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Dutt, Toru : Tarulata Dutt (1856-77), a cousin of Romesh Dutt, youngest daughter of Govinda Chandra Dutt, a convert to Christianity, who took her & her elder sister Aru to England in 1869: studied English & Greek thoroughly & French at Nice: attended lectures at Cambridge & St. Leonards: back in Calcutta, studied Sanskrit & French: contributed poetry & essays to local magazines, esp. Bengal Magazine. In 1874 Aru died of T.B. In 1876 Toru published a collection of her lyrics translated from French: A Sheaf Gleaned in French Fields which were favourably reviewed in the English & French Press. She also died of T.B. on Aug. 20, 1877. The sisters were good musicians & neither had married. Besides her ballads & legends of Hindusthan, Toru left the Mss of a French novel Le Journal de Mademoiselle D’Arvers. [Buckland]

17 result/s found for Dutt, Toru

... Quincey's division of literature 162 death 5 desire 29,160 dharma 145,174 Diekhoff,John 244 Divine Presence 303 divinisation 6 Donne 46,230 Durga'sLion 307 Dutt,Toru 144 dvārapālaka 299 E ego 298,310,313 Eliot, T.S. 126,335 emotional being 29 English poetry creative intelligence in 229 epic and mysticism in 185 La ...


... rationale of the selection. Sarojini is alright. But, except for a few things, Toru Dutt does not come to much. And, if Toru can be included, surely Harin and Manmohan ought to be. They are better writers than she. If Romesh Dutt was still alive, he would have protested against his exclusion. He could have said, "If Toru, why not Romesh too?" NIRODBARAN: The Hindu reviewer has complained that only... seen in yesterday's Hindu the review of an annual of English literature. It is a symposium of many writers of the British Empire. From India four names have been chosen—one Kashi Prasad Ghose, Toru Dutt, Sarojini Naidu and yourself . Do you know this Kashi Prasad Ghose? SRI AUROBINDO: No. Who is he? NIRODBARAN: Only poets have been included, and the Indian selection has been made by an Indian ...

... Talks with Sri Aurobindo TORU DUTT'S POEM FRANCE-1870 Not dead,—oh no,—she cannot die! Only a swoon from loss of blood! Levite, England passes her by, Help, Samaritan! none is nigh; Who shall stanch me this sanguine flood? Range the brown hair, it blinds her eyes, Dash cold water over her face! Drowned in her blood, she makes no sign, Give her ...

... the achievement of others? 1931 The idea that Indians cannot succeed in English poetry is very much in the air just now but it cannot be taken as absolutely valid. Toru Dutt and Romesh of the same ilk prove nothing; Toru Dutt was an accomplished verse-builder with a delicate talent and some outbreaks of genius and she wrote things that were attractive and sometimes something that had a strong... hy? Many English critics think it first-class in its own kind; of course he was educated at an English public school, but I suppose he Page 442 was not born to the language. Some of Toru Dutt's poems, Sarojini's, Harin's have been highly placed by good English critics, and I don't think we need be more queasy than Englishmen themselves. Of course there were special circumstances, but in... Phillips and Binyon went very far. But I think Manmohan published very little in his lifetime—nothing ever came my way. 25 January 1935 You write in your note to Harin [of 24 January 1935] about Toru Dutt and "Romesh of the same ilk" and Sarojini Naidu that you know of no other Indian than Sarojini to have published in English anything that is really alive and strong and original. I can understand ...

... children is marked by an unbounded energy and passion. Their reading was enormous and ran often quite out of the usual track. Madhu Sudan Dutt, besides English, Bengali and Sanskrit, studied Greek, Latin, Italian and French, and wrote the last naturally and with ease. Toru Dutt, that unhappy and immature genius, who unfortunately wasted herself on a foreign language and perished while yet little more than... gigantic originality. Rammohan Ray arose with a new religion in his hand, which was developed on original lines by men almost greater one thinks than he, by Rajnarain Bose and Debendranath Tagore. The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new Prose and a new Poetry. Vidyasagara, scholar, sage and intellectual dictator, laboured hugely like the Titan he was, to create a new Bengali language ...

... celebrated novelist, poet and essayist of Bengal. He was awarded Padma-bhushan, Rabindra Puraskar and Vidyasagar Puraskar. He was the Founder-President of Paschimbanga Bangla Academy. 13 . Toru Dutt (1856-1877) was one of the earliest poetess of Bengal to write in English and French. 14 . Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949) was born in Hyderabad. She was a poetess and a nationalist. She ...

... life also. I had a great tussle with him not to have it published. He is very popular with the Tamils. He is supposed to be as great a poet as Bharati. His prose is rather rhetorical. NIRODBARAN: Toru Dutt is said to have had great genius. They say that if she had lived she would have been a very great poet. SRI AUROBINDO: Nobody in England thinks other as a great poet. Perhaps the only vigorous ...

... The daughter of a Christian convert, yet she felt drawn to this Hindu story (as also to another great Hindu heroine, Sita). "The chief thing in Savitri's life which attracted the vehement soul of Toru", writes S.V. Mukerjea, "was that she could not but have been the child of a society of freedom." 6 A society where purdah, male domination and child marriages are the governing factors could certainly... feeling; rather is it the measure of her stern purpose, her poised readiness to face any eventuality whatsoever, her tranquil consciousness of her own strength. Page 249       Tom Dutt, the marvellous Bengali girl who mastered two 'alien' languages like English and French and wrote with distinction in both, felt attracted to the Savitri story and translated it into English verse. ...

