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Dutt, Michael Madhusudan : (1824-73), Bengali poet & dramatist, the first great poet of modern Bengali literature. A dynamic, erratic person, he learnt Greek, Latin & several European & Oriental languages & was a genius of a high order. Meghanādavadha-kāvya is his magnum opus. Educated in the Hindu College under Henry Derozio (1809-1831, a Eurasian born in Calcutta who became a teacher of philosophy in that college at the age of 18), when his father was to get him marries, he ran away to the Missionaries & was baptised in February 1843. For four years he remained at Bishop’s College, Calcutta; then went to Madras where he stayed in great poverty. Returning to Calcutta in1856, he became Interpreter in the Calcutta Police Court & also wrote poetry. In 1862, he went to England & was called to the bar; from 1867, he practised without much success at Calcutta.

13 result/s found for Dutt, Michael Madhusudan

... Calcutta: Seagull, 2002. Derozio, Henry L.V., Poems of Henry Louts Vivian Derozio, A Forgotten Anglo-Indian Poet, Ed. Francis Bradley-Birt (1923), 2nd ed., New Delhi: Oxford UP, 1980. Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, Madhusudan Rachanabali , Ed. Kshetra Gupta, 12th ed., Calcutta: Sahitya Sansad, 1993. Gandhi, M. K., Hind Swaraj (1909), Ahmedabad: Navjivan, 1994. Jones, William, Sir William ...


... Mrs.,30,31 Dibreuil, Jouveau, 384 Dupleix, SS, 374, 376, 377, 379 Dutt, Charu Chandra, 189ff, 193, 207,208, 285fn, 286, 322 Dutt, Kanailal, 324ff Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, 25,49,50 Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 11, 81fn, 83, 662 Eknath, 9 Eliot, T. S., 209,294, 318,491, 513,535 Englishman, The, I'll, 340 Epictetus, 48 ...

... expression, and never misused a single word." The remark about not understanding Bengali that well needs to be amended. For, did he not in August 1894, do a literary critique of Bankim and Michael Madhusudan Dutta in a series of articles in the Induprakash! Then again, Mano, almost immediately upon his return, in October 1894, wrote to Rabindranath: "Aurobindo is anxious to know what you think... think, that he might do great things. Unfortunately he has directed (or rather misdirected) all his energies to writing Bengali poetry. He is at present engaged on an epic (inspired I believe by Michael Madhusudan) on the subject of Usha and Aniruddha." This legend is found in the Mahabharata. Pictures rose in D. K. Roy's mind. "He wrote his poems first on the Gray-Granite writing pad; seldom did... India who have read fifty times or a hundred times as much as I have), only I have made much out of that little...." Sri Aurobindo was a fast reader, and also he read with deep concentration. C. C. Dutt narrates an incident that occured in 1906-7 when Sri Aurobindo was the Principal of the just Page 92 established National College at Calcutta. "Once after returning from College, Sri ...

... perfection of word and rhythm only; for they resemble each other only in one thing, an excess of the word over the substance. 19 August 1932 Michael Madhusudan Dutt I had once the regret that the line of possibility opened out by Michael [Madhusudan Dutt] was not carried any farther in Bengali poetry; but after all it may turn out that nothing has been lost by the apparent interruption. Magnificent... needed. More mastery of colour, form and design was a necessity as well as more depth and wealth in the thought-substance—and this has now been achieved and, if added to the ojas , can fulfil what Madhusudan left only half done. 14 June 1932 Page 384 Rabindranath Tagore Of course Tagore's worshippers will go for Prabodh Sen, what did you expect? Literary nature (artistic generally, ...

... Rajnarayan himself was an outstanding product of the new India that was then rising. A contemporary of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and a close friend of the poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Rajnarayan represented in himself the composite culture of his time — Vedantic, Islamic and European. He was also among the first patriots of the country, the organiser of a National Exhibition ...

... Bengal. The first person to develop a systematic metrical theory of Bengali and one of the luminaries of the University that Tagore conceptualized in Santiniketan. Meghnad Badh: by Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1824-1873). It is an epic poem in Bengali, taken from the Ramayana, on how Ravana's son Meghanad was killed. Here are the lines from Robert Browning's (1812-1889) How ... greatest devotional literature. Shaiva poets composed hymns to Shiva. Charu Chandra Dutt (16.6.1876 - 22.1.1952) served as judge at several places in Western India. He was a revolutionary and met Sri Aurobindo in 1904 in Baroda and was then in contact with him until 1910. In 1940, Charu Dutt met again Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry and then he and his wife, Lilabati, settled in the Ashram ...

... Aurobindo evidently wrote these questions to prepare his students for the university examination. Marginalia on Madhusudan Dutt's Virangana Kavya . Circa 1894-1900. Editorial title. These two pieces were written by Sri Aurobindo in his copy of the Bengali poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt's Virangana Kavya (Calcutta: Vidyaratan Press, 1885). The first was written above the text of Epistle One, the... for reprints. The Men that Pass. This obituary article on Romesh Chandra Dutt was published in the Karmayogin on 4 December 1909, and included in Bankim -Tilak -Dayananda in 1940 and subsequently. In the 1940 edition it was originally to be placed after the article on Bankim Chandra. Asked "why Romesh Dutt should come after Bankim", Sri Aurobindo replied, ironically, "I don't know. I don't... don't know why he should be there at all." Later, when correcting the proofs, he indicated that the Dutt piece should come at the end of the book. APPENDIX ONE: SPEECHES AND REPORTS (BARODA 1901-1905) Sri Aurobindo wrote the documents reproduced in this section while working as an administrative officer and professor in the erstwhile Princely State of Baroda. Then known as ...

