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Dyau Dyauh Dyuloka : heaven; the highest of the three cosmic regions spoken of by the Rishis. Also the plane of the pure mental consciousness, of which Swar, the luminous mind, is the summit.

43 result/s found for Dyau Dyauh Dyuloka

... The Worlds of the Lower Hemisphere The bhuvarloka is not part of the material universe—it is the vital world that goes by that name. Dyuloka = mind world, bhuvarloka = vital world, bhūrloka = material world. Svarloka is the highest region of the dyuloka , but it came to be regarded as identical with it. Tapoloka and the Worlds of Tapas That is the original Tapoloka in which the principle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... births for man, five worlds of creatures where works are done, pañca janāḥ, pañca kṛṣṭīḥ or kṣitīḥ . Dyaus and Prịthivī represent the pure mental and the physical consciousness; between them is the Antarikṣa, the intermediate or connecting level of the vital or, nervous consciousness. Dyauh. and pṛthivī are rodasī our two firmaments; but these have to be overpassed, for then we find admission... force by lighting the fires of the inner sacrifice; they enable it to work by their adoration and submission to it; they express in heaven, that is to say, in the pure mentality which is symbolised by Dyaus, the knowings of the Seers, in other words the illuminations of the Truth-Consciousness which exceeds Mind; and they do this in order to make a passage for this divine force which in its strength seeking ...

... forward to its goal, accept the carrier of our oblation. Rig Veda V.28.1-6 Page 42 111 Vanished the darkness, shaken in its foundation; Heaven shone out (rocata dyauh, implying the manifestation of the three luminous worlds of Swar, diyo rocanani); upward rose the light of the divine Dawn; the Sun entered the vast fields (of the Truth) beholding the straight things ...

... says S. but perhaps मनोवाताः समंजन् worked out into perfection or brightened entirely; but S. says संगतामकार्षुः ममिरे = मात्राभिः = measured—cf also 7 & 8. मही. S. takes = Dyau & Prithivi—but probably Dyau & Mahas. 4 श्रियो Here seems to equal “splendour”. S. takes पर्यभूषन् = अलमकुर्वन् 5 शुरुधः S. आपः । शुचः पिपासाया रोधयित्र्यो । Rather “Currents” or “Motions” or “Divided streams” ...

... Dante 17, 27, 79 Denmark 25 Dionysus 34, 35 Dirghatama 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 Discabolo 18 Douve 77 Dr. Zhivago 38, 40, 42 Dryad 32 Duncan 19 Durga 31 Dyaus 34 E Eliot, T.S. 47, 52, 53, 61 Elsinor 38 Elysium 35 Europe 56 F Fakirs 83, 84 France 48 Francisco 23 G Genoese 50 ...

... universal godhead of Matter. The "turiya" of the Rigveda stands "fourth" from below as well as from above: it is above the lower triplicity of "prithivi" (earth), "antariksha" (vital mid-world) and "dyau" (mind-heaven) but below the higher triplicity, "tridhatu", constituted by "vasu" (substance), "urj" (abounding force of being) and "priyam" or "mayas" (delight or love), the Rigvedic equivalents of ...

... In the Upanishads and Puranas there is no distinction between Swar and Dyaus; therefore a fourth name had to be found for the world of Truth, and this is the Mahar discovered according to the Taittiriya Upanishad by the Rishi Mahachamasya as the fourth Vyahriti, the other three being Swar, Bhuvar and Bhur, i.e. Dyaus, Antariksha and Prithivi of the Veda. ... we are told, Ayasya becoming universal, embracing the births in all the worlds, brought into being a fourth world or fourfold world, which must be the supramental beyond the three lower sessions, Dyaus, Antariksha and Prithivi, that wide world which, according to Kanwa son of Ghora, men reach or create by crossing beyond the two Rodasi after killing Vritra. This fourth world must be therefore Swar ...

... with the Sun, with Surya the daughter of the Sun and with the Dawn. The Ashwins like the other gods descend from the Truth consciousness, the Ritam; they are born or manifested from Heaven, from Dyaus, the pure Mind; their movement pervades all the worlds,—the effect of their action ranges from the body through the vital being and the thought to the superconscient Truth. It commences indeed from... the full movement of the Ashwins becomes possible; for by the Truth comes the realised Delight, the heavenly beatitude. Therefore, the chariot of the Ashwins is being yoked upon the height of this Dyaus, the high level or plane of the resplendent mind. That chariot is all-pervading; its motion goes everywhere; its speed runs freely on all planes of our consciousness. Yujyate rathaḥ parijmā divo asya ...

