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Dr. Ambedkar : Bhimrao Rāmji (1891-1956) was born to Marathi Mahar (one of the untouchable castes) parents in Mhow (20 miles SE of Indore) who moved to Baroda State to avail of the free compulsory primary education for boys & girls including tribals, backward & untouchable classes introduced in 1893. Bhimrao’s Brahmin teacher, Mahādev Ambedkar, changed his surname Ambavadekar to his own Ambedkar in school records. In 1897 he became the first Dalit to be enrolled at Elphinstone High School, Bombay. In 1907, Sayājirao granted him a monthly scholarship of Rs.50 on passing Matriculation &,in 1912, on passing out with honours from Bombay University in 1912, a four-year scholarship of £11.50 for postgraduate studies in USA & UK. In 1916, at a seminar in London, he read out his thesis on the genesis, mechanisms & development of the castes in India. Testifying before the committee preparing the Govt. of India Act 1919, he argued for creating separate electorates & reservations for untouchables then called Depressed Classes. The Communal Award announced by Britain in August 1932 created separate electorates for Europeans, Muslims, Christians, Anglo-Indians, Sikhs, & Depressed Classes. This led to the Gandhi-Ambedkar Poona Pact on 25 September 1932 creating a Joint Electorate of DCs & all Hindus in which 18% of the seats allotted to Hindus in the Federal (Central Govt.) & 148 seats (against 71 allotted to DCs by Britain) in provincial legislatures, plus reservation in the seats allotted to Hindus in the Civil Services of India. The term Depressed Classes was changed to Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes in the Govt. of India Act 1935 which came into force in 1936, & so carried into the Constitution of India in 1950. The Act of 1935 also amputated Burma from India & gave it a separate constitution, a dismemberment of India’s cultural body over which (wrote Ambedkar in 1940 while advocating the separation of Pakistan in 1940) the INC shed not a tear. In 1950, while justifying the Partition of India, Ambedkar also remarked: “Everybody infers that Islam must be free from slavery & caste…. But if slavery has gone, caste among Mussalmāns has remained.” Though Nehru’s Law Minister (1947-51) & the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly that framed the Constitution of India, while moving for the adoption of the Constitution (as Chairman of the Drafting Committee), Ambedkar warned against hero-worship as it leads to the evil of acquiescing a government by that hero instead of one run by the people themselves.

6 result/s found for Dr. Ambedkar

... can at most affect one's own condition, but how can it "atone" for the doings of others or change their nature? 12 July 1934 In a recent statement, Gandhi criticises the attitude taken by Dr. Ambedkar and his followers at the Bombay Presidency Depressed Classes Conference. They passed a resolution recommending the "complete severance of the Depressed Classes from the Hindu fold and their embracing ...


... "The only thing fixed, rigid, positive, clear is the social law," says Sri Aurobindo; "and even that varies in different castes, regions, communities." 16 No wonder Page 496 Dr. Ambedkar once said, stung by exasperation, that Hinduism is not a religion, but a contagious disease! But that is not the truth either. To help us out of our perplexity, Sri Aurobindo isolates certain essential ...

... the Indian national television, reports the daily parliamentary proceedings in New Delhi, it shows first a picture of the parliament building, then a statue of Mahatma Gandhi, then a statue of Dr Ambedkar, a defender of the backward classes, and then a bust of Sri Aurobindo. × On Himself , 153 ...


... approach to the Truth or the desire of inner spiritual self-expression are not the motives of the recommendation of change to which objection is made by the Mahatma here; the object proposed [by Dr. Ambedkar] is an enhancement of social status and consideration which is no more a spiritual motive than conversion for the sake of money or marriage. If a man has no religion in himself, he can change his ...


... support materials in the area of value-oriented education for students, teachers, teacher educators, curriculum planners and text book writers. It has developed biographies of national leaders like Dr. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose and Pt. G.B. Pant. The supplementary reading materials for school children entitled 'Nai Nai Kahaniya' contains value based stories—highlighting values ...

... the area of Value-Oriented Education for students, teachers and teacher educators, curriculum planners and textbooks writers. Some of publications are biographies of national leaders like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose and Govind Ballabh Pant. Supplementary reading materials for school children titled Nai Nai Kahaniyan contains value-based stories... Co-Curricular Activities: Formal or Informal, Direct or Indirect Courses. iii.Encouraging Development Empirical Research. Paper XI: Concept and Objectives of Value Education Speaker: Dr. A.R. Seetharam *Value Education, as it is generally used, refers to a wide gamut of learning and activities ranging from training in physical health, mental hygiene, etiquette and manners,... Importance of time management - Universal brotherhood - Preservation of environment Topic: A Tribal Literature: Constructing the Value-Oriented Education Speaker: Dr. Prakash Pattnaik *Highlighted aspects of tribal literature of Orissa (with illustrations from folk literature and tribal lore of Orissa with a view to explore possibility of their inclusion in ...