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Divodasa : pious liberal king in Rig-Veda, for whom the Vedic Indra demolished the airborne castles of the Asura Shambara (q.v.).
... × Or, with thy straight going × Divodasa × Or, on Pushkara; or, the Lotus of the head of every chanting sage. ...
... अतिथीनामाभिगन्तारं । I shattered to pieces, rejoicing, the nine & ninety cities of Shambara; the hundredth I made a city of dwelling in man’s universal extension when Divodasa’s being I increased, Divodasa of farranging knowledge. 4) मरूतो । वेगेन मरूत्सदृशः पक्षिणः । प्र सु अस्तु । बलेन प्रकृष्टो भवतु । श्येनेभ्यः । शंसनीयगमनेभ्यः स्वसमानजातिभ्यः पक्षिभ्यः । अचक्रया स्वध्या । चक्रवर्जितया स्वधया ...
... 319 demi-god, 409-10 Dereivka, 247 Desai, Or. B., 202 deus/devil, 166 devo/Devas, 165, 166, 309, 361, 367, 369, 371-2, 386, 391-3, 404, 414-16 dhenor, 389 Divodasa (Atithigva),286-92, 296, 304, 327, 336, 362, 364 divya jana, 328 donkey, see ass dragon, see ahi Dravidian language/culture, 153-4, 159, 164, 175, 177, 178, 294 ...
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