... all this. It was a glimpse I could have of the river Kapotakshi, no longer limpid like the "pigeon's eye" though, for it was all cluttered up with weeds – on whose banks stood the birthplace of Michael Madhusudan and the mango grove where he used to play about as a child. I did feel as if the breath of his poetry still lingered about in the atmosphere. The household arrangements at our Gardens were... Prafulla. He had already told him about my antecedents, so one day I received a call – Barin would see me, as if at an interview for a post. Escorted by Prafulla, I arrived at his residence in Gopimohan Dutt Lane at Goabagan. This place acquired some renown during the Alipore case as a den of the terrorists. Next to the house there was a gymnasium for the young men of the neighbourhood where wrestling and ...

... all this. It was a glimpse I could have of the river Kapotakshi, no longer limpid like the "pigeon's eye" though, for it was all cluttered up with weeds—on whose banks stood the birthplace of Michael Madhusudan and the mango grove where he used to play about as a child. I did feel as if the breath of his poetry still lingered about the atmosphere. The household arrangements at our Gardens were... Page 6 him about my antecedents, so one day I received a call— Barin would see me, as if at an interview for a post. Escorted by Prafulla, I arrived at his residence in Gopimohan Dutt Lane at Goabagan. This place acquired some renown during the Alipore case as a den of the terrorists. Next to the house there was a gymnasium for the young men of the neighbourhood where wrestling ...

... called Mori from a pundit. He had an aptitude for picking up languages with an amazing ease and rapidity. He learnt Bengali himself, and learnt it so well as to be able to read the poetry of Michael Madhusudan Dutt and the novels of Bankim Chandra Chatter ji; and both of these authors are anything but easy. "Bengali was not a subject for the competitive examination for the I.C.S. It was after he had... Bose, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Chandidas, Jnanadas, the Dramatical Works of Amritalal Bose, the Poetical Works of Govindadas, a collection of poems by Dinabandhu Mitra, Bengali Sonnets by Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Ananda Math by Bankim Chandra, Goray Galad by Rabindranath Tagore, etc. Page 60 "Aurobindo read Bankim Chandra's novels by himself, and understood them quite well. He... oppressed. In the field of literature, which is the medium of expression of a nation's soul, arose some remarkable men of original genius. "The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new prose and a new poetry." "...Madhusudan's first great poems Sharmistha and Tilottama had a complex effect, much of a piece with the sensation created by Marlowe's Tamburlaine in Elizabethan England ...

... eldest daughter of Rishi Rajnarain Bose, according to the rites of Adi Brahmo Samaj. It was the alliance of two authentic and forceful currents in the inner life of Bengal. A contemporary of Michael Madhusudan Dutt, a student of Henry Derozio and David Hare, Rajnarain Bose was an early synthesis of the East and the West, and in the heyday of his hallowed life "represented the high water-mark of the... time hardly anything about India and her culture, Sri Aurobindo couldn't have written in any other strain. In like manner, the poems on Indian themes the — Radha poems, for example, or those on Madhusudan and Bankim Chandra — were attempts to express his "first reactions to India and Indian culture after the return home and a first acquaintance with these things". 45 The literary echoes are certainly ...

... students for his wit he was never popular for his teaching. Prithwindranath Mukherjee recalls in his memoirs: “When Nishikanto came to teach us Meghnadbad Kavya [The Slaying of Meghnad by Michael Madhusudan Dutta] I felt sad when I observed that such a witty and learned person became extremely dull as a teacher.” [66] An interesting personality Yet Nishikanto remained an interesting p... ’s book? While Tagore has praised his chhanda[rhythm] and bhāshā [language], people call it halting and Sanskritised. Sri Aurobindo: Stupid review. [39] 9 August 1940 Nirodbaran: Charu Dutt doesn’t seem to consider Nishikanta’s poetry in Alakananda as first class. Sri Aurobindo: Is he a good judge of poetry? Nirodbaran: I don’t think so. Sri Aurobindo: Then his opinion has no ...

... wooden like Satyen Dutt's lines. As for the inner rhythm it is surely the Mandakranta rhythm,— more lyrical, less elegiac than the movement of the Meghaduta, but still the same. Your statement of true distinction —in the spirit of the movement as opposed to its body or rather an immobile clay figure representing the mobile body, Page 190 for that is what Satyen Dutt's reproduction comes... praiseworthy in poetry anywhere; but vividness of emotion is no more reprehensible in English than in Bengali poetry. You give as examples of uchchv ā s Page 248 among other things Madhusudan's style, Tagore's poem to me, 1 a passage from Govindadas. I don't think there is any thing in Madhusudhan which an English poet writing in Bengali would have hesitated to father. Tagore's poem is... as a recognised metrical principle in Bengali, you will fulfil one of my two previsions for the future with regard to the language. When I was first introduced to Bengali prosody, I was told that Madhusudan's blank verse was one of fourteen syllables, but to my astonishment found that sometimes ten syllables even counted as fourteen, e.g. R ā van swashurmama Meghn ā dswami [Ravan is my ...