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Esperanto : fake language, designed like Volapuk as an international language, created in 1887 by Ludwik Zamenhof, Polish oculist.

7 result/s found for Esperanto

... laughs) I gave it back to him. They already have something more. (silence ) Some people who speak Esperanto have written me an official letter to tell me how many of them there are (a considerable number) and to say that they would like their Esperanto to be the language of Auroville.... There are many of them speaking it, many. They're everywhere, I think. I received the letter ...

... everybody dressed in the same way, if everybody lived in the same fashion, the whole world would be united!" One had only to go from land to land advocating a universal Esperanto language, an Esperanto mode of dress, and a set of Esperanto Page 186 habits "Everybody would be happy, all would understand one another, nobody would quarrel if everyone did the same thing." In reply, Mirra could ...


... giving it to you!" ( Mother laughs ) I gave it back to him. They have something more, already. ( silence ) People who speak Esperanto wrote me an official letter to say how many they are (a considerable number), and that they would like their Esperanto to be Auroville's language.... There are lots of people who speak that language, lots. Everywhere, I think. I got that letter two or three ...


... an unprecedented splendour, ease and amenity in this development of human life, and no doubt some chief poet of the age, writing in the common or Page 507 official tongue—shall we say, Esperanto?—would sing confidently of the approach of the golden age or even proclaim its actual arrival and eternal duration. But after a time, there would be a dying down of force, a static condition of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... it now is, would be able to know Sanskrit in this way. I think they are cutting up Sanskrit as well, out of habit. We need a new language. We need to make a new language. Not some kind of esperanto!—but sounds springing straight from above. The SOUND must be captured. There must be one sound at the origin of all language ... And then, to capture it and project it. To make it vibrate ... because ...


... give us the art according to His transforming vision ! Only you and I do not and cannot understand him. A. As an eminent art-critic says of the modernist, "Each seeks to invent an artistic esperanto unmistakably his and his alone" (A. K. Coomaraswamy). The result is artistic bareness. Each is trying to work out an intellectual theory or follow some mental idea, not expressing his vision ...

... Vous qui brisez la loi de la nuit éternelle! O vous qui appelez à vos sommets ardus Les pantins de la terre. . . . 2 1.An artificial international language like Esperanto, created a few years earlier. 2.You who break the law of the eternal night! O you who call to your arduous summits The puppets of the earth.... Page 143 Dr. Walker ...