... Next to Sri Aurobindo he fancies Toru Dutt. He is not directly bearing on "present-day 'Indo-Anglians' ", whom he groups separately. Mr. Lai et al should really have no grudge against Bose within the universe of discourse where the comparative estimate was made. Do they contend that Sri Aurobindo is inferior in authenticity of diction and feeling to Toru Dutt and the rest of the nineteenth-century... belongs to the nineteenth century, when Indians came nearest to 'speaking, thinking and dreaming in English'. In authenticity of diction and feeling Sri Aurobindo far outshines the others, but Toru Dutt's charming pastiche still holds some interest. As for present-day 'Indo-Anglians', they are earnest and not without talent, but it is difficult to see how they can develop as poets in a language... an epic of nearly 24,000 lines cannot just be ignored or bypassed. And, reading on in Mr. Lai's Introduction, we come across some light on the positive side of that see-saw passage. He says: "Toru Dutt..., Sarojini Naidu, and Sri Aurobindo - whatever their weaknesses - have this great strength in common though in varying degrees: they have Indian responses to life and things." And also a little ...

... Speaking about Toru Dutt, Sri Aurobindo tells us as follows: "Toru Dutt was an accomplished verse-builder with a delicate talent and some outbreak of genius and she wrote things that were attractive and sometimes something that had strong energy of language and a rhythmic force." so While commenting on the 19th century literary contributions of Bengal, he mentions that Toru Dutt "could write English... English with perfect grace and correctness and French with energy and power." 51 It was a remarkable insight of Toru Dutt to have seen in the Savitri- ballad the sublime character of Yama. In the discourse with Yama we can discern what Savitri felt in the depth of her soul. Toru Dutt reveals that the God behind the traditional Yama is Love indeed. That imparts to the legend a genuine quality charged... charged with high spiritual contents. Transformed Death in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri is this noble Yama bestowing the boon of divine life on earth. Toru Dutt's poetry is not only enchantingly lyrical; it is also luminous. Let us take an example. When Savitri upholds the Law of Righteousness even in the face of Death, in Vyasa we have: By the Truth the saints lead the sun; by askesis the ...

... everybody. Next to Sri Aurobindo he fancies Toru Dutt. He is not directly bearing on "present-day Indo-Anglians' ", whom he groups separately. Mr. Lal et al should really have no grudge against Bose within the universe of discourse where the comparative estimate was made. Do they contend that Sri Aurobindo is inferior in authenticity of diction and feeling to Toru Dutt and the rest of the nineteenth-century... verse belongs to the nineteenth century, when Indians came nearest to 'speaking, thinking and dreaming in English'. In authenticity of diction and feeling Sri Aurobindo far outshines the others, but Toru Dutt's charming pastiche still holds some interest. As for present-day 'Indo-Anglians', they are earnest and not without talent, but it is difficult to see how they can develop as poets in a language which... that an epic of nearly 24,000 lines cannot just be ignored or bypassed. And, reading on in Mr. Lal's Introduction, we come across some light on the positive side of that see-saw passage. He says: "Torn Dutt..., Sarojini Naidu, and Sri Aurobindo— whatever their weaknesses—have this great strength in common though in varying degrees: they have Indian responses to life and things." And also a little before ...

... every peaceful gift and grace. As for Savitri, to this day Her name is named, when couples wed, And to the bride the parents say, Be thou like her, in heart and head. TORU DUTT 1 Butea Frondosa. Page 550 ...

... age did not give him any subject. Shelley and Keats both tried to bring in the epic with the subjective element, but they failed because they tried to put it in the old forms. Disciple : Toru Dutt has written poetry in English and was well-spoken of for some time. Sri Aurobindo : She has written poetry, – not as an Indian writing in English but like an Englishwoman. But in England no... Aurobindo : Poor creation : what sort of Ravana has he created? It is an outline of an idealised non-rakshasic Rakshasa! Bengalis in those days were very fond of weeping. I think it was Romesh Dutt who translated "Savitri'' from the Mahabharata and portrayed her as weeping, whereas in the Mahabharata there is no trace of it. Even when her heart was being sawed in two not a single tear appeared ...

... better: "To a motionless abode — intense hushed seas"? or "of deep hushed seas"? Sri Aurobindo: My God, sir, the line with its tangle of sh and s sounds would be unpronounceable like Toru Dutt's "Sea-shells she sells". NB: "Wandering on the wild seas of thought" won't do perhaps? Sri Aurobindo: Voyaging through strange seas of Thought, is a piece of highway robbery - you might ...

... Amal had a notebook of his own in which he had copied poems of rare poets who were usually omitted in academic studies, for instance, the War-poets, our Indian poets like Sarojini Naidu, Toru Dutt, Manmohan Ghose.  He tried to inculcate in us the beauty of form, structure, rhythm. But alas the rhythmic beauty of English poetry was alien to my Bengali ears in spite of my composing lots of ...

... suppose. Which is better: "To a motionless abode—intense hushed seas"? or "of deep hushed seas"? My God, sir, the line with its tangle of sh and s sounds would be unpronounceable like Toru Dutt's "Sea-shells she sells". May 2, 1937 Guru, from this quatrain you will see that I have tried a hell of a lot to improve or rewrite it and yet not successful! "Plunge there like pearls ...

... Jawaharlal’s autobiography? Many English critics think it first-class in its own kind; of course he was educated at an English public school, but I suppose he was not born to the language. Some of Toru Dutt’s 13 poems, Sarojini’s, 14 Harin’s have been highly praised by good English critics, and I don’t think we need be more queasy than Englishmen themselves. Of course there were special circumstances... is that it was a zamindar, perhaps from Assam side, but I may be mistaken. J am very grateful for your kind letter. If the rationing, etc. becomes too stringent I will put Sachin off. W. Dutt (and his wife) has written. They sent Rs. 16 for [hotel]. But I will put them off now. I hope you will agree? Yes. But what about the poem on Prahlad, Guru ? I am eager to see your ...