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Diti : mother of the Daityas, goddess or personification of Divided Consciousness.
... crooked or uneven levels 4 which shut in mortals and it is therefore the limited, divided mortal existence. Moreover it is evident that the Ignorance is the Diti of the next half-verse, ditim ca rāsva aditim uruṣya , and the Knowledge is Aditi. Diti, called also Danu, means division and the obstructing powers or Vritras are her children, Danus, Danavas, Daityas, while Aditi is existence in its infinity... and the Bliss. "May he the knower discern perfectly the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the wide levels and the crooked that shut in mortals; and, O God, for a bliss fruitful in offspring, lavish on us Diti and protect Aditi." This eleventh verse is very striking in its significance. We have the opposition of the Knowledge and the Ignorance familiar to Vedanta; and the Knowledge is likened to the wide... and Panis and through the holding of them in the infinite divine being. The latter is to be in us protected from the ordinary tendency of our human existence, from subjection to the sons of Danu or Diti. The idea is evidently identical with that of the Isha Upanishad which declares the possession of the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the unity and the multiplicity in the one Brahman as the condition ...
... in offspring, lavish on us Diti and protect Aditi" (RV. IV.2.11). The state of knowledge here is compared to the wide open levels of consciousness, which are also termed as the states of citti, and Ignorance, which is indicated by the word acitti, is described as a state of crookedness (vrjnā). The connection of Knowledge with Aditi and of Ignorance with Diti is also significant. Aditi... concept of bliss, and with the off springs of bliss, which obviously are manifestations of the Divine consciousness and which are effective through the conquest of Diti. But what is the meaning of the prayer that aspires to be lavished by Diti and which aspires the protection of Adit This prayer may become clearer when we read the Ishopanishad which declares the possession of the Knowledge and Ignorance... Aditi refers to the power that is undivided and infinite, who is also considered in the Veda as the mother of the Gods or the Beings endowed with light. Diti is also called in the Veda Dānu, which etymologically means division and whose powers are described in the Vedas as obstructing powers or vritras. These obstructing powers are referred to as Dānus, Dānavas and Daityas. It is also significant ...
... Truth and the Falsehood has its roots in an original cosmic antinomy between the illumined Infinite and the darkened finite consciousness. Aditi the infinite, the undivided is the mother of the Gods, Diti or Danu, the division, the separative conscious ness the mother of the Titans; therefore the gods in man move towards light, infinity and unity, the Titans dwell in their cave of the darkness and issue... worlds. Page 473 It is this divine daughter of Daksha who is the mother of the gods. In the cosmos Aditi is the undivided infinite unity of things, free from the duality, advaya , and has Diti the separative dualising consciousness for the obverse side of her cosmic creation,—her sister and a rival wife in the later myth. Here in the lower being where she is manifested as the earth-principle... existence the universal formations Page 476 of the higher or divine creation. Man then possesses both the divine and the human birth; he is lord of the double movement, he holds Aditi and Diti together, realises the universal in the individual, becomes the Infinite in the finite. It is this conception that Surya embodies. He is the light of the Truth rising on the human consciousness in ...
... reconciled. The Rishi is 'the son of two mothers': son of Aditi , the luminous cow, Mother of infinite Light, creatrix of the worlds; and son as well of Diti , the black cow, Mother of 'the tenebrous infinite' and divided existence—for when Diti at last reaches the end of her apparent Night, she gives us divine birth and the milk of heaven. All is fulfilled, The Rishi 'sets flowing in one movement ...
... Rishi is "the son of the two mothers," son of Aditi , the luminous cow, Mother of the infinite light, creatrix of the worlds, but also son of Diti , the dark cow, Mother of the "black infinite" and divided existence, for at the end of her apparent Night, Diti eventually gives us the milk of heaven and the divine birth. All is fulfilled. The Rishi "sets flowing in one movement human strengths and things ...
... and as the general Mother; she is the Supreme Light and all radiances proceed from her. Psychologically, Aditi is the supreme or infinite Consciousness, mother of the gods, in opposition to Danu or Diti, 1 the divided consciousness, mother of Vritra and the other Danavas—enemies of the gods and of man in his progress. In a more general aspect she is the source of all the cosmic forms of consciousness... to the heart of the Vedic knowledge. Page 137 × Not that the word Aditi is etymologically the privative of Diti; the two words derive from entirely different roots, ad and di . × The symbolism of the horse is ...
