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Dhyani Buddha : meditative Buddha, described in Mahāyāna & Vajrayāna (Tantric) Buddhism to denote a group of five Buddhas, usually identified as Vairochana, Aksobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitābha, & Amoghasiddhi. Sculptures of these five meditating are found on the terraces of the great monument at Borobudur in Jāvā.
... by some sense of unanalysable beauty of greatness or power it still speaks of a splendid barbarism. Do you want an illuminating instance of this blankness of comprehension? Mr. Archer sees the Dhyani Buddha with its supreme, its unfathomable, its infinite spiritual calm which every cultured oriental mind can at once feel and respond to in the depths of his being, and he denies that there is anything ...
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