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... The Spirit of Auroville Once again Dr. Karan Singh wrote to me on 3.3.1999: Dr. Karan Singh 3, Nyaya Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi-110 021 3 March 1999 Dear Huta, It is some time now since we have met. I was in Auroville briefly over the weekend and visited Savitri Bhavan which is beginning to develop with your goodwill and invaluable ...
... to light relatively recently (in the mid fifties) is a set of forty seven Page 81 paintings in the Karan Singh collection and exhibited at the Amar Mahal Museum of Jammu. Dr. Karan Singh recalls how an old painter Pandit Kunjial Vaid, living in Basohli, gave him the priceless series: "Although his health was advanced — he [Pandit Kunjial Vaid] must have been over 80 at the time... that many foreigners had come to him wanting to buy the collection but he had not agreed to part with it. Now that he was old and had no children, he would like to present the paintings to me." Dr Karan Singh accepted the gift which is now displayed in the first hall of the Amar Mahal Museum in Jammu. The achievement of the artist who created these marvels is beautifully described by Dr B.N. ...
... to meet them and posed for photographs with them. Among other visitors during the year were R.R. Diwakar, Sri Prakasa and Dr. Karan Singh, all of whom felt a spiritual rapport with the place and a deep admiration for the Mother's personality and work. When Dr. Karan Singh had earlier asked for a photo of the Mother, three had been chosen and sent: the portrait with a veil taken in Algeria in the ...
... The Spirit of Auroville After many years I received a letter dated 20.2.1993 from Dr. Karan Singh: Dear Huta, Carlo Schuller met me today and showed me the Mother's letter to you. I will be glad to meet you when I visit the Sri Aurobindo Ashram on 25th. With good wishes Karan Singh Karan Singh and I met for the first time in my apartment, ...
... determination but here the authority is much more... much more... much more. Fearless, powerful, dominating eyes.” × Dr. Karan Singh, an erudite scholar of Sri Aurobindo's writings, was then on a visit to the Ashram. ...
... Thacker Spink and Radhabai Atmaram, supplied him regularly with the latest catalogues, and he then placed orders for selected books which duly arrived in bulky parcels by passenger train. *Dr. Karan Singh mentions in a footnote on p. 43 of his book Prophet of Indian Nationalism (Bhavan's Edition, 1967) that the Maharaja's only daughter, now the dowager Maharani of Cooch-Behar, gave the information ...
... Centre of Education and Auroville, as also the far-flung Sri Aurobindo birth centenary celebrations, took up most of her time. A National Committee (which included many ardent Aurobindonians), with Dr. Karan Singh as convener, had been set up by the Government of India, and this committee organised a programme of lectures, seminars, exhibitions and commemorative publications. The house which was widely believed ...
... little money to spare. In fact all his projects were undertaken in this manner. The ground was bought, plans were made, one floor was done. The coffers were empty. So just wait out the drought! Dr. Karan Singh also took interest and gave a great helping hand. Nripen-da had the satisfaction of seeing it function, though not completed. The two marble statues of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo that we see ...
... responsibility on her able shoulders and ensured the preparation of the manuscript for the press. We also thank the whole team at Mira Aditi who willingly helped in many ways. Our thanks are due to Dr. Karan Singh for writing the preface. We acknowledge his love and respect for our Guru Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and his continued regard for the Hari Krishna Mandir. I would like to end this note with ...
... seekers around the world and will richly repay the reader. I close by paying my deep personal homage to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as well as to the memory of Dilipda and Indira Devi. Dr. Karan Singh 29 February 2008 Page 7 ...
... The Spirit of Auroville I came to know from a reliable source that Dr. Karan Singh was pushing the Government to "take over" Auroville as a "living memorial of Sri Aurobindo". But Kireet Joshi and Mr. C.P.N. Singh were protecting Auroville from such a drastic decision, and hoped for a solution which could leave it in more freedom, in the spirit of a laboratory ...
... in-spiringly expressed in various passages of Sri Aurobindo's epic, Savitri. Such passages will be found in the Appendix at the end of the book. I wish to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Karan Singh for his kind Foreword in which he has so effectively introduced Sri Aurobindo's paramount but relatively less familiar concept of the psychic being. A. S.D. xiv ...
... The Spirit of Auroville Here I recall one of Dr. Karan Singh's letters to me dated 6.12.1995 in connection with Savitri Bhavan and Auroville: Dear Huta, I will be glad to meet you when I am next in Pondicherry. Warm congratulations upon setting up the Havyavahana Trust. This is a beautiful name, and I am sure that it will be a very creative endeavour... that so far there are no such indications, but the Divine works in subtle and mysterious ways and we must continue to have faith in Its ultimate triumph. With warm regards, Your sincerely, Karan Singh ...
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