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Dutt, Charu Chandra : (1877-1952), ICS, began career as magistrate & then as judge in Bombay. Sri Aurobindo met him in 1904. After retiring in 1925 he stayed for some time at Santiniketan; then settled in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, in 1940.

26 result/s found for Dutt, Charu Chandra

... reported by him. Except for the para in italics which is a direct quote from a letter by the Master to one of the sadhaks.) Dadoo was one of the most endearing teachers we ever had. C. C. Dutt (Charu Chandra Dutt) sounds too lengthy and grandiose for a man like him — so Dadoo he will be in most of our minds and in all that follows, from 1940 to 1952. Dadoo even as a teacher in our school was a ...


... Dream of Surreal Science, A, 160, 650-51 Drewett, The Rev. William, 29ff Drewett, Mrs.,30,31 Dibreuil, Jouveau, 384 Dupleix, SS, 374, 376, 377, 379 Dutt, Charu Chandra, 189ff, 193, 207,208, 285fn, 286, 322 Dutt, Kanailal, 324ff Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, 25,49,50 Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 11, 81fn, 83, 662 Eknath, 9 Eliot ...

... Autobiographical Notes Autobiographical Notes Corrections of Statements Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes To Charu Chandra Dutt Charu This is my answer to the questions arising from your letter. 1 Except on one point which calls for some explanation, I confine myself to the plain facts. (1) I was the writer of... for your statements on these points to the editor of the Udbodhan. Sri Aurobindo December 15, 1944 × Charu Chandra Dutt wrote to Sri Aurobindo in regard to certain points contained in a letter from Swami Sundarananda to Girijashankar Raychaudhuri dated 11 February 1944 and published in the Bengali journal Udbodhan... ten minutes or so I was in the boat for Chandernagore. Ramchandra Majumdar guided me to the Ghat and hailed a boat and I entered into it at once along with my relative Biren Ghosh and Mani (Suresh Chandra Chakrabarti) who accompanied me to Chandernagore, not turning aside to Bagbazar or anywhere else. We reached our destination while it was still dark and they returned in the morning to Calcutta. ...

... dress." C.C. Dutt in his book added a few more details. "After the introduction, I said to Aurobindo Babu, 'Your brother Benoybabu knows me from long.' He smiled a beautiful sweet smile and replied, 'I know all about you. Now that we are both in Gujarat we shall meet often.'" C.C. Dutt's father, Kalikadas Dutt was the Dewan of the Maharaja of Coochbehar, where Charu Chandra was born on 16 June... came to Baroda from Surat they unharnessed the horses from his carriage and pulled it themselves. * * * Charu Chandra Dutt had heard much about Sri Aurobindo from different sources. But it was finally in 1904 that he met him. It was at the Baroda station. Dutt was on his way to Bombay, and he was with an English colleague; while Sri Aurobindo had gone to the station to see the artist... for ages more. But curiously enough, my physical contact with men of this type —there were two or three others —was always brief. Because I had something else to do this time, I suppose." Charu Chandra Dutt passed the last years of his life Page 219 near the living Idol of his heart. Then he passed away on 22 January 1952, about thirteen I months after Sri Aurobindo's departure ...

... Who is this, another Charu Chandra? (We have already met two — C. C. Dutt, known as Dadu and C. C. Mukherji known as Bula-da.) This Charu-da is quite a bit different and quite a bit similar to the other two. The similarity, of course was — they were all devoted children of the Mother. We, the other children, gave him the title “BHATER Charu” = Charu of the Rice. Actually Dadoo and Bula-da were never... Charu-Da Among the Not So Great Charu-Da — Bhater (Charu Chandra Deb Sarkar) Who will pray, he must fast and be clean And fat his soul, and make his body lean. Chaucer, the Summoner’s Tale I could see his lean body, it couldn’t be leaner. But his soul was beyond my ken. Let’s hold judgment till later (if one can judge). ... re. Matters did not go so well and Charu broke off from the Sangha. A plan for Haradhan to go to Pondicherry to sort out matters also fell through. One Mr. Kirti Chandra Gangopadhyaya said he could go to Pondicherry — but had no money. He was given Rs. 15/to go, but he did not go. Nothing seemed to be working. Then after all these efforts and false starts, Charu along with Haradhan left for Pondicherry ...