... expresses the idea of the united human and divine existence, diti and aditi, the latter founding, controlling and flooding with itself the Page 45 former. He expresses his aspiration: "The Truth controlled by the Truth I desire, together the unripe things of the Cow and her ripe and honeyed yield; she (the cow) being black ( Diti ) is nourished by the shining water of the foundation, ...
... Maruts? We find in the Puranas that Vayu (the Wind-God) in the womb of Diti (the consciousness of duality) had been divided into forty-nine parts by the Lord Indra. As a result, the Maruts, sub-divisions or various forms of Wind, came into existence. We also know that Vayu is the life-energy and Indra is the divine mental being. Diti is the divided consciousness, the source of multiplicity. Aditi ...
... compound bases, dy & dv & the modified forms de ( dai ) and do ( dau ). We start as in the dra roots with diṇḍi , a kind of musical instrument, & then come to dita , cut, torn, divided; diti , cutting, dividing, liberality; ditya , a demon (also daitya , cf dānu , dānava ); dinv , to gladden, please ( dṛp ); dimp , dimbh , to accumulate ( dambh ), also to order, direct; div , to ...
... 98, 100 Danish, 91 Dasa-Dasyus, iv, vi, 25, 109-117, 118, 125, 127, 133 Dasa varna, 113 "Decline of the Harappāns", 4 Dhuni, 110 Dirghatamas, 108 Diti, 111 Doctrine of Brahman, i Dravidas, Dravidian, Dravidians, ii, 1, 18 30, 43, 44, 45, 50fn., 104, 107, 118, 118, 121 Dravidian cultures, ii Dravidian Theories ...
... × Or, for the riches with the fair offspring, × Diti and Aditi, the divided and the undivided Consciousness, the Mother of division and the Indivisible Mother. × ...
... The Dasyus who hack and cut up the growth and unity of the soul and seek to assail and destroy its divine strength, joy and knowledge. They are powers of Darkness, the sons of Danu or Diti the divided being. ...
... × Madhu, the Soma. × Aditi and Diti. ...
... Veda 1.20.7 May he the knower discern perfectly the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the wide levels and the crooked that shut in mortals; and, 0 God, for a bliss fruitful in offspring, lavish on us Diti and protect Aditi. Rig Veda IV2.11 Now as the seven seers of Dawn, the Mother, the supreme disposers (of the sacrifice), may we beget for ourselves the gods; may we become the Angirasas, sons ...
... essentially evil, anything irrevocably and eternally condemned to perdition. Even the Asura, the anti-Divine is viewed, in the last analysis of things, also as an aspect, a formation of the Divine himself. Diti and Aditi are sisters, twin aspects of the same Supreme Being. All the legends in narrating the life-history of the Asura describe his end Page 165 as a submission to the Divine Will ...
... sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is complete. These lower reaches have ...
... seems to be the personification Page 45 of the lower Overmind. Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is complete. These lower reaches have ...
... – Irifemo, 181n. Danton, 94 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 210 Debussy, 427 Devas, 253 Dhammapada , the, 9n., 159 Dionysus, 47 Dirghatamas, 44 Page 431 Diti,46 Durga, 98 EGYPT, 70, 133, 192, 199-200,419 Einstein, 274 England, 198 Esau, 397 Eucharist, 130 Europe, 272, 421 FRANCE, 96, 116, 198-9,323-4,355,418 France, Anatole, 64 ...
... Falsehood has its roots in an original cosmic antinomy between the illumined Infinite and the darkened finite consciousness. Aditi the infinite, the undivided, is the mother of the Gods, Diti or Danu, the division, the separative consciousness the mother of the Titans; therefore the gods in man move towards light, infinity and unity, the Titans dwell in their cave of the darkness ...
... The Conquest over the Dasyus The Dasyus stand in opposition to both the Aryan gods and the Aryan seers. The Gods are born from Aditi in the supreme Truth of things, the Dasyus or Danavas from Diti in the nether darkness; they are the Lords of Light and the Lords of Night fronting each other across the triple world of earth, heaven and mid-air, body, mind and the connecting breath of life. Sarama ...
