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Eratosthenes : of Cyrene (c.276-194 BC): Greek scholar & poet; he wrote on literature, theatre, mathematics, astronomy, geography, & philosophy. He is credited with measuring correctly the circumference & tilt of the earth & the size & distance of the sun & the moon.
... Emoda mountains, 170 Eoritai, 530 Ephesus, 483 Epiphanius, 238, 593 Eran stone inscription, 38, 511 Erandapallaka-Damana, 203 Erannoboas (Hiranyavāha, Sonos/Son), 116 Eratosthenes, 261 Erythraean Sea, 55, 56 Essenes, 240 Eudemus, 66 Eucratides/Eukratides, 40, 429, 441 Eumenes of Pergama, 236-7 Euripides: Bacchae, 260 Euthydemus, 532 evam ...
... flowing' on as long as required; but to a Brahmin of the old times this would have been a proof of a capacity neither unusual nor astonishing, but rather, petty and limited. The many-sidedness of an Eratosthenes or the range of a Herbert Spencer have created in Europe admiring or astonished comment; but the universality of the ordinary curriculum in ancient India was for every student and not for the e ...
... flowing on as long as required; but to a Brahmin of the old times this would have been a proof of a capacity neither unusual nor astonishing, but rather, petty and limited. The many-sidedness of an Eratosthenes or the range of a Herbert Spencer have created in Europe admiring or astonished comment; but the universality of the ordinary curriculum in ancient India was for every student and not for the e ...
... Rufus (8,3) and Ptolemy's Geography (6,10,2), the Dahas lived on the lower course of the river Margos (modern Murghab) or in the northern steppe area of Margiana. Pomponius Mela (3,42), based on Eratosthenes, tells that the great bend of the river Oxus towards the 9. P. 206. 10. Pp. 220-21. Page 206 northwest begins near the Dahas (iuxta Dahas), Tacitus (Ann. 11,10) ...
... science is its Judeo-Christian background. The science of the so-called Hellenistic period in Greece and Alexandria had reached a high level of development with figures of genius like Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Aristarchus of Samos, Hipparchus and Ptolemy. Marvin Minsky regrets the course history has taken, for he is of the opinion that science could now already have been much more advanced “if its progress ...
... and 1. "The Yavanas", op. cit., p. 101 with fn. 2. Page 260 Dionysus, Megasthenes and a few others consider them trustworthy; but most other writers, among whom is Eratosthenes, consider them untrustworthy and mythical, like the stories current among the Greeks." So we see that the mass of serious Greek minds themselves dismissed the very basis for the claim of the Nysaioi's ...
... Ephedra, 210, 343 equus, 219, 220, 222, 279 Equus asinus, 248, 250 Equus caballus, 215, 216, 219, 230, 248, 250, 266 Equus hemionus, 248, 249 Eratosthenes, 206 etymology, 206-8, 210, 293-7, 375-80, 407 anasah, 349-50 asura, 367-9, 375-6, 379 dasa, 206-7, 346-9, 362 dasyu, 207 Haumavarga ...
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