... Nirodbaran, the Master's constant attendant, asked me, "What happened, Sir? Why did the Master say, - 'So, Charu Dutt did bow down before the Mother!'" I explained, in all pride, to the friends present, how the Master had saved me. Yes, Sri Aurobindo had asked us, "Did Charu Dutt bow down to the Mother?" Page 155 Let me, now, describe in short my first Darshan... to the subject of my talk today without beating about the bush any more. The thing is that there is an article here: "My Friend and My Master", written by one of our old sadhaks, whose name was Charu Dutt. These ladies, when they were barely bigger than a thumb, used to call him 'Dadu and would be regaled by his fascinating stories. Mother once remarked about him that he was a born storyteller.... within me, present more intensely than he had been before. Well, I shall just give a sort of an introduction in one or two words which will also come in the course of the article. Charu Dutt had been an I.C.S. officer, a government servant; and though he was an I.C.S. officer, he took part in Sri Aurobindo's revolutionary activity. So he addresses Sri Aurobindo as the Leader and the ...

... and that he took this step of leaving British India at the advice of Sister Nivedita. All these statements are opposed to the facts and they were contradicted on Sri Aurobindo's behalf by Sri Charu Chandra Dutt in the same monthly. Sri Aurobindo's departure to Chandernagore was the result of a sudden decision taken on the strength of an adesh from Page 90 above and was carried out ...

... world's greatest devotional literature. Shaiva poets composed hymns to Shiva. Charu Chandra Dutt (16.6.1876 - 22.1.1952) served as judge at several places in Western India. He was a revolutionary and met Sri Aurobindo in 1904 in Baroda and was then in contact with him until 1910. In 1940, Charu Dutt met again Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry and then he and his wife, Lilabati, settled in the... scriptural and mythological stories). Professor Parabodh Chandra Sen (1897-1986): An eminent Prosodist of Bengal. The first person to develop a systematic metrical theory of Bengali and one of the luminaries of the University that Tagore conceptualized in Santiniketan. Meghnad Badh: by Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1824-1873). It is an epic poem in Bengali, taken from the Ramayana... French lady who came to the Ashram and stayed for more or less long periods from 1937 to 1941. She taught French and the violin. Mother called her Suryakumari. Amal Kiran's first wife Charu Battacharya, aka Bengal, aka Motakaka. Later they became residents of the Ashram R.R. Diwarkar: Author of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo. Minister of Information and Broadcasting under Nehru (1948-52) ...

... of the Alipore Sedition Case. He asked Charu Dutt, "Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes?... He 1 The same Lt. Governor Andrew Fraser (attempt on his life was made on 6 Dec. 1907) who had collected details about the Extremist Party and its "able, cunning, fanatical leader," Arabindo. Page 275 has the eyes of a madman." "No," Dutt disagreed. "No, he has the eyes of a Karma... we are left breathless. The report named "his principal associates, whom he visits and is visited by." Among them were several barristers, including Chitta Ranjan Das, Basanta Kumar Das, Bijoy Chandra Chatterji; there was our R Mitter (Pramatha Nath Mitra); the list also included the names of Ramananda Chatterji, Gispati Kabya-tirtha, Lalit Mohan Das, and some others. The list of names shows us ...

... retirement. I lived in a students' Mess, one that had acquired quite a name. Among the inmates were Atul Gupta, Charu Bhattacharya (late of the Visvabharati), and a little before my time there was Naresh Chandra Sengupta. In my first year of College, Atul Gupta was in his fourth year, Charu Bhattacharya in his fifth and Naresh Sengupta had just passed out. I happened once to set foot in the room he used... say. Satish Chandra had no doubt wanted to use this as a means of forming the character and not merely as an intellectual training, a way of moulding the life, something that had been missing in our college education. I do not know to what extent he succeeded in actual fact. This was about the middle of 19°4. It was three years later, about the middle of 1907, that I met Satish Chandra again. He could... Prafulla. He had already told him about my antecedents, so one day I received a call – Barin would see me, as if at an interview for a post. Escorted by Prafulla, I arrived at his residence in Gopimohan Dutt Lane at Goabagan. This place acquired some renown during the Alipore case as a den of the terrorists. Next to the house there was a gymnasium for the young men of the neighbourhood where wrestling and ...

