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Essence of Vedanta : English translation of Vedantasāra, by Sadānanda (q.v.). It is one of the best known epitomes of Shankarāchārya’s Adwaita.
... Incomplete Translations of Two Vedantic Texts (Circa 1900-1902) Kena and Other Upanishads Sadananda's Essence of Vedanta [ ] - blank left by the author to be filled in later but left unfilled, which the editors were not able to fill INVOCATION To the Absolute अखण्डं सच्चिदानन्दमवाङ्मनसगोचरम् । आत्मानमखिलाधारमाश्रयेऽभीष्टसिद्धये ॥१॥... वक्ष्ये यथामति ॥२॥ 2) After homage to the Masters who in deed as well as word delight in the One without second and from whom the seemings of duality have passed away, I will declare the Essence of Vedanta according to my intellectual capacity. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT The Training of the Vedantin वेदान्तो नामोपनिषत्प्रमाणं तदुपकारीणि शारीरकसूत्रादीनि च ॥३॥ 3) By Vedanta is meant the ...
... italicised in his translation were supplied by him to make the meaning of the Sanskrit more clear. It was first published in The Upanishads in 1971. Sadananda's Essence of Vedanta. Circa 1902. The Vedantasara or "Essence of Vedanta" was written by Sadananda in the fifteenth century. Sri Aurobindo translated only the first sixteen of the work's 227 aphorisms. The incomplete translation was first ...
... veda yadi va na veda. So we see that our ancient Rishis were not so far removed after all from these Siddhacharyas. There was something about these non-conformist Tantriks that was of the essence of Vedanta; those who to an apparent view seem to have lived beyond the pale have shown themselves to be the peers of the "respectable" classes in their manner and style as in the richness of their ...
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