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Dutt, Bhupendranath : (1880-1961) youngest brother of Swami Vivekananda. During the search of the office of the Yugāntar, he declared himself the editor, though he was then incapable of writing important articles. He was arrested & sentenced. “Yugantar was involved again & again in sedition cases. In the first of these cases the statement given by Bhupendranath Dutt as editor was actually written by Aurobindo-babu…. Bhupen sent a request for an appeal to be filed in the High Court! When Aurobindo-babu was informed of this, he said: ‘How can we appeal a case in the High Court that we did not even defend? Listen, go to the jail & get Bhupen to sign a power of attorney, bring it back here & destroy it.’ Needless to say, this is what was done.” [Abinash Bhattacharya, “Sri Aurobindo”, Mother India, July 2012]
... Aurobindo, there were also other fiery propagators of the new gospel of Nationalism—notably Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya, Bhupendranath Dutt and Sri Aurobindo's younger brother, Barindra Kumar Ghose.... Bhupendranath Dutt . In the interests of truth this name should be omitted. Bhupen Dutt was at the time only an obscure hand in the Yugantar office incapable of writing anything important and an ordinary ...
... Tilak, and so its opinion has no value. The Mahomedans and Parsis will join the movement if the Nationalists are driven out and the British public and British Government are, according to Babu Bhupendranath Bose, an excellent authority, deeply interested in seeing the creed preserved. For all these reasons let the creed be preserved. We Page 927 wonder whether these cogent reasons will... plain about the creed, its object is to get rid of the spectre of Swaraj by exorcism and the creed is the magic formula which is to drive Swaraj and Swarajists out of the National Assembly. Mr. R. C. Dutt has declared that the split was a consummation much to be desired and must be perpetuated and the Gujerati heartily endorses the sentiment. The Pabna Conference, it contends, was a got-up affair arranged ...
... for the paper." Even petty shopkeepers, tea-stall owners read the Yugantar and were fired with patriotism. The Yugantar, according to its promoters — among them Vivekananda's brother, Bhupendranath Dutt —"was dedicated to the service of the country and was the first newspaper of the revolutionary party." Again Maharaja Suryakanta Acharya helped them in financing the paper. The Page 274... itself in a British Court on the ground that it did not recognise the foreign Government and this immensely increased the prestige and influence of the paper." Vivekananda's younger brother, Bhupendranath Dutta, was sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment on 24 July 1907 for 'seditious' matter that appeared in the Yugantar. The fact is that the Government was scared stiff of the Yugantar... 29 "They Laugh at Death" "Barin was preparing bombs at my place at Baroda," Sri Aurobindo said with a reminiscent smile, "but I didn't know it. He got the formula from Ullaskar Dutt who was a very good chemist. He, Upen and Debabrata were very good writers too. They wrote in the Yugantar." Upen, or Upendranath Banerji (1879-1950), came from Chandernagore, then in French ...
... Two Book Two Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram One More for the Altar 25-July-1907 Srijut Bhupendranath Dutt has been sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment for telling the truth with too much emphasis. As to that we have nothing to say, for it is a necessary part of the struggle between Anglo-Indian ...
... accused. In later years Sri Aurobindo, in one of his numerous anecdotes, said, "He visited me in Alipore Jail and told Charu Dutt, 'Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes?' "'Yes, what about them?' asked Charu. "'I have seen him. He has the eyes of a madman!' "Dutt replied, 'No, he has the eyes of a Karma yogi.' Charu took great pains to convince him that I was not at all mad but a Karma... behind me holding the rope end." The search which had begun at 5:30 in the morning went on till 11:30. When they finally came out of the house Sri Aurobindo found his Na-Meso, K. K. Mitra, and Bhupendranath Basu outside. The police had prevented them from entering the premises, and had also turned down the request of Sri Aurobindo's solicitor, Hirendranath Dutta, to be present during the search. ...
... theory it is proposed to extend it only to voluntary resort to the protection of the alien authorities and not to cases in which one is compelled to them by a warrant or a summons. A few men like Bhupendranath Dutt who have realised freedom in their souls and refuse to be bound by any limitations of an alien making, may decline to have anything to do with the law which the nation had no hand in framing ...
... not primarily one of law or of political forms and institutions, Page 616 but a spiritual issue on which all others depend and from which they arise. The question is not whether one Bhupendranath Dutt published matter which he knew to be likely to bring the Government established by law, to wit certain mediocrities in Belvedere, Darjeeling, Shillong or Simla who collectively call themselves ...