... retirement. I lived in a students' Mess, one that had acquired quite a name. Among the inmates were Atul Gupta, Charu Bhattacharya (late of the Visvabharati), and a little before my time there was Naresh Chandra Sengupta. In my first year of College, Atul Gupta was in his fourth year, Charu Bhattacharya in his fifth and Naresh Sengupta had just passed out. I happened once to set foot in the room he... Page 6 him about my antecedents, so one day I received a call— Barin would see me, as if at an interview for a post. Escorted by Prafulla, I arrived at his residence in Gopimohan Dutt Lane at Goabagan. This place acquired some renown during the Alipore case as a den of the terrorists. Next to the house there was a gymnasium for the young men of the neighbourhood where wrestling... to study the subject? I thought of reading Chemistry and by joining the Chemistry practical learn the principles of explosives. At that time the Superintendent (or perhaps Principal) was Satish Chandra Mukeiji, Founder-President of the Dawn Society. I had met him several years ago in the rooms of the Society. Let me then narrate this earlier story in the present connection. I had just come ...

... us an odd combination, but once at least in Sri Aurobindo's life, this seems to have come about. Among the early influential converts to the revolutionary cause was the young I.C.S. officer, Charu Chandra Dutt, whom Sri Aurobindo met at Thana early in 1904*, and on one of his visits an interesting event too place which may be described in the host's own words: It was raining heavily on that day... greater emphasis laid on the collection of arms and the manufacture of bombs. 29 When C.C. Dutt demurred that the scheme seemed to hinge too much on Yoga, Sri Aurobindo is said to have laughed and said: "Your aim and ours are exactly the same. Why not look upon the ochre garb as a uniform?" 30 It was Charu Dutt too who accompanied Sri Aurobindo and K.G. Deshpande when they visited the Ashram at   ... activity and his rather calculated moves towards organising the people for an eventual *Sri Aurobindo met C.C. Dutt first at the Baroda Railway platform by chance, and told him while parting: "Now that we are both in Gujarat, we are sure to see each other often." (C.C. Dutt's article in "the Sunday Times, 17 December 1950.)   Page 189 armed insurrection, - and this meant, not ...

... this spiritualised patriotic orientation was Sri Aurobindo. 195 In 1904 Sri Aurobindo met Charu Chandra Dutt I.C.S. who was District Judge at Thana in Bombay Presidency, and converted him to the Bhavani Mandir ideal. It was at Charu Chandra's house that he first met Subodh Mullick, Charu Chandra's brother-in-law, who was to become one of his most loyal friends and a great political and financial... very fond of Russian literature... "After learning Bengali fairly well, Aurobindo began to study Bengali classics, Swarnalata, Annadamangal by Bharat Chandra, Sadhavar Ekadashi by Deenabandhu etc .67 66. Charu Chandra Dutt, an I.C.S. and a friend and fellow-worker of Sri Aurobindo in the political field, relates an incident which illustrates Sri A urobindo's power of concentration... It took our breath away. I remarked to my friends: 'If such a man doesn't become a siddha (spiritually perfect), who would become - people like you and me?' " Puranokatha-Upasanhara by Charu Chandra Dutt. 67. Recently, about 42 Bengali books, which had belonged to Sri Aurobindo have been sent to Sri Aurobindo Ashram from Baroda. They include the Complete Works of Ishwar Gupta, Sekal ...

... making this permanent appointment. Previous to this time Sri Aurobindo had met Shri Charu Chandra Dutt, I. C .S., who was working at Thana. The Bhawani Mandir scheme was explained to Dutt and he joined the revolutionary party. In September 1904 Sri Aurobindo again passed through Thana, met Charu Chandra Dutt and discussed the Bhawani Mandir scheme with Haribhai Modak, editor of Rastramat , Kaka... other agitations without openly joining any political party. During this year (1905) Sri Aurobindo met Sj. Charu Chandra Dutt, I. C .S., at Thana once in the beginning of the year and at another time in September or October. It was at Thana that he met Raja Subodh Mullick, C.C. Dutt's brother-in-law. Sri Aurobindo stayed five or six days during which time he and Subodh Mullick became great friends... Mrinalini Bose, daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose. Her age was fourteen years (birthday 6 March 1888). Sri Aurobindo had had many prospective offers from which he selected Mrinalini. Principal Girish Chandra Bose, a friend of Bhupal Chandra Bose, arranged the match. The marriage took place at Baithakkhana Road, Calcutta, in one of the houses belonging to the Hatkhola Dutt family. As Sri Aurobindo had gone ...