... Another great discovery of the Vedic Rishis was the secret of relationship between man and the cosmos. They discovered three earths of physical existence (prithvi) and three heavens of pure mind (dyau) and the intermediate Mid-region of life-force (antariksha); they discovered, at a still higher level, three luminous heavens of Swar, described variously in terms of the Truth, Right and Vast... corresponds to the world of creative slight of existence (Jnanaloka); the principle of knowledge or Truth, vijnana, corresponds to the world of vastness (Maharloka); the principle of mind, which was Dyau in the Vedas corresponds to the Puranic world of light (Swar); the principle of life which in the Veda was the Principle of antariksha corresponds to the world of various becoming (Bhuvar); and ...

... Mahas with the psychological term ritam . As Sri Aurobindo explains: "The Rishis speak of three cosmic divisions. Earth, the antariksa or middle region and Heaven ( dyau ); but there is also a greater Heaven ( brhad dyau ) called also the Wide World, the Vast ( briha t and typified sometimes as the Great Water, maho arnah. This brihat is again described as ritam brihat or in a triple term ...

... kavih kavitva divi rupam asajat. 1 Thus the essence of poetic power is to fashion divine Beauty, to reveal heavenly forms. What is this Heaven whose forms the Poet discovers and embodies? Heaven—Dyaus—has a very definite connotation in the Veda. It means the luminous or divine Mind 2 —the mind purified of its obscurity and limitations, due to subjection to the external senses, thus opening to the ...

... kavih kavitvā divi rūpam āsajat.¹ Thus the essence of poetic power is to fashion divine Beauty, to reveal heavenly forms. What is this Heaven whose forms the Poet discovers and embodies? Heaven – Dyaus – has a very definite connotation in the Veda. It means the luminous or divine Mind 2 – the mind purified of its obscurity and limitations, due to subjection to the external senses, thus opening to ...

... of Aryaman, and these chariots are seven because the human being conducts his journey by the energy that is sevenfold corresponding to the sevenfold principle of integral existence, Bhur, Bhuvar, Dyauh, (with swar on its summit), Mahar, Janah, Tapas, and Satyam. It is Aryaman's aid to the yogin to the sevenfold energy of human aspiration that leads to the fulfillment in integral perfection... Matter, Life, Mind), turīyam svij janayad viśwajanyah. 37 The Veda speaks of five births for man, five worlds of creations where works are done, pancajanah, panca krstih. The mind and the body, Dyauh and prithvi, rodasi, our two firmaments; the third is antariksha, the intermediate or connecting level of the vital or nervous consciousness. These three worlds are to be overpassed, for then we ...

... The Vedic Rishis announced that heaven was our father and earth the mother – daurme pitā mātā prthvimahīyam. The Vedantins usually and mainly worship the father, and Tantriks, the mother. Svarga, Dyaus, is the world of light, and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus ...

... The Vedic Rishis announced that heaven was our father and earth the mother— daurme pitā mātā pṛthvimahīyam. The Vedantins usuallyand mainly worship the father, and Tantriks, the mother. Svarga, Dyaus, is the world of light, and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus ...

... fourth Vyahriti, Mahas, with the psychological term "Ritam". The Rishis speak Page 44 of three cosmic divisions, Earth, the Antariksha or middle region and Heaven (Dyaus); but there is also a greater Heaven (Brihad Dyau) called also the Wide World, the Vast (Brihat), and typified sometimes as the Great Water, Maho Arnas. This "Brihat" is again described as "Ritam Brihat" or in a triple term ...

... earths and heavens. These seers often image them in a series of trios. There are three earths and three heavens. There is a triple world below consisting of heaven, earth, and intervening mid-region, — dyau, prthvi and antariksha. There is a triple world between, the shinning heavens of the sun; and there is a triple world above, — the supreme and rapturous abodes of the godheads. Page 59 ... worlds 2. The Link-world Supermind The Truth, Right, Vast, manifested in Swar, with its three luminous heavens 3.The triple lower-world Pure Mind Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) Life-force The Mid-Region (Antarisksha) Matter Earth (The Three Earths) We draw from the life-world our vital being. We draw from the ...

... Preferring ordinarily a concrete to an abstract language, the Rishis speak of the physical consciousness as the physical world, earth, Bhu, Prithivi. They describe the pure mental consciousness as heaven, Dyaus, of which Swar, the luminous mind, is the summit. To the intermediate dynamic, vital or nervous consciousness they give the name either of Antariksha, the intermediate vision, or of Bhuvar,—multiple ...

... Dashagwas) was that of the turiyam svid, a certain fourth world, a world higher than the three worlds of ordinary experience, the earth, the mid-world and the heaven, prithwi, antariksha and dyauh, the worlds corresponding to our body, life and mind. This fourth world, the supramental world, the Swar was discovered, according to the Vedic legend, as a consequence of the discovery of the s ...