... 23 April he published a series of articles on passive resistance in the Bande Mataram. One can see in it clearly the distinction between non-violence and passive resistance. On 24 July 1907 Bhupendranath Dutt, a brother of Vivekananda, was sentenced for seditious material that appeared in Yugantar. He wanted to offer defence, but Sri Aurobindo said that it was illogical for a revolutionary to recognise... attempt was made on the life of Sir Andrew Frazer, the Governor of Bengal. A bomb was thrown at the train in which he was travelling. From 7 to 9 December there was a conference at Midnapore. Mr. K. B. Dutt, who was elected President by the Moderates, was not allowed to address the conference on the seventh. The Nationalists convened a separate meeting on the eighth – Sri Aurobindo was their leader. He ...
... had these removed after some time. Was it because of the protest of Bhupendranath Basu, the Congress Moderate leader, who had come to see things for himself when he heard about the arrest? Or was it on the intervention of Benod Kumar Gupta, as claimed by him? (Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, No. 27, p. 122) ** Cf. C.C. Dutt: "The Chief and a number of young men were arrested and put up for trial... December 1950) While C.C. Dutt "lakes it appear that he took an important part in the revolutionary and terrorist movement from behind the scenes under the leadership of his 'Chief, Sri Aurobindo, there is perhaps some romanticising in all this. "hen the talk once (28 February 1940) turned on C.C. Dutt's role and activities, Sri Aurobindo is reported to have said: "Charu Dutt seems to be everywhere... experiences. Sir Edward Baker, the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, after a visit to the Alipur Jail where he happened to see Sri Aurobindo, told Charu Chandra Dutt: "Have you seen Arabinda Ghose's eyes? He has the eyes of a mad man!", and Dutt had to take great pains to convince Sir Edward that Arabinda wasn't mad at all but was really a true Karma Yogi. 35 There was a more portentous encounter when ...
... Sri Aurobindo wrote articles for some of the earlier issues of the paper and exercised a general control over it. The Government, alarmed at the popularity of the paper, eventually arrested Bhupendranath Dutt, Swami Vivekananda's brother, who came forward as the editor, and sentenced him to jail on a charge of sedition. Yugantar finally had to cease publication in June 1908, but during its short... over several of them. A munificent donation of one lakh of rupees was promised by Subodh Chandra Mullick, an affluent and ardent patriot, to found a National College. Through his brother-in-law C.C. Dutt, Subodh Mullick had earlier met Sri Aurobindo, soon becoming one of his closest friends and staunchest supporters in the political field. In making the donation, Subodh Mullick stipulated that Sri Aurobindo... cautioned them that if they did not desist, police action and prosecution would ensue. The Government followed this up with police search of the Yugantar office on July 3 and arrested Bhupendra Nath Dutt, as you know. On July 30 it pounced on the Bande Mataram, searched the office and confiscated many books and papers. Nothing daunted, the Bande Mataram wrote the next day: 'The wolf has come at ...
... secretary to the Maharaja during the Kashmir tour. To R. C. Dutt. 30 July 1904 . Romesh Chunder Dutt (1848 - 1909) was an officer in the Indian Civil Service from 1871 to 1897. He rose to the position of Divisional Commissioner of Orissa, the highest post in the British administration yet held by an Indian. A few years after Dutt retired from the I.C.S., the Maharaja of Baroda offered him the... position of Councillor (virtually the same as Dewan, a fact that would later cause some difficulties). The correspondence between the Gaekwar and Page 573 Dutt was handled by Sri Aurobindo, who had met Dutt earlier. To the Principal, Baroda College. 18 September 1904 . During part of 1904 Sri Aurobindo held the post of assistant Huzur Kamdar (Crown Secretary). This is one... in the first row Contemporary newspaper accounts agree that the first row of delegates at the Barisal Conference consisted of Surendranath Banerjea, Bhupendranath Bose and Motilal Ghose. These accounts, as well as official reports, note that the police allowed many delegates to pass, not just the first three, before attacking the younger men ( Bengalee ...