... life are given here: "This reminds me of a compliment given to my eyes by Sir Edward Baker, Governor of Bengal. He visited us in Alipore Jail and told Charu Chandra Dutt, 'Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes? He has the eyes of a mad man!' Charu Dutt took great pains to convince him that I was not at all mad but a Karma Yogi."² ¹ Sri Aurobindo, Bangia Rachana (Pondicheny: Sri Aurobindo Ashram... swing of the metre." ¹ December1939 On 31 August 1908 Narendranath Gossain, who had turned approver, was assassinated in the hospital by Kanailal Dutt. After this incident the prisoners were separated, and on 14 September Kanailal Dutt was hanged in the jail. On 19 October the Alipore case was committed to sessions. In the case there were two groups of accused: in one there were 33 and... connected with the Ramakrishna Mission and I kept it; it was there in my room when the police came to arrest me." ¹ Many members of the secret society were simultaneously arrested: Barin, Ulaskar Dutt, Indra Bhushan, Upendra Nath Banerjee, were all arrested at Murari Pukur Bagan. This, the property of Sri Aurobindo and his brothers, was a plot of seven bighas [approximately one hectare] having in ...

... his perilous fate? This was my puzzle. I was to find later on that his old friend Charu Dutt was troubled in the same way with this question and he asked Sri Aurobindo quite frankly, "You knew that one day you would jump into the whirlwind of political revolution. Why then did you marry?" He replied, "You see, Charu, at that time I was under a spell of despair. So I thought that if I have to pass my... language. Mrinalini and others would come to his rescue. He used to regret his inability to understand his mother-tongue fully. There was another humorous episode narrated by Sri Aurobindo's friend Charu Dutt which brings out a typical aspect of Sri Aurobindo's nature. He writes, "When in 1907 Sri Aurobindo was arrested and released, Bhupalbabu came down to Calcutta from Shillong with Mrinalini to meet... my life as a pedagogue, why not marry?" Sri Aurobindo's answer was very strange, indeed. I am afraid it is not at all in keeping with his character. Was it then Dutt's invention which he was quite capable of at times? Or was it Sri Aurobindo's trick to cover truth with truth which he also used to employ? At any rate, it seems like Page 23 putting off a child with a facile answer. We have ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Mrinalini Devi

... Chandernagore in 1910. This and other parts of Girijashankar's articles were shown to Sri Aurobindo, who on 15   Page 562 December 1944 replied in the form of a letter to Charu Chandra Dutt, the substance of which was published in the Udbodhan ( Phalgun 1351). The story about Sri Aurobindo's visit to Saradamani Devi was repeated by a certain K. Ghosh in a letter published in... developed a code in which "tantra" meant revolutionary activities, and things connected with tantra ( yogini chakras , tantric books, etc.) referred to revolutionary implements like guns (see Arun Chandra Dutt, ed., Light to Superlight [Calcutta: Prabartak Publishers, 1972], pp. 27 - 30). The code sometimes got rather complicated (see the note to letter [3] below). Sri Aurobindo did not use his normal... S." or "the Psalmodist". [1] 3 June 1912. The "letter to our Marathi friend" referred to in the second paragraph may be the letter to Anandrao (see above). Note however that according to Arun Chandra Dutt ( Light to Superlight , pp. 4 - 5), the Marathi friend was a merchant named Madgodkar, apparently the same as the Madgaokar mentioned in letter [9] below. The "case" mentioned in the penultimate ...

... and experiences. Sir Edward Baker, the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, after a visit to the Alipur Jail where he happened to see Sri Aurobindo, told Charu Chandra Dutt: "Have you seen Arabinda Ghose's eyes? He has the eyes of a mad man!", and Dutt had to take great pains to convince Sir Edward that Arabinda wasn't mad at all but was really a true Karma Yogi. 35 There was a more portentous encounter... December 1950) While C.C. Dutt "lakes it appear that he took an important part in the revolutionary and terrorist movement from behind the scenes under the leadership of his 'Chief, Sri Aurobindo, there is perhaps some romanticising in all this. "hen the talk once (28 February 1940) turned on C.C. Dutt's role and activities, Sri Aurobindo is reported to have said: "Charu Dutt seems to be everywhere... the Mayor of Chandernagore, his wife, the Governor of Chandernagore and a few other distinguished European gentlemen, at the Howrah railway station, and these were willing to depose in his favour. Charu Roy had to be released on a representation by the French Government, but the other accused - some of them equally innocent - were not so lucky. Commenting on this and other features of the trial ...

