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Dirce : Queen of Thebes, & wife of Lycus. Amphion & Zethus punished her for her cruelty to their mother, Antilope, by tying her to the horns of a bull, as she had intended to do to Antilope. Dirce was turned into, or her bones were burnt & thrown into, the spring which bore her name.
... Teiresias sat by the Dirce, Blind Teiresias lonely and old. The song of the river Moaned in his ears and the scent of the flowers afflicted his spirit Wandering naked and chill in the winds of the world and its greyness. Silent awhile, then he smote on the ground with the stay of his blindness, Calling "O murmuring waters of Dirce, loved by my childhood, Waters of murmuring Dirce, flowers that were ...
... in Thus too Heracles In exile closed by the Olynthian seas, Not seeing Thebes nor Dirce any more, His friendless eyelids on an alien shore, is to Hercules, called Heracles by the Greeks, a native of Page 335 Thebes with its neighbouring fountain Dirce. After his famous twelve labours, he fell madly in love with Iole, daughter of Eurytus, King of Oechalia ...
... immured, With parallel disaster and o'erthrow Hadst daunted and their conjured strength laid low. But time was adverse. Thus too Heracles In exile closed by the Olynthian seas, Not seeing Thebes nor Dirce any more, His friendless eyelids on an alien shore. Yet not unbidden of heaven the men renowned Have laboured, though no fruit apparent crowned Nor praise contemporary touched with leaf Of civic ...
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