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25 result/s found for Emotional centre

... thousand-petalled lotus on the top of the head. (2) In the middle of the forehead—the Ajna Chakra—(will, vision, dynamic thought). (3) Throat centre—externalising mind. (4) Heart-lotus—emotional centre. The psychic is behind it. (5) Navel—higher vital (proper). (6) Below navel—lower vital. (7) Muladhara—physical. All these centres are in the middle of the body; they are supposed... a new mind, vital and body for himself. There is one centre for the heart, although it is a double centre, in front the emotional, behind the psychic. The apex of the psychic and emotional centre (like the apex of all centres) is in the backbone, the base in front in the middle of the sternum. The physical heart is in the left side, but the heart centre of Yoga is in the middle... abolished—they are brought under the psychic influence and psychicised, or they are occupied by the higher consciousness from above and transformed into its instruments. The heart-centre is the emotional centre. The navel is the main vital centre. In the abdomen is the lower vital centre. It is in these two that there is the origination of desire—but desire rises and becomes emotional in the heart and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... ideal power with our own life, and a willing self-surrender to its control. 3. An immense elation and freedom, as the outlines of the confining selfhood melt down. 4. A shifting of the emotional centre towards loving and harmonious affections towards 'yes, yes,' and away from 'no,' where the claims of the non-ego are concerned. These fundamental inner conditions have characteristic practical... patience and fortitude open out. Fears and anxieties go, and blissful equanimity takes their place. Come heaven, come hell, it makes no difference now! c. Purity. — The shifting of the emotional centre brings with it, first, increase of purity. The sensitiveness to spiritual discords is enhanced, and the cleansing of existence from brutal and sensual elements becomes imperative. Occasions of... the world. In some temperaments this need of purity of spirit takes an ascetic turn, and weaknesses of the flesh are treated with relentless severity. d. Charity. — The shifting of the emotional centre brings, secondly, increase of charity, tenderness for fellow- creatures. The ordinary motives to antipathy, which usually set such close bounds to tenderness among human beings, are inhibited ...

... Yoga, we are speaking of the emotional centre and that like all the others is in the middle of the body in a line corresponding to the spinal cord. The places he speaks of are four centres—(1) crown of head = higher mental centre, (2) between the eyebrows = centre of will and vision, (3) throat = centre of externalising mind, (4) heart = (mental-vital) emotional centre with the psychic behind it (the ...


... in front the higher vital or emotional being, behind and concealed the soul or psychic being. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The System of the Chakras The apex of the psychic and emotional centre (like the apex of all centres) is in the backbone, the base in front in middle of the sternum. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The System of the Chakras The heart is the centre ...


... our activities which is received and represented imperfectly by our outer mind and converted into the movements of the ignorance in the external action of these parts of our nature. The heart or emotional centre of the thinking desire mind is the strongest in the ordinary man, gathers up or at least affects the presentation of things to the consciousness and is the capital of the system. It is from there ...


... of them sooner. That is why I say repeatedly that these things are not in yourself, but from outside. The Piercing of the Veil The cry you heard was not in the physical heart, but in the emotional centre. The breaking of the wall meant the breaking of the obstacle or at least of some obstacle there between your inner and your outer being. Most people live in their ordinary outer ignorant personality ...


... the place of communication with the inner mind centre by which thoughts etc. enter into the personal being from the general Nature. The sternum at the point indicated 1 holds the psychic and emotional centre, with its apex on the spinal column behind. Pressure When the Force comes down one at first feels a pressure. Afterwards it begins to enter the body, when once the way is open Page ...


... top of the head. 2) In the middle of the forehead—the Ajna-Chakra-(Will, Vision, Dynamic Thought). It is not called the psychic eye. 3) Throat-Centre—Externalizing mind. 4) Heart-lotus—Emotional Centre in front, Psychic behind it. 5) Navel—Higher Vital (Proper) Centre. 6) Below Navel—Lower Vital Centre. 7) Muladhar—Physical Centre. All the Centres are in the middle of the body, not ...

... have an aspiration, an intensity or a widening? Because as soon as one aspires, isn't it the mind that aspires? No; aspiration, as well as widening and intensity, comes from the heart, the emotional centre, the door of the psychic or rather the door leading to the psychic. Page 223 The mind by its nature is curious and interested; it sees, it observes, t tries to understand and explain; ...


... power with our own life, and a willing self-surrender to its control; (iii) An immense elation and freedom, as the outlines of the confining selfhood melt down; and (iv) A shifting of the emotional centre towards loving and harmonious affections. William James has also described the practical consequences of the development of saintliness as (a) Asceticism, (b) Strength of Soul, (c) Purity ...