... "This reminds me of a compliment given to my eyes by Sir Edward Baker, Governor of Bengal. He visited us in Alipur Jail and told Charu Chandra Dutt, 'Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes? He has the eyes of a mad man!' Charu Chandra Dutt I.C.S. took great pains to convince him that I was not at all mad but a Karma-Yogi." 163 "I knew something about sculpture, but I was... taken to the form of the charges, the joint trial, admissibility of evidence and other matters. Charu Chandra Roy, who was a French subject brought from Chandernagore on an extradition war- rant, was ordered to be discharged on 5th November as the Government withdrew from his prosecution. Kanai Lal Dutt was in the meantime sentenced to be hanged before this trial began for murdering the approver... Sri Aurobindo's boat touched Chandernagore, Bi- ren went to Charu Chandra Roy, a distinguished citizen of the town who was a fellow-prisoner of Sri Aurobindo in the 176. 177. Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother. Page 341 Alipore jail to request him to make some arrangement for Sri Aurobindo's stay. "Charu Chandra was afraid and did not know what to do. In the meantime, when ...

... force "made the body do the work without any inner activity"; "I carried on a daily newspaper," * Nevertheless, when C.C. Dutt offered to stay on in Calcutta to-look after the boys, Sri Aurobindo ("the Chief) told him with a gracious smile: "I assure you, Charu, I shall look after the boys here. But you must go back to your job.... Well, there are reasons why my best recruiting sergeant must... exceptional cases, the oath was not administered. It was, for example, in a house in Girgaun that Sri Aurobindo offered to take C.C. Dutt, I.C.S. into the secret organisation. Dutt said, "I am yours ""reservedly and unconditionally." Sri Aurobindo didn't give any oath, and Dutt adds: "I felt deeply grateful to him for this trust." (Sunday Times, 17 December 1950)   Page 285 is to be done... besides the continually irritating challenges posed by the queer goings-on of the Moderates. There was, for instance, the happy occasion of the release of Bepin Chandra Pal after six months in prison. "We welcome back today not Bepin Chandra Pal," wrote Sri Aurobindo, "but the speaker of a God-given message; not the man but the voice of the Gospel of Nationalism." 23 In a subsequent article, he ...

... during the year in jail had turned this into an absolute law of the being. This accounts for my immediate action in obedience to the adesha [command] received by me.’ 58 In Chandernagore, Charu Chandra Roy refused to give shelter to Aurobindo although he was bound by oath to do so. He had been a member of the secret society and one of the accused in the Alipore Bomb Case, but he had now developed... the man in his position is not only standing before the bar of this Court but before the bar of the High Court of History.’ 52 The judgement was pronounced on 6 May 1909. Barin and Ullaskar Dutt, the chief bomb maker, were condemned to death; ten others were sentenced to deportation for life; seven more were sentenced from ten years to one year of transportation or imprisonment. The rest of... education and to act as their protector and elder brother. The convicted in the Alipore Bomb Case were tried again in appeal before the High Court from 9 August to 12 October. Barin and Ullaskar Dutt had their death sentences commuted into deportation for life to the Andaman Islands. They were to be accompanied by eight others, most of whose terms were reduced, as were the other sentences. But life ...

... taken to it? Men like Barin, Devarata and Ullas were free to follow their own bent. 4. Hemchandra is not correct in reporting his meeting with "C" Babu, i.e., Charu Chandra Dutt, after his return from Europe. I had occasion to meet Mr. Dutt on this point and I can say on his authority that Hemchandra Kanungo's report is far from accurate. 5. His account of the differences between Barin and Jatin... XII Biography of Sri Aurobindo by Jyotish Chandra Ghosh Jotish Chandra Ghosh, Life-Work of Sri Aurobindo (Calcutta: Atma-Shakti Library, 1929), 186 pages. In refreshing contrast to the biographers that have not been able to grasp the significance of Sri Aurobindo's spiritual endeavour, Sj. Jotish Chandra Ghosh shows a remarkable understanding even in the year... Girija draws upon are not accurate and therefore his conclusions, opinions and judgments are naturally falsified. For example: . 1. He draws upon Hem Chandra Kanungo's book, Banglay Biplava Pracheshta , and takes it for granted that Hem Chandra's versions, information, etc. are accurate. But they are not. One instance will suffice, – Hem actually believes that the Bhawani Mandir pamphlet was ...

