four volumes 1894-99. [Buckland]

3 result/s found for Deussen

... (Trs.), Patanjali's Yoga Sutra with Bhoja's Rāja Mārtanda, Indological Book House, 1971, Delhi, Varanasi, V Edition. Bedekar, V.M. and Palsule, G.B. (translations), Sixty Upanishads by Paul Deussen, Vols. I and II, Brunton Paul and Venkataramaiah, Conscious Immortality, Sri Ramanāśramam, 1984, Tiruvallamalayi. Chattopadhayaya, D.P, and Ravinder Kumar (eds.), Science, Philosophy ...

... Brahman as follows: "Brahman is the omniscient and omnipotent cause of the origin, persistence and passing away of the world." Śankara's Brahma-sūtrabhāsya, Bibliotheca Indica, p. 90, 1. 3. Cf. Deussen, System of the Vedânta, p. 123. 3. Brahmasutra II, 3, 9. 4. Chand. Up. II, 2, 2. 5. Śvet. Up. II, 9. 6. BrahmasOtrabhasya, Bibliotheca Indica, pp. 627-628. ...

... To modern students there can be no better introduction to Vedanta philosophy—after some brooding over the sense of the Upanishads—than a study of Gaudapada's Karikas and Shankara's commentary with Deussen's System of the Vedanta in one hand and any brief & popular exposition of the Six Darshanas in the other. It is only after the Monistic School has been thoroughly understood that the Modified-Monistic ...