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Eleusis : city of Attica in Greece, NW of Athens, at the mouth of the river Cephisus.
... anything in this immense Night, I am only a prayer, a fire ceaselessly burning. Will the Earth understand? Will the Earth accept? Or will everything go back to Night and dust, as in Thebes and in Eleusis, as always and everywhere — For the moment, it all hangs on Laffont — will he understand, will he adhere to it? It is so new. Oh, they do welcome the super-marvels of the Old Thing, but who will... evangelizations and “salvations” (my God), in a beyond which is right here, precisely in a magical little cell. Everyone tried to trap the bird in their own way: it was this way in Thebes, that way in Eleusis, through magic and occultism and celestial excursions — others, in Athens, tried to shut it in some Apollonian marvel or a few Raphaelite lines ... Everyone tried in their own way. And one keeps ...
... equal and one." There is a Secret, that is clear. All traditions bear witness to it, whether the Rishis or the Magi of Persia, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan, the hierophants of Eleusis or even our Celts. We have forgotten. We have lost the Word. ...I perceived the Law, The Truth, the Vast, From which we came and which we are; I heard The ages past Whisper their history... testament of the Ages of Intuition, 18 Sri Aurobindo may have given us the key to all traditions, from Iran to Central America and the banks of the Rhine, the secret of all seekers of perfection, from Eleusis to the Cathars and alchemists, for we do seem to find everywhere that ancient Memory of a great transmutative truth and its overshadowing, of the Quest, the battle of the heroes of Light against the ...
... From Sri Aurobindo's Savitri. A MYSTERY PLAY Foreword The Greek myth of "Demeter and Persephone" is one of the most ancient and venerated ones, the well-known Mysteries of Eleusis having been connected with it. These Mysteries, however, were so strictly guarded, complete silence being enjoined on penalty of death, that we know practically nothing about them. Most of the great... Earth-Goddess, at Zeus' behest. Pluto makes her his queen and keeps her as his prisoner. Demeter, in deep sorrow searches for her everywhere and, roaming over the earth in her grief, she arrives at Eleusis. Here, the three daughters of Keleos take her to their home where she heals their little brother and is engaged by Metaneira, their mother, to tend him. Wishing to make the child immortal, she rubs ...
... shown, with a wealth of minutiae what no other commentator appears to have discerned - that "the story of Lyca in the two poems... is... Blake's version of the myth celebrated in the Mysteries of Eleusis, the story of the descent of Persephone into Hades, and the search of the Mother for her lost child". 16 Hades or Pluto is material Nature. The Virgin Persephone or Proserpine is the vital animating... Intellect, the higher part of the consciousness, going in quest of the lost lower part that has entered the profundities of Matter. Basing himself on Thomas Taylor's Dissertation upon the Mysteries of Eleusis and Dionysus (c. 1790) over and above Porphyry's Cave of the Nymphs published in English in 1788 in the Second Volume of Taylor's translation of Proclus's Mathemathical Commentaries, Blake does ...
... seeking here, seeking there. At last, on Hecate's advice, she went to consult Divine Helios who revealed to her the name of her daughter's ravisher. After roaming the earth Demeter retired at Eleusis. There she prepared for mankind a cruel and terrible year in which the earth refused to give forth any crops. Then would the entire human race have perished of cruel, biting hunger if Zeus had not... return of Kore. In February, each year, the return of Kore was celebrated in what was called, The Lesser Eleusinia, festival that was held near Athens. The Greater Eleusinia took place in Eleusis every five years in September. During this festival the Mystai or initiates were admitted into the hall of initiation where secret ceremonies were performed. In the age of Peisistratus* the legend ...
... enlightened Page 85 religion which perhaps came to Greece from Thrace and certainly inspired the "mystery cults" which were practiced in various parts of Greece, especially at Eleusis in Attica. 41 The Great King: The king of Persia, regarded as a type of worldly prosperity. 42 Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Aeacus were by tradition mortal sons ...
