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Dioskouroi : The twin heroes Castor & Pollux in Greek, were referred to as the Dioscuri in Roman. In Homer they are sons of Leda & King Tyndareus of Sparta, but some said that they were, like Helen, children of Leda & Zeus. They were noted for their rescue of Helen from Aphidnae, for their part in the Caledonian hunt & the expedition of the Argonauts, & for their final battle with another pair of inseparable twins, their cousins & rivals, Idas & Lynceus, sons of Aphareus. Zeus decreed that the twins should spend their days alternately in the underworld & among the gods. He also set their image among the stars as Gemini. Poseidon gave them power over wind & wave. In art each is represented as mounted on a magnificent white horse, carrying a spear, & wearing an egg-shaped helmet crowned with a star.
... these brilliant and happy Twins or to discover what each severally represents. We have no such indication as is given us in the case of the three Ribhus. But perhaps the Greek names of these two Dioskouroi, Divo napātā , sons of Heaven, contain a clue. Kastor, the name of the elder, seems to be Kashtri, the Shining One; Poludeukes 2 may possibly be Purudansas, a name which occurs in the Veda as ...
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