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Erinnys : Greek goddesses of retribution, three winged maidens with snakes in their hair, who pursued criminals, drove them mad, & tormented them in Hades.

7 result/s found for Erinnys

... demon; Page 338 Dumb and coerced by the grip of the gods in the abyss of the being, Formidable, veiled they sit in the grey subconscient darkness Watching the sleep of the snake-haired Erinnys. Miracled, haloed, Seer and magician and prophet who beholds what the thought cannot witness, Lifting the godhead within us to more than a human endeavour, Slayer and saviour, thinker and mystic... Immortal Apollo Shone and his silver clang was heard with alarm in our kingdoms. Ares' impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of splendour; Themis' steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys; Nor was Hephaestus' flaming strength from his father divided. Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal, Seemed; but his rays are the shades and his voice is the call of the silence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... giants who waged war against the gods. He was hurled down by Athene and imprisoned beneath Mount Etna in Sicily. When he stirs, the mountain shakes, and when he breathes, there is an eruption. Erinnys: One of the Furies (Erinnyes), spirits of vengeance and punishment. The Erinnyes, older than Zeus and Olympian gods, are commonly represented as winged women with snakes about them. Page 115... 115 Eryx: The modern Erice, a town on top of Monte San Giuliano in northwest Sicily. Its ancient temple to Aphrodite was famous through the Mediterranean world. Fury: see Erinnys. Ganymede: Ancient astronomers identified him with Aquarius, the Water-bearer. Distinguished among mortals for his extraordinary beauty, Zeus had him swept up to Olympus by an eagle, There he ...


... Bugles of Light, bugles of Light, blare through the mist and the darkness! Children of Immortality, we march through the Abyss and the Shadow, Over us hustle the feet of the Fates and the wings of Erinnys, In front is the screech of the Death horn, behind the red-eyed monster hunts and howls the tornado. Our steps search for the road and find the morass and the pitfall. Follow the Gleam, follow the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... demon; Dumb and coerced by the grip of the gods in the abyss of the being, Formidable, veiled they sit in the grey subconscient darkness Watching the sleep of the snake-haired Erinnys. Miracled, haloed, Seer and magician and prophet who beholds what the thought cannot witness, Lifting the godhead within us to more than a human endeavour, Slayer and saviour, thinker ...

... of the Titan and demon; Dumb and coerced by the grip of the gods in the abyss of the being, Formidable, veiled they sit in the grey subconscient darkness Watching the sleep of the snake-haired Erinnys. Miracled, haloed, Seer and magician and prophet who beholds what the thought cannot witness, Lifting the godhead within us to more than a human endeavour, Slayer and saviour, thinker and mystic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... Titan and demon; Dumb and coerced by the grip of the gods in the abyss of the being, Formidable, veiled they sit in the grey subconscient darkness Watching the sleep of the snake-haired Erinnys. Miracled, haloed, Seer and magician and prophet who beholds what the thought cannot witness. Page 125 Lifting the godhead within us to more than a hum an endeavour, Slayer ...


... and his silver clang was heard with alarm in our kingdoms. Ares' impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of splendour; Page 75 Themis' steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys; Nor was Hephaestus' flaming strength from his father divided. Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal, Seemed; but his rays are the shades and his voice is the call of the silence ...