... but in some ways remarkably enlightened religion which perhaps came to Greece from Thrace and certainly inspired the "mystery cults" which were practised in various parts of Greece, especially at Eleusis in Attica. The Great King: The king of Persia, regarded as a type of worldly prosperity. Minos, Rhadamanthys, andAeacus were by tradition mortal sons of Zeus (the gods' ...
... heavenly part that was twice born, once of his mother Siemele, and once from the thigh of his father Zeus. The Bacchic rites, it was believed, were capable of making man more nearly completely divine. At Eleusis, the most important part of religion consisted of Eleusinian mysteries. It appears that the Eleusinianism was impregnated with Orphism, and when the yogic development contained in the mysteries reached ...
... ever informed the esoteric doctrine of the Egyptians or inspired the men of an older primitive Greece, the fathers of knowledge who founded the mystic rites of Orpheus or the secret initiation of Eleusis. But over it all there was the "Aryan light", a confidence and joy and a happy, equal friendliness with the Gods which the Aryan brought with him into the world, free from the so more shadows that ...
... look like nothing—though if we stopped being accustomed to the world and removed our convenient labels, we might start discovering more things than appear to be and more mysteries than all those of Eleusis. So we will not give out the recipe for a "good sleep" or for the worlds: This habit of wanting to force others to think like you always seemed, strange to me. You have your own experience; well ...
... place this is - for I have wandered far. Aglaia Tell her, Ariadne, you are good at this. While Ariadne speaks the others fill their pitchers. Ariadne The town is called Eleusis, it is small, But Heaven smiles upon it, the air is sweet. And this is the ancient well, renowned of old, The Well of Flowers, the Well of Lovely Dances. Demeter What pretty names ...
... was not only a moral element in the Greek religion as known & practised by the layman, there was also a mystic element and an esoteric belief & practice practised by the initiated. The mysteries of Eleusis, the Thracian rites connected with the name of Orpheus, the Phrygian worship of Cybele, even the Bacchic rites rested on a mystic symbolism which gave a deep internal meaning to the exterior circumstances ...
... ever informed the esoteric doctrine of the Egyptians or inspired the men of an older primitive Greece, the fathers of knowledge who founded the mystic rites of Orpheus or the secret initiation of Eleusis. But over it all there was the "Aryan light", a confidence and joy and a happy, equal friendliness with the Gods which the Aryan brought with him into the world, free from the sombre shadows that fell ...
... 222, 266 Demogorgon, 23,240 Desire, 70,158 deus absconditus, 28 Devil, 44 "devouring fire", 74,75 "devouring flame", 74,75,169 Dissertation upon the Mysteries of Eleusis and Dionysus, 134 "Divine Humanity", 4,70,146,152, 156,216 "Divine Similitude", 84,97,118,265 "Divine Vision, The", 157,161,162, 167 Divine Vision, The, 53 fn. 2,146 fn. 36, ...
... ever informed the esoteric doctrine of the Egyptians or inspired the men of an older primitive Greece, the fathers of knowledge who founded the mystic rites of Orpheus or the secret initiation of Eleusis. But over it all there was the "Aryan light", a confidence and joy and a happy, equal friendliness with the Gods which the Aryan brought with him into the world, free from the sombre Page 7 ...
... 248 At the same time, Sri Aurobindo was retrieving the lost Secret, that of the Veda and of all the more or less distorted traditions from Persia to Central America and the Rhine Valley, from Eleusis to the Cathars and from the Round Table to the Alchemists – the ancient Secret of all the seekers of perfection. This is the quest for the Treasure in the depths of the cave; the battle against the ...
... ultimate physical reality of the universe. It is reality only for the cage. As for "other worlds," there is no lack of psychics, sages and saints in every age and clime, from Egypt to India, to Eleusis and Dante, who have seen and described them; any person at all conscious and developed has seen his "dead" friends after their death (in sleep, generally, precisely when the web of the physical Mind ...
... the Roman Empire have documented the large-scale destruction of 'pagan' temples by Christian clergy from the fourth century onwards." 1 By the end of the fifth century, the famous Greek temple at Eleusis, where Demeter—Mother Earth—was worshipped, was changed into a graveyard. The rapidity of the destruction is rather breathtaking when we learn that it was only in November 392 that the Roman Emperor ...
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