... Rev. William, 29ff Drewett, Mrs.,30,31 Dibreuil, Jouveau, 384 Dupleix, SS, 374, 376, 377, 379 Dutt, Charu Chandra, 189ff, 193, 207,208, 285fn, 286, 322 Dutt, Kanailal, 324ff Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, 25,49,50 Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 11, 81fn, 83, 662 Eknath, 9 Eliot, T. S., 209,294, 318,491, 513,535 Englishman, The,... Das, C. R., 64, 68, 77, 79, 282, 326ff, 343, 411, 528, 529, 531ff, 727 Das, Hemachandra, 62, 64 Dass, Poushpa, 774 Datta, Aswini Kumar, 184, 269, 343 Datta, Bhupendranath, 199, 234, 245, 305 Datta (Dorothy Hodgson), 526, 540, 548, 549, 575 Datta, Ullaskar, 219, 325, 329ff Dattagupta, Birendranath, 365 David-Neel, Alexandra, 395 ...
... at the altar of Mother India and finally at the altar of the Mother of the universe. Love for Motherland ( Recounted by PURNANANDA , an Inmate of the Ashram, to Mona ) Once Bhupen-da (Bhupendranath Dutt, the younger brother of Vivekananda) spoke to me about Sudhir-da. He told me: Oh, Sudhir! he is a realised soul. Could one recognise him by his outwardness? All those young revolutionaries descended ...
... the deportation of the Lion of the Punjab, Lajpat Rai. Yet another day it was the onslaught on the universities and other educational institutions. Or it was the arrest and imprisonment of Bhupendranath Datta on the staff of Yugantar. Everyday some enormity or other was happening, and Sri Aurobindo happened to know much more about those things than most politicians, even most Nationalists,... the Bande Mataram (on 8 June) that, if they didn't learn to behave better, police action might ensue against them. After a decent interval, the Yugantar Office was searched on 3 July, and Bhupendranath Datta (instead of prudently trying to save his own neck) declared that he was the editor, courted arrest, and by refusing to offer defence (why should he, as a revolutionary, take cognizance... unarmed assailant throws his pebble from behind a bush or wall is, to say the least of it, a trifle incongruous. As for the "poor" printer, even had somebody come forward as the editor (as Bhupendranath had done for the Yugantar), "the printer would still have been liable under the statute and got his three months". And the article entitled Chowringhee and Anonymous Journalism" put the record ...
... Chandidas etc. into English. Once, when R. C. Dutt, the well-known civilian, came to Baroda at the invitation of the Maharaja, he somehow came to know about Sri Aurobindo's translations and expressed his desire to see them. Sri Aurobindo showed them to him (though not without reluctance, for he was by nature shy and reticent about himself), and Dutt was so much struck by their high quality that... there for private circulation. It contained many poems written in England in his teens, and five 20 written at 19. R. C. Dutt's translations of the two Epics were published in England and highly acclaimed. 20. These five were: One on Madhusudan Dutt, one on Bankim Chandra Chatterji, a sonnet on his maternal grandfather, Rajnarayana Bose, and two English adaptations from Chandidas... reading, which enabled him to go through the books with an almost miraculous rapidity. Charu Dutt refers in his book, Puranokatha-Upasanhara, to the following incident. Once after returning from College, Sri Aurobindo picked up a novel that was lying near where he sat and began to read it, while Charu Dutt and some of his friends were noisily engaged in a game of chess. After half an hour, he put ...
... "This reminds me of a compliment given to my eyes by Sir Edward Baker, Governor of Bengal. He visited us in Alipur Jail and told Charu Chandra Dutt, 'Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes? He has the eyes of a mad man!' Charu Chandra Dutt I.C.S. took great pains to convince him that I was not at all mad but a Karma-Yogi." 163 "I knew something about sculpture, but I was blind... example, unprecedented in history, of a revolution worked out by moral force and peaceful pressure." On the 7th August, there was a festival celebrated in Calcutta, and presided over by Sj. Bhupendranath Bose. Writing on this celebration in the Karmayogin of the 14th August, Sri Aurobindo said, "...Even in these few years the Ganapati and Shivaji festivals, instituted by the far-seeing human... with most of the luminaries of contemporary India, Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, Jagadish Chandra Bose, P.C. Roy, Bepin Chandra Pal, Brahmabandhava Upadhyaya, Ramananda Chatterji, R.C. Dutt, Okakura, the Japanese art connoisseur, Gokhale, Tilak etc., she exerted a great influence in various fields of the resurgent life of the nation. Jagadish Chandra Bose and P.C. Roy gave her a run ...
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