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Elements of Politics : by Henry Sidgwick.

5 result/s found for Elements of Politics

... well or ill-founded, but rightly or wrongly this sentiment has taken possession of him and he is invincible under its influence. For we find the same explanation in Mill. Sidgwick also in his Elements of Politics harps on the same strain. "Besides the material advantages," he says, "there are legitimate sentimental satisfactions derived from justifiable conquest which must be taken into account. Such ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... and dodges, and, though skilful in a way, it shows throughout an extraordinary ignorance of the country they rule. The latest brilliant device is an attempt to reshuffle the constituent elements of Indian politics and sort them out afresh on the basis not only of creed, but of caste. The Pioneer has come out with an article in its best style of businesslike gravity, in which it settles the basis... for creating and perpetuating as political entities divisions which every healthful political organism progresses by subordinating and discharging of all political significance; but it is obvious enough. If it were possible for the bureaucracy to turn the social divisions of the community into political divisions, there could be no more fatal instrument of political disorganisation, and just as a natural... social organisation and conservation, but it has not and should not be allowed to have any political meaning. In India with the exception of Maharashtra it has had no political meaning at all. In the old times it was different. All the executive power and functions of war and politics were in the hands of the Kshatriyas for the good reasons that the whole work of war and protection of the country from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Secretary of State for India (1905-1910), and Lord Minto was the Viceroy of India during the same period. Under the same Reform policy, the Anglo-Indian Machiavels reshuffled the constituent elements of Indian politics on the basis of not only creed, but of caste. Of course, the Colonialists had begun long ago to make capital of the religious diversities of Indian society, but under Minto they openly adopted... a counterpoise to the Hindus. Muslims were no more to be the children of the soil, an integral portion of one Indian people, but as a politically distinct and hostile interest, to nullify the Hindus. Worse was the seed of discord sown by creating caste as a political instrument. Is it not strange that the British rulers who did their best to undermine caste as a social institution were the ones who... had published a notice. "It is rumoured that Sri Aurobindo Ghose has gone away somewhere, nobody knows where. So far as we know, he is engaged in the practice of yoga and will not take up any political or other work. Because he is not willing to see anybody for the moment, the place of his sadhana has been kept a secret." Sri Aurobindo had trained Nolini Kanto Gupta in the task of editing the ...


... of agitation, of making a big noise, we forget that they have their government while here it is not ours and therefore the agitation is futile. There are three elements in European politics. 1. Mental idea or ideal of political -and social life. 2. Interest of the communities or .classes. 3. Machinery of Government. Now, in Europe people believe and think that if they succeed in bringing... After­wards it became a political institution. Disciple : The fasting of the chief eunuch is a form of  Satyagraha ! But the deposition of the Khalifa is dramatic. Sri Aurobindo : It is rather comic than dramatic. The Pondicherry politics came in for discussion. Monin Naik from Chandernagore arrived to-day. Sri Aurobindo : Our people have not yet got the political sense, If they can... the bent of the genius of the race. 29-6-1926 Disciple : What is the difference between European and Indian Politics ? Sri Aurobindo : If you mean the politics of India today then there is absolutely no difference. It is a bad copy of Western politics, taking any catch-words, often even without any reference to realities. For instance, you introduce parliamentarian liberalism ...

... and they are irresistibly growing into a living and powerful political force. The latest brilliant device [of the British bureaucracy] is an attempt to reshuffle the constituent elements of Indian politics and sort them out afresh on the basis not only of creed, but of caste [Caste] has not and should not be allowed to have any political meaning. * *  * December 17, 1907 When... under its flag all the elements of strength that exist in this huge country. The Brahman Pandit and the Mahomedan Maulavi, the caste organisation and the trade-union, the laborer and the artisan, the coolie at his work and the peasant in his field, none of these should have been left out of the sphere of our activities. For each is a strength, a unit of force; and in politics the victory is to the... will never do in serious politics. Respect of persons must always give place to truth and conscience; and the demand that we should be silent because of the age or past services of our opponents, is politically immoral and unsound. Open attack, unsparing criticism, the severest satire, the most wounding irony, are all methods perfectly justifiable and indispensable in politics. Page 20 ...