... not merely in its outer religious import but in its deeper pursuit of knowledge relating to what the Vedas call Prithvi, the earth, Antariksha, subtle levels of existence between matter and mind, Dyau, the plane of the higher mind, Svah, the world of light, and Surya, the world of everlasting day or of the supramental light, and still beyond, of the transcendental unity and oneness. For ...

... fibres the wine has to come streaming. The image evidently refers to the purified mental and emotional consciousness, the conscious heart, cetas , whose thoughts and emotions are the threads or fibres. Dyaus or Heaven is the pure mental principle not subjected to the reactions of the nerves and the body. In the seat of Heaven,—the pure mental being as distinguished from the vital and physical consciousness ...

... sádhan, devo martasya sadhanitwam ápa. 10) So may that Agni lead us on in his knowledge to that bliss of his which is enjoyed by the gods, which all the Immortals made by Thought and father Dyaus begot it increasing Truth. Sa tú no Agnir nayatu prajánann, achchhá ratnam devabhaktam yad asya; Dhiyá yad vi sh ve amṛitá akṛiṇvan, Dyaushpitá janitá satyam ukshan. Sy. takes यद् = यमग्निं ...

... his desires satisfied and possesses quite an unlimited number of horses, cows, sons and retainers. But what we have set out to prove is that it is not so, that on the contrary, this wide world, bṛhad dyau or Swar, which we have to attain by passing beyond heaven and earth,—for so it is more than once stated, e.g. I.36.8, "Human beings ( manuṣaḥ ) slaying the Coverer have crossed beyond both earth and ...

... fibres the wine has to come streaming. The image evidently refers to the purified mental and emotional consciousness, the conscious heart; chetas, those thoughts and emotions are the threads or fibres. Dyau or Heaven is the pure mental principle not subjected to the reactions of the nerves and the body. In the seat of Heaven, — the pure mental being as distinguished from the vital and physical consciousness ...

... and establish my thesis by an examination of their sense and context. Or if I wish to prove that Indra in the Veda is really in his psychological functions the master of luminous mind typified by Dyaus, or Heaven, with its three shining realms, Rochana, I should have to examine similarly the hymns addressed to Indra and the passages in which there is a clear mention of the Vedic system of worlds. ...

... heaven" and "queen of plenty" (V. 792, 6), she is the luminous precursor who makes possible the advent of Sūrya and the other divinities. Prithivī is there too, the Earth-Goddess, co-parent with Dyau, Heaven, of everything. Goddesses also are the Rivers who are sisters of Saraswati, making with her a divine septet. "They are figured," says Sri Aurobindo "as fostering cows (dhenavah), mares ...

... anism, ii Drishadvati, 16, 62, 64 Druhyus, 15, 126 Duchesne, J. Guillemin, 91 Dusratta (Dasaratha), 34 Dvandva, 31 Dwaraka, v Dyau, 39 Early India and Pakistan, 4fn. Egypt, 32 Page 145 Egyptian hieroglyphs, 49 Egyptians, 16 Al-Amarna, 32 Elam, 72 Elamite ...

... five of these discoveries. I Greatest of these discoveries was that of the fourth world as distinguished from the world of matter (prithm), world of life (antariksha) and the world of mind (dyau). This fourth world was called "turiyam svid, the world of truth and of everlasting light. Three words describe this fourth world: satyam, ritam, brihat, truth, right and vast. Modem knowledge ...

... ? In the first Mandala of Rig Veda, in the 71 st sukta, Parashara speaks of the path to the great supramental consciousness, which is called the great heaven as distinguished from heaven or dyauh, signifying the realm of mental consciousness: "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made for us the path to the ...

... while your sacrifice moves forward to its goal, accept the carrier of our oblation. Rig Veda V.28.1-6 III Vanished the darkness, shaken in its foundation; Heaven shone out (rocata dyauh, implying the manifestation of the three luminous worlds of Swar, diyo rocanani); upward rose the light of the divine Dawn; the Sun entered the vast fields (of the Truth) beholding the straight things ...

... of all the things. Perhaps the most important discovery described in the Veda is that of turn/am svid, a certain fourth world, a world higher than the three worlds, prithvi, antariksha, and dyau, the worlds corresponding to our body, life and mind. In an important hymn, there is a reference to Ayasya, the companion of the Navagas, and we are told that Ayasya became by this discovery ...

