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Ecbatana : now officially named Hamadan, a city at the foot of Mt. Elvend (or Alvand) & northeast of Behistun, in west-central Iran. The Greeks called it Ecbatana. It was one of the Median capitals under Cyrus II the Great (d. 529 BC), & later the summer residence of Achaemenid & Pārthian kings.

4 result/s found for Ecbatana

... background of the current supposition about Sandrocottus. Even the palace, excavated at Pātaliputra and recognised as the one described by Megasthenes and said by him to surpass those of Susa and Ecbatana, is not taken as directly influenced by those earlier royal dwellings abroad. Spooner suggested that a close parallel to the excavated palace may be perceived in the Achaemenid Hall of Hundred Columns... views have not been generally accepted. 2 Raychaudhuri 3 goes pointedly further in connection with the Pātaliputra palace. After quoting the phrase that with this palace "neither Susa, nor Ecbatana, can vie", he continues with the side-remark found in the Greek reports: "for methinks, only the well-known vanity of the Persians could prompt such a comparison", and adds his own footnotes: "The... diversify the workmanship." There is no reason to consider these pillars to have been wooden. We must keep in mind that, according to Aelian, 2 "neither Memnonian Susa with all its costly splendour, nor Ecbatana with all its magnificence" could vie with the palace of Sandrocottus in imperial Palibothra. Surely, those splendid and magnificent cities of Persia were not built all of wood, least of all were their ...


... else I'ld try My hand at reigning. As the gods choose. Through her I may rule Syria. Page 233 Scene III Antiochus' chamber. Antiochus, with a map before him. ANTIOCHUS Ecbatana, Susa and Sogdiana, The Aryan country which the Indus bounds, Euphrates' stream and Tigris' golden sands, The Oxus and Jaxartes and these mountains Vague and enormous shouldering the moon With... remain with me. Rodogune leaves the chamber with faltering steps. O Love, thou art Diviner in the enjoying. Can I now Unblinded scan this map? No, she is there; It is her eyes I see and not Ecbatana. Page 238 Scene IV The hall in the Palace. Timocles, Phayllus. TIMOCLES O, all the sweetness and the glory gathered Into one smiling life, the other's left Barren, ... must not refuse. Page 253 ANTIOCHUS I do refuse it. There shall be no peace. CLEOPATRA My son! ANTIOCHUS Peace! Are the Parthians at our gates? Has not alarm besieged Ecbatana? When was it ever seen or heard till now That victors sued for peace? And this the reason, A woman's reason, because many have bled And more have wept. It is the tears, the blood Prodigally spent ...


... Dunand, 353 Dupont-Sommer. 314, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 348, 349 Durant, Will, 394 Duttagāmani, 370, 371 Dvātrimsat-puttaliku, 519 Dvivedi, M. M. S., 53 Ecbatana.465, 483 Emoda mountains, 170 Eoritai, 530 Ephesus, 483 Epiphanius, 238, 593 Eran stone inscription, 38, 511 Erandapallaka-Damana, 203 Erannoboas (Hiranyavāha, Sonos/Son) ...


... arranged to send the sick and disabled among them to the sea-coast, they protested that he was not only doing them an injustice but deliberately humiliating them. In the spring (324) he left Susa for Ecbatana in Media and there, after he had dealt with the most pressing of his concerns, he once more turned his attention to plays and spectacles, since three thousand players had arrived from Greece. At this ...