... have fragmentary ideas about these things. It has become Page 114 difficult now to study philosophy – there are so many new ones, like the poets !  26–8–1940 Charu Chandra Dutt wrote a review of the "Life Divine" in the Vishva Bharati. When it was read out to Sri Aurobindo he said : He may continue it, it may be for some people an introduction to "Life Divine"... sense – which is not limited to the physical body – but the intensity of it is due to something else. 12-6-1924 There was talk about a poem written by Mrs. Maud Sharma, wife of Thakur Dutt Sharma. It was a poem on a "chair". Sri Aurobindo : Some of the phrases she used are rather remarkable. There is some poetic capacity in her. Disciple : Did you read Harin Chatt... great Truth is to take place there must be a very solid preparation to hold it. That is a more important work than holding up somebody as the Avatar. 22-2-1926 A letter from Subhas Chandra Bose to Dilip Kumar Roy appeared in the "Pravartak" of Chandernagore. Subhash remarked in it that "though he had great respect for Vivekananda he considers Sri Aurobindo – "gabhir" deeper than ...

... Nishikanta’s book? While Tagore has praised his chhanda[rhythm] and bhāshā [language], people call it halting and Sanskritised. Sri Aurobindo: Stupid review. [39] 9 August 1940 Nirodbaran: Charu Dutt doesn’t seem to consider Nishikanta’s poetry in Alakananda as first class. Sri Aurobindo: Is he a good judge of poetry? Nirodbaran: I don’t think so. Sri Aurobindo: Then his opinion has... [2] had climbed up a coconut tree and pierced several coconuts with the help of a drilling machine and drank its water. When the matter was reported to Tagore he sent the dry coconuts to Jagadish Chandra Bose who, after inspecting them, concluded: “It has been done by some insects with long sting.” And once Nishikanto had snapped the shikha [tuft of hair on the crown of the head] of Sanat Thakur, the ...

... things. That men should sometimes go mad there is perfectly understandable. Later Sir Edward Baker, the Governor of Bengal, visited us in the jail and told Charu Dutt, 'Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes? He has the eyes of a mad man!' Charu Dutt took great pains to convince him that I was not at all mad, but a Karmayogi." "And you stayed there for long?" asked Chaitanya. "Yes, for a month. There... rupees which he made on one condition - that I should be its first Principal. He was an active member of our Swadeshi Party and I always put up with him whenever I went to Calcutta. All of you know Charu Dutt, don't you? Well, he was a close relative of Subodh Mullick." "Yes, of course, we know him. We call him Dadu. He knows lots of fascinating stories about you," said Archan. Sri Aurobindo smiled... earth were they so keen to enter my room?" "It seems you had asked for an iced drink earlier, and since the ice was melting rather fast they wanted to give you the drink soon." "Oh! I'm told that Charu has many stories about me. He is the grandfather who carries a great big bag of stories with him! And like all good story-tellers he has a fantastic imagination, so don't believe all of them!" (Laughter) ...

... trance she would see the person coming and speaking to her or herself going there. Besides that wherever the Force is working, the Presence is there." September 28, 1936 You see Charu Dutt. 64 LC.S. wrote a review of Jawaharla's Autobiography in the Viswabharati Review last month. I used to be very friendly with his extremely sweet daughter—died of childbirth, poor girl—so I sent... He is a lovely prose writer in Bengali—a stylist par excellence—a friend of Tagore's. Note also his remarks with love and emotion on you. Did you know him well of yore ? Political ? Charu Dutt ? Yes, saw very little of him, for physically our way lay far apart, but that little was very intimate, one of the best of men whom I used to appreciate most and felt as if they had been my friends... believe in Guru's lead provided the Guru appeals one. You appeal to me—that is all. So why should he want to deflate faith as against reason which so often fails to get us anywhere ? [Subash Chandra Bose's letter, dated 23.12.35 was from Vienna. He wrote,] "Your letter of 19.8.35 reached me on the 20th September. It was very clear and I understand your mind now. Of course I think in a contrary ...