... verse reads: "To Indra Dyaus the Asura hath bowed him down, to Indra mighty Earth with wide-extending tracts, to win the light, with wide-spread tracts. / All Gods of one accord have set Indra in front preeminent...." 476 Would this imply a struggle for leadership between Dyaus the Asura and Indra the Deva resulting in Indra's triumph? Another hymn, 1,54, appears to equate Dyaus with Indra in verse 3:... op. cit. , p. 91, col. 1. 477. Ibid., p. 36, col. 2. Page 393 the Bull. But it is "lofty Dyaus" who has "high glory" and is called "the Asura". As far as we can pierce the somewhat baffling language, it is Indra himself who is now seen as the supreme Sky-deity, Dyaus. In fact, the preceding verse - 2 -has the same turn of phrase at the start and is openly about Indra, under the... "Even as the power of Dyaus, to thee, O Indra, all Asura sway was by the Gods entrusted, / When thou, Impetuous! leagued with Visnu, slewest Vrtra the Dragon who enclosed the waters" (6,20,2). 478 The second part, too, of the verse implies an instance of interfused parity. For, if the gods entrusted to Indra, because of his slaying Vritra, an Asuraship like the "power" which Dyaus went on holding at ...

... divine worlds 2) The Link-World Supermind   The Truth, Right, Vast, manifested in Swar, with its three luminous heavens 3) The triple lower world Pure Mind Life-force Matter Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) The Mid-Region (Antariksha) Earth (the three earths) And as each principle can be modified by the subordinate manifestation of the others within it, each world is divisible ...

... the seven psychological principles or states of existence (sat-chit-ānanda-vijñāna-manas-prāna-anna) to the Vedic threefold division, - Sat-chit-ananda above, Dyaus-antariksha-prithvi below, and the link world of Supermind or Brihad-dyau of Satyam-ritam-brihat (Truth-Right-Vast). The seven planes of subjective consciousness were seen as the reflection within of the seven objective worlds without ...

... all these countries these gods began to assume a higher, a psychological function; Pallas Athene who may have been originally a Dawn-Goddess springing in flames from the head of Zeus, the Sky-God, Dyaus of the Veda, has in classical Greece a higher function and was identified by the Romans with their Minerva, the Goddess of learning and wisdom; similarly, Saraswati, a river Goddess, becomes in India ...

... exposition of these three worlds, and here these three worlds Page 84 have been designated as Bhur, Bhuvar, and Swar, which are, respectively, synonyms of prithvi, antarikṣa and dyau, or the physical, the vital, and the mental. In this fifth chapter, the Upanishad speaks of the fourth world, and points out that that fourth world was revealed by Rishi Mahachamasya, a great teacher ...

... towards our mentality in the three heavenly luminous worlds of swar, the domain of Indra. Below is the triple system in which we live. This triple system consists of three earths, three heavens, dyaus, and the connecting mid-region Page 25 (antariksha). In simpler terms, the triple lower world in which we live is the world of matter, life-force and pure mind. According to the Vedic ...

... 346 Drbhika, 330, 332 Drsadvati, 238, 255 Druhyu(s), 355, 357 Duchesne-Guillemin, J., 262, 318 dvandva, 213, 401-3 Dwaraka, 200-203, 240 Dyala region, 252 Dyau(s), 345, 393-4, 416, 417, 419 Dzharkutan, 308 Early Dynastic period (in Mesopotamia), 252 Egypt, 244, 262 Elam, 251, 252 Elephantine papyri, 319 Encyclopaedia ...

... grand finale , the indescribable Supracosmic, but stands in that numerical position both from below and from above: it is above the lower triplicity of Prithivi (earth), antariksha (vital plane) and dyau (mind-level) as well as below the higher triplicity (tridhatu) constituted by Vasu (substance), urj (abounding force of being) and priyam or mayas (delight or love), the Rigvedic equivalent ...

... out towards our mentality in the three heavenly luminous worlds of Swar, the domain of Indra. Below is the triple system in which we live. This triple system consists of three earths, three heavens, dyaus, and the connecting mid-region (antariksha). In simpler terms, the triple lower world in which we live is the world of matter, life-force and pure mind. According to the Vedic idea, each principle ...

... Link-World Supermind The Truth, Right, Vast, manifested in Swar, with its three luminous heavens. 3 The triple lower world Pure Mind Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) 4 Life-Force The Mid-Region (Antariksha) 5 Matter Earth (the three earths) Our earth, according to the Veda, has been ...

... the astronomical interpretation of Vedic hymns is supported, inspire, when Page 191 examined, or deserve any more certain confidence. To identify the Aswins with the two sons of the Greek Dyaus, Kastor and Polydeuces, and again these two pairs conjecturally with two stars of the constellation Gemini is easy & carries with it a great air of likelihood; but an air of likelihood is not proof ...

... Bhuvarloka (Prana-Manas, the lower subjective world), Swarloka (Manas- Buddhi, the higher subjective world). These are the tribhuvana of Hinduism. (3) Corresponding to Mahas is Maharloka or Mahi Dyaus, the great heavens (pure Buddhi or Vijnana, the ideal world). The Pranava in its three essentialities rules over the three supreme worlds, the Satyaloka (divine being), Tapoloka (divine Awareness & ...