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Dr Munje : Balkrishna Shivaram Munje (1872-1948) of Nagpur, one of Khaparde’s most prominent lieutenants in the early days of Nationalist agitation. In 1920 he came to Pondicherry as a guest of Sri Aurobindo.

15 result/s found for Dr Munje

... leader from Nagpur who asked Sri Aurobindo to return to British India to preside over the Nagpur session of the Congress a few months later.* Tilak had just passed away on August 1.) Dear Dr. Munje, As I have already wired to you, I find myself unable to accept your offer of the Presidentship of the Nagpur Congress. There are reasons even within the political field itself which in any case... faith the Congress creed, as my own is of a different character.... I am entirely in sympathy with all that is being done so far as its object is to secure liberty for ________________ * Dr. Munje also visited Sri Aurobindo in October, 1920, and had long talks with him; he later became a leader of the Hindu Mahasabha. Page 155 India, but I should be unable to identify ...


... to meet him. In the course of long talks Munje pressed Sri Aurobindo to accept the Presidentship of the ensuing Nagpur session of the Congress in December 1920, but Sri Aurobindo declined. Later Dr. Munje sent a telegram to renew the offer and Sri Aurobindo replied on August 30, 1920, giving a number of reasons for not being able to accept it. 'The central reason however,' he wrote, 'is this that I... enlarged legislative councils provided under the new Government of India Act. Sri Aurobindo's reply, sent through his brother Barin in November, was on the lines of his earlier letters to Baptista and Dr. Munje. 'I have become confirmed in a perception,' he wrote, '...that the true basis of work and life is the spiritual, — that is to say a new consciousness to be developed only by Yoga. I see more and more ...


... that "Aurobindo was treated with the reverence of a king wherever he had gone. As a matter of fact he was regarded as the leader not merely of Bengal but of the whole country." From the station Dr. Munje and others escorted Sri Aurobindo and Shyam Sundar to the Raghubir Theatre. There Sri. Aurobindo delivered an address to the packed house. And whom did he see there ? Sir Moropant Joshi, one of those... Page 407 A few Nationalist leaders at Surat: (centre:) Ajit Singh, Sri Aurobindo, Tilak, Haider Reza (front:) Khaparde, Ashwini Kumar Dutt (back:) Dr. Munje, Ramaswamy, Kuverji Desai Page 408 ...

... that guides the conduct of all public bodies. Mr. Chitnavis, one of the Secretaries, called on his own initiative a fresh meeting to elect a new Executive in which the Moderates should predominate. Dr. Munje, also a Secretary, was perfectly Page 723 within his rights in opposing the bare-faced illegality of this unconstitutional procedure and refusing to allow the meeting to be held. Meanwhile ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Many prominent as well as less known persons sought and obtained interviews with him during these years. Thus, among well-known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore, Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at Pondicherry; so was V. V ...

... Many prominent as well as less known persons sought and obtained interviews with him during these years. Thus, among well-known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore, Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at Pondicherry; so was V. V. S ...

... Party from Bengal reached Surat. There were already many delegates who had come and they kept arriving from all over the country. Among them were Ashwini Kumar Dutt from Bengal, G. S. Khaparde and Dr. Munje from the Central Provinces, Lala Lajpat Rai from Punjab, Chidambaram Pillai from the South 1 —in fact, all the leaders worth their salt. And, of course, Tilak from Maharashtra, who had reached Surat ...

... high-handed attempt at a shamelessly unconstitutional coup d'état on the 22nd September was conceived in the brain of so harmless and insignificant a personality as Mr. Chitnavis. The attempt to expel Dr. Munje and his Nationalist colleagues from the Executive Committee was a failure because leonine tactics require a leonine personality to carry them through and Mr. Chitnavis was trying to wear the giant's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Aurobindo to return to British India in order to become the editor of a new English daily paper. It would be the organ of a new political party Tilak and others were intending to form. Another was Dr. Munje, who proposed that Sri Aurobindo take up the presidency of the Indian National Congress. Sri Aurobindo declined both offers politely. To Baptista he wrote: ‘Pondicherry is my place of retreat, ...

... went with India's soul in his "frail" hands and brought it back, downhearted, rewarded with ungracious remarks for the gratuitous advice. Sri Aurobindo even sent a telegram to Rajagopalachari and Dr. Munje urging them to accept the Proposals. Dr. Indra Sen writes, "We met the members individually and the sense of the reactions were more or less to this effect: Sri Aurobindo has created difficulties ...

... 26, 1907. Delegates came in strength from many parts of India. Sri Aurobindo led a large contingent of Nationalists from Bengal. Tilak was present along with other stalwarts from Maharashtra like Dr. Munje and G.S. Khaparde. The Nationalists also welcomed back Lala Lajpat Rai and Sardar Ajit Singh who came from the Punjab and had both been recently released from detention. The Moderates were equally ...


... prominent as well as less known persons sought and obtained interviews with him during these years. Thus, among the well – known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore and Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at Pondicherry; so was V ...

... it regularly. Towards the end of 1920 W. W. Pearson came from Shantiniketan and met the Mother; at about the same time James B. Cousins came and met the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. In 1920 Dr. Munje, the Congress leader, came to Pondicherry and stayed as Sri Aurobindo's guest. He had long talks with Sri Aurobindo on current Indian politics. Barin Ghose came in 1920 and Ullaskar Dutt, who had ...


... memorable interviews that took place in 1920 are noted below: W.W. Pearson came from Shantiniketan and met the Mother. James H. Cousins came and met Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Dr. Munje came and stayed with Sri Aurobindo. He had long talks with the Master on political subjects. Sarala Devi Choudhurani came sometime in 1920 or later and had an interview with Sri Aurobindo. ...

... time of the Surat Congress, December 1907 Front row left to right: G.S. Khaparde, Aswini Kumar Dutta Middle row: Sirdar Ajit Singh, Sri Aurobindo, B.G. Tilak, Saiyad Haider Reza Back row: Dr. B.S. Munje, Ramaswamy, K. Kuverji Desai Sri Aurobindo at Amravati, January 1908, after the Surat Congress Barin and his young terrorists committed one of their blunders when they killed two... Doordarshan, the Indian national television, reports the daily parliamentary proceedings in New Delhi, it shows first a picture of the parliament building, then a statue of Mahatma Gandhi, then a statue of Dr Ambedkar, a defender of the backward classes, and then a bust of Sri Aurobindo. × On Himself , 153 ...
