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Essay on Criticism : best known of Alexander Pope’s satirical verses that include The Rape of the Lock & The Dunciad [s/a Shakespeare]. He attracted the notice of a bookseller who published his Pastorals in 1709 in the sixth part of Tonson’s Poetical Miscellanies. At the time Pastorals was published, the Heroic Couplet style in which it was written was a moderately new genre of poetry, & earned Pope instant fame. By this time Pope was already at work on his more ambitious poem Essay on Criticism in the same style designed to create a rebirth of the contemporary literary scene. The Essay, first published in 1711, is an attempt to identify & refine his own positions as a poet & critic. The poem was said to be a response to an on-going debate on the question of whether poetry should be natural, or written according to predetermined artificial rules inherited from the classical past. It began with a discussion of the standard rules that govern poetry by which a critic passes judgment. The Essay commenced on the classical authors who dealt with such standards, & the authority that he believed should be accredited to them. He discusses the laws to which a critic should adhere while critiquing poetry, & points out that critics serve an important function in aiding poets with their works, as opposed to the practice of attacking them. The final section discusses the moral qualities & virtues inherent in the ideal critic, who, Pope claims, is also the ideal man.
... eighteenth-century poetry is one of commonsense and reason, that is to say intellectual and rational. Pope and Johnson are the two chief critics of the school. Pope expressly lays it down in his Essay on Criticism that sense and wit are the bases of all true poetry and Johnson is continually appealing to them as criterions, especially in his life of Gray, where he objects to what he considers the excess ...
... Eliot, T. S. Selected Poems - T. S. Eliot (Penguin Poets, Harmondsworth), 1948. Ezekiel Frye, Northrop "Blake After Two Centuries" in English Romantic Poets, Modern Essays in Criticism, edited by M. H. Abrams (New York), 1960. Grierson, Sir Herbert Milton and Wordsworth (Cambridge), 1938. Hanford, J. H. A Milton Handbook (Fourth Edition, New York)... Marion A. Habig (Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago). St. Paul Colossians, I. Sampson, John Blake's Poetical Works (Oxford), 1904. Seturaman, V. (Editor) Critical Essays on English Literature (Orient Longman, Madras), 1965. Shakespeare, W. King Henry the Fifth, Act III, Scene 1. Swinburne, A. C. William Blake (Chatto & Windus). Wickstead ...
... (Allen & Unwin, London, 1951). Vivas, Elisco. Creation and Discovery: Essays in Criticism and Aesthetics (The Noonday Press, New York, 1955). Yeats, W.B. Essays (Macmillan, London, 1924). Yutang, Lin. The Wisdom of India (Michael Joseph, London, 1948). Wain, John. Preliminary Essays (Macmillan, London, 1957). Walker, Kenneth. A Study of Gurdjieff's... Selected Essays (Faber Faber, London, 1944). The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism (Faber 8c Faber, London, 1955). Fausset, Hugh I'Anson. A Modern Prelude (Jonathan Cape, London, 1933). Frazer, Sri James George. Man, God and Immortality: Thoughts on Human Progress (Macmillan, London, 1927). Gayley, CM. Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism: Lyric... (Sri Aurobindo Karyalaya, Anand, 1949). Ray, Prithwis Chandra. Life and Times of C. R. Das (Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1927). Read, Sri Herbert. Collected Essays in Literary Criticism (Faber & Faber, London, 1938). Richards, LA. Coleridge on Imagination (Roudedge, London, 2 nd Edition, 1950). Science and Poetry (Kegan Paul, London, 1926) ...
... ¹ Prelude, III. II. 62-63. ² "Nature herself seems, I say, to take the pen out of his hand, and to write for him with her own bare, sheer, penetrating power."-Matthew Arnold, Essays in Criticism. Page 234 or else, Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn are indeed the highest peaks of English poetry. Sri Aurobindo has said that Vyasa is the most ...
... Andamans, 103 Ansars, 267 Antigone, 187, 273 -Aphrodite, 182 Apollo, 180, 182 Aragon, 88 Aristotle, 89, 248 Arjuna, 254 Arnold, Matthew, 71, 189,234 -Essays in Criticism, 234n Arya, the, 131,227-8 Asia, 284 Asuras, 159 Aswins, 45 Atri, 162 Auden,88 Aurelius, 70 BACCHUS, 182 Bacon, 108 Banerji, Sanat Kumar, 230n ...
... 18. The House of the Titans, pp. 1-2. 19. Essays in Literary Criticism, edited by Irving Singer, p. 403. 20. ibid , p. 405. 21. See Wellek & Warren, Theory of Literature, p. 195. 22. Quoted in Cassirer, Language and Myth, p. 5. 23. Collected Essays in Literary Criticism, p. 101. 24. Language and Myth, p. 99. See also Berdyaev:... tu s ād bunam arth ā m v ā kanuvartate, rsinam punar ā dyanam v ā cam artkonu dh ā vati. 68. English Critical Essays, XX Century, Second Series, p. 73. 69. Allen Tate, in his rewarding essay on Longinus and the New Criticism, ably argues that 'transport' does not mean 'romantic shudder'; Longinus' own words are (as quoted by Tate): "...If a work of literature fails... and the revelations of the mystic would then be grounded not only upon subconscious memory and instinct, but also upon the influx of energy from a larger Self." 38. Collected Essays in Literary Criticism, p. 44. 39. Quoted in The Imprisoned Splendour, p. 81. 40. The Destiny of the Mind, p. 122. Also Robert Graves:"... it is not too much to say that all original ...
... the tribe of Tiger. For the Cherub Cat is a term of the Angel Tiger... 27 27. From a quotation by Northrop Frye in "Blake After Two Centuries" in English Romantic Poets, Modern Essays in Criticism, edited by M. H. Abrams (New York), 1960, p. 61. Page 42 ... rightfully. It is not by direct analysis of words and of the poem's internal pattern that Raine comes to her conclusion about the Tyger's nature. In fact, the only straight evaluation which she essays of the poem's character has quite the opposite result. It is a bit of 12.Keynes, erf. c it., p. 311 (Vala, or the Four Zoas, Night the Fifth, 11.223-225). 13. Op. cit., p. 428. ...
... that way. As a help in the beginning Dilip suggests that I should write long letters to friends, translate others' poems and writings, read a lot of books etc. And Amal says I should write essays and criticism of poems and of others' writings. Please tell me if these are the right ways to begin. Page 589 Of course you can do all that. If you can really do it it will at least be a lesson... His work is done in an exalting excitement of the vital mind—judgment and criticism can only come when he has cooled down. 6 April 1937 Using Criticism from Others I do not like to show my poems to others; I'm afraid their criticism will take away all impulse to write. If you do not show them and face criticism how will you improve? 12 October 1933 Contact with Other Writers ... opinion only when they want it. I never make suggestions. It is in English poetry that I give my opinions or correct or make suggestions. 22 November 1933 Criticism of Bengali Poetry I do not know that I can suggest any detailed criticisms of Bengali poetry, as I have to rely more on what I feel than on any expert knowledge of language and metre. Sri Aurobindo's Force and the Writing of Poetry ...
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