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Epigoni : sons of the Seven (Heroes) Against Thebes. Ten years after the fathers of the Seven died at Thebes, & long before the Trojan War, the Heroes avenged their fathers under the leadership of Adrastus, the only surviving hero of the Seven. They conquered Thebes & gave the kingdom to Thersander, one of the Epigoni.

1 result/s found for Epigoni

... heroes of the Renascence and the feebler Epigoni of our day. But he had contemporary with him men of extraordinary talent, men like Dinabandhu Mitra and Dwarkanath Mitra, men so to speak of the second tier. Bankim was the last of the original geniuses. Since then the great impulse towards originality has gone backward like a receding wave. After Bankim came the Epigoni, Hemchandra Banerji, Nobin Sen, Ro ...
