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Father Damien : (1840-89), Belgian missionary who converted Hawaiian lepers. “Love is the turning of the Self from its false self in the mind or body to its true Self in another…. So is it with the lover of humanity, who loses or seeks to lose his lower self in mankind; no enlightened selfishness could have given us Father Damien or Jesus or Florence Nightingale.” [SABCL 12:484]
... forge of Charvaka or grow them in the garden of Epicurus. So is it with the lover of humanity, who loses or seeks to lose his lower self in mankind; no enlightened selfishness could have given us Father Damien or Jesus or Florence Nightingale. So is it finally with the lover of the whole world, of whom the mighty type is Buddha, the one unapproachable ideal of Divine Love in man, he who turned from perfect ...
... like St. Francis's. Perhaps the saintly passion with which he burned had the subtle power to protect him, but his example does not cry out to be followed. Even some such passion did not protect Father Damien. Most of whatever else of philanthropy the little friar of Assisi did may be worth following if one's turn of temperament points in that direction. But Francis was not merely a philanthropist. And ...
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