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Dhruva : “constant, immovable, fixed”. In Vishnu Purana & Bhāgavata Purana Dhrūva is born a son of King Utthānapāda (second of two sons of Manu) & his wife Sunīti. The king also had another son Uttama, born to his favourite queen Suruchi. Once, when five-year old Dhrūva was sitting on his father’s lap, Suruchi pulled him down telling it was her son who will inherit the throne. Sunīti tried to console him, but Dhrūva was determined to hear of his fate from the Lord himself. Seeing his resolve Nārada prevented him from taking up severe physical austerities by teaching mantras on which to meditate, among which the most effective proved to be Om Namo Bhagavate Vāsudevāya. When Lord Vishnu offered him a boon, he asked for the faculty of composing Stutis in his praise. Out poured Dhrūva-stuti, comprises 12 verses which in Vishnu Purana is an extended version of the Vedic Purusha Sūkta & different from that of Bhāgavata Purana. Pleased, Vishnu granted him Dhrūva-pada, as the only steadfast star in the constellation Sapta-rishi, unaffected even by Mahāpralaya. This mystic power & influence of Dhrūva Nakshatra has inspired countless generations of Hindus to realise the presence & power of the Creator.

13 result/s found for Dhruva

... both Pusalker and Mankad. Pusalker 2 mentions Prithu as the son of Vena who in turn he calls the grandson of Chakshusha. In Pusalker's passage Prachl-nagarbha comes before Chakshusha and succeeds Dhruva who is the son of Uttanapada, the third son of Manu Svāyambhuva "who is said to have been born of Brahma" and who is "also known as Viraj". Pusalker adds: "The Vayu Purāna mentions Ananda as a... a predecessor of Manu Svāyambhuva." Mankad 1 cites the Brahma Purāna for a detailed genealogy with explicit links. We may accept it as the most helpful for our purposes: 101.Vena 108. Dhruva 102.Aiiga 109. Utanapāda 103.Puru 110. vira 104.Chakshush Manu 111. Vairāja (Svāyambhuva 105.ChakshushManu) 112. Viāj (Svāyambhuva) 106.Ripu 113. Vishnu 107 ...


... c’est le champ de bataille ’ — the body of the Mother was the battlefield where the battle for the world of tomorrow was waged and decided. Mantra It was while watching another Indian film, Dhruva , shown at the Playground on 29 April 1958, that the Mother heard a mantra being recited for quite some time and marked that those sounds had a profound and favourable influence on her body, on the ...


... the abode of Yama and came and sat on the latter's doorstep. Page 115 There he lay in wait for three whole nights in the hope of getting a chance to meet Yama. Even as the boys Dhruva and Prahlada had had a vision of God through their simple faith, so did the simple but stout-hearted Nachiketas too reach the abode of Yama and meet him. The minions of Yam a went and told him, ...

... abode of Yama and came and sat on the latter's doorstep. Page 1 There he lay in wait for three whole nights in the hope of getting a chance to meet Yama. Even as the boys Dhruva and Prahlada had had a vision of God through their simple faith, so did the simple but stout-hearted Nachiketas too reach the abode of Yama and meet him. The minions of Yama went and told him ...

... single-mindedness. Call Him and tell Him that you want to see Him, to know Him. You are children, simple and beautiful within. The Divine will surely answer your heart-felt call. Haven't you heard of Dhruva and Prahlada? Jesus Christ also says that little children come easily to the Lord. Have you heard of him, of Christ?" "Yes. Wasn't he crucified?" "Yes. He suffered pain for the sake of the world ...

... comes to Vyasa "our great original sage". As directed by the sage, Kuthumi does Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga, each for three days: not the Yogas of our degenerate Kali Age, but the Hatha Yoga of Ravana, Dhruva and of the old Lemurian Kings, and the Raja Yoga of Chakravarti Bali and of the old Atlantic Kings. Directed now by Vyasa to seek out Krishna, make total surrender to Him and then manifest the Divine ...

... him. The guard was overpowered, the tricolour hoisted on the Government Page 233 buildings and the Governor himself was made a prisoner. 31 And the boy heroes in our Puranas: Dhruva, Prahlad, Krishna himself! And Chittaranjan Guhathakurta at Barisal! Young men had no lack of examples, whether drawn from literature and myth or from modem European or contemporary Indian history ...

... 67 Every authentic mystic knows that the Godhead's injunction to his devotee evolves with the latter's inner evolution. Everyone receives but in the measure of his receptivity. That is why Dhruva was first offered a kingdom and only when he refused it was he deemed eligible for the Boon of Vaikuntha. The lesser mystics are often content with inferior boons but, as they evolve, their aspiration ...

... represented, the palms of her hands turned upwards, to the Lord. Since 1958, she also had a mantra specifically for the transformation of her body. She had heard it in April of that year when watching Dhruva, an Indian film in which this mantra was recited, and had been amazed at the effect it had on her cells. It consisted of three words: om namo bhagavate. The significance of these words, according ...

... The waters off Pondicherry occasionally serve as a port. × During an Indian film on Dhruva in which this manna was chanted for a long time. This film was shown at the Ashram Playground on April 29, 1958. × ...


... had a vivid vision at Mathura of Vasudeva, Krishna's father, crossing the Yamuna River through a storm at night, carrying the newborn child. Later Sri Ramkrishna reminisced, "The moment I came to the Dhruva Ghat [a place for bathing in the Yamuna where Vasudeva had crossed the river] at Mathura, in a flash I saw Vasudeva crossing the Jamuna with Krishna in his arms." So deep was his ecstasy then that ...


... we can explain the psychology of adolescents; if we take the story of Satyakama, we can explain the psychology of innocence and of courage that is dedicated to truthfulness; stories of Prahlada and Dhruva indicate how even in childhood spiritual aspirations can reach the heights of maturity. The story of Buddha along with a number of stories of Bodhisattvas illustrate a number of psychological elements ...


... or Dhruva’s friendship with God, a thousand questions would come crowding into my mind: Why can’t we see God? Why can’t we speak to Him as a friend? Why wouldn’t He come to us if we called Him like Dhruva or Prahlad? The grown-ups would say: “That’s not possible. In this Kaliyuga God does not show himself in this way.” But our supreme good fortune is that the Divine Herself has come down ...