... which tries to unite with the outer one. I became also conscious of the movements of the vital which we may call egoistic movements. They rise from the vital and become con­scious at the emotional centre. The thoughts by themselves have no character of vanity or selfishness, but when dwelling on certain thoughts, vital movements of this character appear and I cannot stop them. I suppose they will ...


... giving a sharp squeeze to the being's scrotum. At this the being fled. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: The being appears to have been right about Nishikanto. The pit of the stomach is the vital-emotional centre, which is the source of his strength. But it would be interesting to know what happened to the scrotum of the vital being. (Laughter) After this, Satyendra gave Sri Aurobindo a Bengali poem ...


... lotus on the top of the head. 2. In the middle of the forehead — the Ajna Chakra — (will, vision, dynamic thought). 3. Throat centre — externalising mind. 4. Heart-lotus — emotional centre. The psychic is behind it. 5. Navel — higher vital (proper). 6. Below navel — lower vital. 7. Muladhara — physical Page 406 "All these centres are in the middle ...


... line from a poem of mine shadows forth:   Silence that, losing all, grows infinite Self.   Or else under the brooding silence the inmost soul in you, the psychic heart behind the emotional centre, finding that the common noises of the world have ceased, will emerge from its sacred solitude and make itself felt as   A Fire whose tongue has tasted paradise.   Another effect ...


... The centre of the psychic being is behind the centre of the emotional being; it is the emotional that is nearest dynamically to the psychic and Page 188 in most men it is through the emotional centre that the psychic can be most easily reached and through the psychicised emotion that it can be most easily expressed. Many therefore mistake the one for the other; but there is a world of difference ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... psychic being may be described in Indian language as the Purusha in the heart or the caitya puruṣa ; 2 but the inner or secret heart must be understood, hṛdaye guhāyām , not the outer vital-emotional centre. It is the true psychic entity (distinguished from the vital desire-mind)—the psyche—spoken of on the page of the Arya to which you make reference. The psychic is the soul, the divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... company. Page 290 The first is in the manner of terse prose statement, but made just poetical by a certain life and vividness and a rhythmic suggestion touching though not deeply some emotional centre of response just sufficient to make it a thought felt and not merely presented to the conception: the other though not going beyond a luminously clear and strong poetical adequacy in its manner ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... excitement or heightened nerve sensation, it is an attempt of the psychic to emerge from behind the veil and what you feel is the psychic joy. (The psychic is seated behind the heart, behind the emotional centre.) But when this psychic joy comes, it communicates itself to the mind, the vital and the body. You have then to be careful that no mixture comes in from the vital and the physical—such as the ...


... force (the force of the higher consciousness) preparing an opening through the three upper centres (brahmarandhra, base of sahasradala; inner mind centre in the forehead; and the heart or psychic-emotional centre). The feeling in the spine is due to a very slight flow of the current of the Shakti from above—the spine being the base of all the centres and the channel through which the Force tends most easily ...

... of the higher Divine Truth encircling the Akash of the heart and the diamond mass is the Mother's light pressing into that Akash. It is therefore a sign of these powers working on the psychic-emotional centre. 17 December 1936 One night I found a vast light, yellowish white, cool and peaceful, coming down from above. Is this the light of the higher mind consciousness or of some spiritual co ...

... The psychic being may be described in Indian language as the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha ; but the inner or secret heart must be understood, hṛdaye guhāyām* not the outer vital-emotional centre. *Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Psychic Being Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Psychic Being Ordinarily, all the more inward and all the abnormal psychological ...


... suddenly giving a sharp squeeze to the being’s scrotum. At this the being fled. (laughter) Sri Aurobindo: The being appears to have been right about Nishikanto. The pit of the stomach is the vital-emotional centre, which is the source of the strength. But it would be interesting to know what happened to the scrotum of the vital being. ( laughter) [65] [4 April 1940] A little known fact: For some time ...

... own life, and a willing self-surrender to its control; 3. An immense elation and freedom, as the outlines of the confining selfhood melt down; and Page 86 4. A shifting of the emotional centre towards loving and harmonious affections. William James has also described the following practical consequences of the development of saintliness: (a) Asceticism (b) Strength of Soul ...

... lotus on the top of the head. 2. In the middle of the forehead, the Agna Chakra—; ( will, vision, dynamic thought. ) 3. Throat-Centre-externalising mind. 4. Heart-lotus-emotional centre. The psychic is behind it. 5. Navel centre, higher vital ( proper ) 6. Below navel—the lower vital. 7. Muladhara—the physical. All these centres are in the middle of the ...

... an aspiration, an intensity or a widening? Because as soon as one aspires, it is the mind that aspires, isn’t it? No; aspiration, as well as widening and intensity, come from the heart, the emotional centre, the door of the psychic or rather the door leading to the psychic. The mind by its nature is curious and interested; it sees, it observes, it tries to understand and explain; and with all ...
