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Dhar, Vishnu Narayan : (1864-1916), a Moderate of U.P., bent on reforming only Hinduism as it alone prevented the modernisation. Mehta-Gokhale graciously made him president of their 1911 session at Calcutta.
... reconstruction. 11 April. Talk with K. Rajangam about sadhana. 13 April. Talk about Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, about Lele's gurubhai . ¹ Cf. Purani, Evening Talks , Second Series, pp. 9-11. [Added to this edition of The Life of Sri Aurobindo by the editors] Page 184 (co-disciple) Narayan Swami and about the Duttatraya Yoga. Sri Aurobindo described his own experience at... from Swarnaprabha's husband. A reply with remarks on the relation of husband and wife from the spiritual point of view. Page 204 7 October. Letters from Nolineshwar and Mano Mohan Dhar, both of whom later joined the Ashram. 13 October. A letter from Rati Palit, brother of Rajani Palit. 14 October. Letter from Pandit Nirmalchand about the illness of Jagat Singh. Talk on Grace... Pondicherry after selling all his lands. 19 June. Talk on the difference between Satyagraha and passive resistance. 22 June. Talk on the success of khadi and on art. 2 July. Talk on Daridra-Narayan and on charkha. 4 July. Talk on a public letter of Mahatma Gandhi, "Defeated and Humbled". From 6 July the evening sittings began to get late. . ¹ Cf. Purani, Evening Talks , Second Series ...
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