Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
Enna : in central Sicily was the site of the rape of Persephone (Kore). See Demeter.
... was greeted with either ‘Bonjour’, ‘Namaskaram’ or “How are you, bhai” — in Tamil, Telugu, English or French. (He never picked up any Bengali, Gujarati or Hindi? Something strange!) Usually it was an “Enna Thambi”, a sort of “Hello, Brother” in Tamil, for his work was to do much with the working class, the police constable or a young officer or clerk — all were Thambis. Kameshwar was a passepartout... favoured — but he did not miss out on the English or other language films shown in our Play Ground. He could walk into any of the 4-5 film tents (only later halls) — of course — no ticket. Just the “ Enna Thambi ” password and the ticket collector or manager would show him to his chair. He could even choose to see the first half one day and come for the rest another day. Sometimes, he would tell me ...
... The outcome, however, is not pedantic at all: rather a living profusion of ornate richness overwhelms us. And this profusion starts off with the famous phrases: Not that fair field Of Enna, where Proserpin gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gathered - which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world... 8 We begin with four... Eve's fall. Milton starts finding Classical similitudes for her when she left Adam and "betook her to the groves". Just as the list of places which Eden was not, and which it surpassed, began with the Enna of Ceres and Proserpin, so now the list of comparisons, beginning with Oread, Dryad, Diana's attendant and Pales and Pomona, ends with a comparison to Ceres in her prime, Yet virgin of Proserpina... misfortune awaiting Proserpina are mixed together, but the central suggestion of Hell's ambush for the unsuspecting maiden "among sweet flowers and shades" harks back definitely to "that fair field of Enna". A few lines further we have a touch answering to the wideness of Ceres's pain, for the "Fiend" who had invaded the Paradise of Adam and Eve was on his quest Where likeliest he might find ...
... their closing sequence of long vowels, most of them in slow limping monosyllables enforcing the pathos of the sense: Not that fair field Of Enna where Proserpin gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gathered, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world ...
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