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Eryx : ancient city in Sicily, famed for its temple to Aphrodite.
... the aeons be ended. Suffer my Greeks; accept who accept thee, O gold Dionaean. They in the works of their craft and their dreams shall enthrone thee for ever, Building thee temples in Paphos and Eryx and island Cythera, Building the fane more enduring and bright of thy golden ideal. Page 451 Even if natures of men could renounce thee and God do without thee, Rose of love and sea of ...
... Suffer my Greeks; accept who accept thee. O gold Dionaean. Page 86 They in the works of their craft and their dreams shall enthrone thee for ever, Building thee temples in Paphos and Eryx and island Cythera, Building the fane more enduring and bright of thy golden ideal. Even if natures of men could renounce thee and God do without thee, Rose of love and sea of delight, ...
... the Furies (Erinnyes), spirits of vengeance and punishment. The Erinnyes, older than Zeus and Olympian gods, are commonly represented as winged women with snakes about them. Page 115 Eryx: The modern Erice, a town on top of Monte San Giuliano in northwest Sicily. Its ancient temple to Aphrodite was famous through the Mediterranean world. Fury: see Erinnys. Ganymede: ...
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