... in their turn the higher worlds or planes. The higher existence is the divine, the infinite of which the shining Cow, the infinite Mother, Aditi, is the symbol; the lower is subject to her dark form Diti. The object of the sacrifice is to win the higher or divine being and possess with it and make subject to its law and truth the lower or human existence. The ghṛta of the sacrifice is the yield of ...
... & connects the human in us from the divine, & to cross over from the human to the divine, from this small & divided finite to that one, great & infinite, from this death to that immortality, leaving Diti for Aditi, alpam for bhuma, martyam for amritam is the great preoccupation & final aim of Veda & Vedanta. We can now understand the intention of the Rishi in his last verse and the greatness of the ...
... objective after the verbal idea in the adjective वृजिना, a frequent type of construction in the Veda, राये expresses the purpose of the action रास्व & उरुष्य, दिति & अदिति are the fixed terms expressing in Diti the broken & divided consciousness ( bheda ) of the Avidya ( achittim ) & in Aditi the infinite unbroken consciousness of the Vidya. Sayana is driven to ignore the fixed sense of अदिति in the Veda, ...
... दुःशंसान्. This verse describes those Asuric forces which are opposed to our divine growth & manifestation. The दुःशंसाः are those who are identified with self-division & self-limitation, the sons of Diti who stand in the way of Aditi or infinite being & oppose the शंस referred to in the last verse. जहि is, in the usage of later Sanscrit, the imperative of हन् but in origin it is evidently the ...
... all-embracing vision of the supramental infinite consciousness. × Aditi; her dark state or black form is Diti, mother of the powers of Darkness. × Of the rays of the divine Sun of Truth. ...
... not to men but to the Gods 110 Dasa-Dasyus as Asuras 110-111 Gods also have individualizing names and parents 111 Dasyus born of Diti, like the Gods from Aditī, and opposed both to the Gods and the Gods' followers 111 Dasa-Dasyus called "non-men" 111-112 "Non-men" no mere hyperbole for "inhuman" ...
... 1.17 May he the knower discern perfectly the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the wide levels and the crooked that shut in mortals; and, O God, for a bliss fruitful in offspring, lavish on us Diti and protect Aditi. Rig Veda IV.2.11 Now as the seven seers of Dawn, the Mother, the supreme disposers (of the sacrifice), may we beget for ourselves the gods; may we become the Angirasas ...
... evil, anything irrevocably and eternally condemned to perdition. Even the Asura, the anti-Divine is viewed, in the last analysis of things, also as an aspect, a formation of the Divine himself. Diti and Aditi are sisters, twin aspects of the same Supreme Being. All the legends in narrating the life history of the Asura describe his end as a submission to the Divine Will and a merging in Him. An ...
... 400 Churchill, 346 Commonwealth, 362 Confucius, 196 Czardom, 338 DANTE, 228,284,287, 388 – The Divine Comedy, 388 Darshanas, 297 David-Neele, Alexandra, 142, 173 Diti, 287 Durga, 249 Duryodhana, 206 EINSTEIN, 222, 344, 374, 376 Elizabeth, 196 England, 117, 196 Esau, 121 Europe, 297, 383 FAR EAST, THE, 54 Faust, 397 France, 78, 141 ...
... At the end of the "pilgrimage" of ascent and descent, the seeker is "a son of the two Mothers (III.55.7): the son of Aditi , the white Mother 251 of the superconscious infinite, and the son of Diti , the earthly Mother of "the dark infinite." He possesses "the two births," human and divine, "eternal and in one nest... as the Enjoyer of his two wives" (I.62.7): "The contents of the pregnant hill ...
... behind, my delicate Trojan, But, when this war ends, will bear thee away to the hills of my country And, as a robber might, with my captive glad and unwilling Bring thee a perfect gift to my sisters Ditis and Anna. Eurus, there in my land thou shalt look on such hills as thy vision Gazed not on yet, with their craggy tops besieging Cronion, Sheeted in virgin white and chilling his feet with their... plashing of waters. There shalt thou see, O Eurus, the childhood of Penthesilea. Thou shalt repose in my father's house and walk in the gardens Green where I played at the ball with my sisters, Ditis and Anna." Musing she ceased, but if any god had touched her with prescience Bidding her think for the last time now of the haunts of her childhood, Gaze in her soul with a parting love at the thought ...
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